He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1240 Youshu vs Xiaoyao

Chapter 1240 Youshu vs Xiaoyao
As for the bottom, the semi-final between Yuuki and Xiao Haruka.

It can be said that it is evenly matched, and it is undoubtedly the best game to watch in this Caiyou Conference.

After all, the previous battles were basically games of disparity in strength, but there was no such exciting sense of excitement in this one.

Boom boom boom! !

The repeated explosions also made the battle below completely intensify.

"It's not five or five, it's six or four."

In the stands, Xiao Zhi said.

After a fierce battle, Xiaoyao had only the last Pokémon left. And Yuki had two Pokémon who had not yet shot.

Knowing the initial Pokémon of the two, Xiao Zhi naturally knew that this match was already decided.

"Come out, flame chicken!!"

"Giant marsh monster, prepare to fight!!"

On one side is a sturdy turkey warrior, and the moment he appeared on the wrist, a flame was ignited.

On the other side is a thick giant marsh monster, with a half-bent body and a face that looks a little silly.

Not only that, the two trainers at both ends of the arena stared at each other and raised their hands at the same time.


The dazzling colorful light completely covered the two Pokémon.

As the light dissipated, the body shapes of the two Pokémon underwent new changes at the same time!

The hair on the flame chicken's head stood up, and the flames that originally spewed from the wrist turned into two slender flame ribbons.

Even the lower limbs, which were originally yellow and red, turned into a more vigorous black and red.

Mega flame chicken! !

On the other side, the entire body of the giant marsh monster has become swelled, full of bursting muscles.

The original yellow spots were transformed into more mature and huge orange protrusions, and the erect black fins even extended backwards and connected with the caudal fin, making them extremely strong.

Of course, his face was still rather dull, the same as that of Marsh King.

Mega giant marsh monster!
"Have these two guys mastered mega evolution?"

Ash saw the mega wrists on their wrists.

This was a gift from Mikkori to them after they helped to subdue Chiyanpine and Shuiwutong.

At that time, Yushu and Xiao Haruka were also startled.

What kind of mega evolution, I have never heard of it. Was the world before them a fake!

There is no mega evolution, and no primitive return of Groudon and Kyogre.

However, the two extremely talented people, once they get started, naturally quickly grasp this power.

The combat power reached its peak, and the mega giant marsh monster and the mega flame chicken fought fiercely together.

Boom boom boom! !

The collision of moves, in the state of mega evolution, is even more powerful, and every blow can make people feel tens of meters and hundreds of meters away, and they still feel their hearts tremble.

"Why are there so many monsters this year?"

"I have the feeling that Furong participated in the league conference in the first two years."

"Outrageous, I heard that he is a novice trainer who only debuted this year"

This time, not only was the audience horrified, but the four Heavenly Kings in the Fangyuan area who were watching also changed their expressions and chatted in whispers.

Even Furong didn't think that he who challenged the Alliance Conference at the beginning would be able to outperform the two below.

"Are these two guys really newcomers who traveled at the same time as me?"

Especially the onlookers Shota, whose scalp was numb.
At most, he traveled 2 months later than Yushu Xiaoyao and the two, which was barely the same period.

But this battle scene, the battle of the king is probably like this, right?

"Well, I won't lose to the king of the alliance. But it's not stable enough."

Xiaozhi said that the old god was there.

He has fought a lot of heavenly kings, and he has already figured out the style of this level of trainer.

The hard power is almost the same, but it's not silky enough. Every alliance king's battle, the command is smooth and easy, even the passers-by who are not aware of it will feel a kind of enjoyment watching their games.

But the two below, the battle was still too rough and tough.

"A little bit, still a little bit worse."

On the other side, Qianli frowned slightly and said the same.

"What are you talking about, Dad, my sister is simply invincible!! It's not a problem to take down the white-headed boy on the opposite side!!"

Xiaosheng next to him was just screaming, and his heart was beating wildly.

He can't wait to jump off now and help his sister fight.

However, Qianli shook his head.

The layman is watching the excitement. At this moment, the defeat is set, and Xiaoyao is still one step behind the boy on the opposite side.

Even if he was lucky enough to defeat the opponent, there was a thicker and more severe mountain waiting behind him.

Qianli also watched the entire semi-final of the previous game.

In the end, he could only shake his head lightly, sighing with emotion:

"Neither of these two are Xiao Zhi's opponents. What an incredible young man."

Even if you go to fight by yourself, you may not be able to take any advantage in Xiaozhi's hands.
Under the high-intensity battle, the mega giant marsh monster and the mega flame chicken stood at opposite ends of the arena, gasping for breath.

His body was full of scars, and his expression was exhausted, obviously he had entered the state of a candle in the wind.


In the end, the mega flame chicken was the first to be unable to support it, half pressing his eyes, his figure sank to the ground.

call out.!
The colorful rays of light flickered, exiting the state of mega evolution, and became the original flame chicken.

"Flame Chicken!"

This made Xiao Yao's expression darken.


The giant marsh monster on the other side was half-kneeling on the ground, barely supporting his body.

Seeing that the powerful enemy finally fell, it completely dissipated its mega energy and returned to normal.

"Flame Chicken is incapacitated. Because all six Pokémon of Xiaoyao are incapacitated, this game is won by Yushu of Weibai Town and advances to the final!!"

The referee's voice fell, announcing the complete end of the game.

"Damn, it's almost again!"

Xiaoyao clenched her fists tightly, her pretty face was full of dissatisfaction, she stamped her feet angrily, and in the end she could only glared at the young man opposite.

"Humph, it's not a little worse~!"

Yuuki on the other side touched his nose and said with a bit of stinky fart to show off.

There is also no self-consciousness of needing to comfort each other as a winner.

The two are fierce rivals in the game world and have fought several times.

The latter, just like Qinglu, fought many times and was slaughtered by Yushu many times.

"But... tsk."

Yuuki looked at the giant marsh monster in front of him who was also exhausted, his eyes quickly darkened, and then he looked at a corner of the viewing seat.

Although there were thousands of spectators, he saw at a glance the young man in a peaked cap in the crowd, with an electric mouse on his shoulders.

The latter was sitting in the same position at the moment, folded his arms and stared at himself.

Not a tall figure, but at this moment, it gave Yushu a feeling as if a big devil was staring at him.

"Damn. This guy."

Compared with Xiao Zhi's ability to enter the finals with ease, he has already shown his full strength with the giant marsh monster. It can be said that the flaws in his moves have been seen by the former.

After all, the opposite is Xiaoyao, even if he has to do his best, there is no way to show mercy.

"It's all over, and all that's left is to go all out!!"

Yuuki can only say so firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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