He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1242 Chapter 1238

Chapter 1242 Chapter 1238
"Iron claw lobster? In that case, float bubbles and use thunder!!"

At the beginning of the battle, before the rain was over, Yuuki took the lead in launching the attack.

Thunder moves on rainy days, but 100% hits. Regardless of the iron-clawed lobster's head and head, you have to kneel on the spot after two hits.

This Floating Bubble is totally a powerful long-range turret.

"Iron claw lobster, use water jets!!"

However, the speed of the iron claw lobster was faster, and its body was covered with a layer of water current coat, which turned into a bunch of water arrows and rushed away suddenly, hitting the face door of the floating bubble at a very fast speed.

Rainy days are an improvement for it.


The floating bubble was in pain, and quickly interrupted the trigger of the thunder.

At this moment, the two of them are very close, and when the thunder strikes, it must be him who will die first.

"Iron Claw Lobster, use the Crab Claw Hammer!!"

Xiao Zhi gained the upper hand and continued to attack.

The iron-clawed lobster waved its crimson double claws, and the water bubbles lingered on it. Under the blessing of the rainy day, it swelled several times in an instant, and it looked extremely powerful.

"Floating Bubbles, Use Storm!!"

Yushu panicked in his heart and quickly commanded.

This hammer smashed down, it is estimated that he would be killed on the spot.

The floating bubble immediately blew a strong storm in place, trying to prevent the iron claw lobster from approaching.

It's just that the power of the latter's crab claw hammer reached its peak for a while, and it completely swept away the storm.

Floating bubbles can only be lifted off quickly, avoiding this blow in a very thrilling manner.

"Floating bubbles, use hail!!"

Yushu also hurriedly changed the weather. For this lobster, the increase was too great for a rainy day!

Da da da.!
With the peculiar power of the floating bubbles, the pouring rain in the sky stopped, and this time it fell into small hailstones one by one.

It fell on the two of them, taking away the stamina of the iron claw lobster.

And after falling on the floating bubble

The shape of the floating bubble changed again. This time, the purple bubble head was wrapped in white like ice cream cream, and the body exuded a faint chill.

"Right now, use Blizzard!!"

The floating bubbles that transformed into ice properties reached the highest point, spit out an icy breath downward, and swept the surrounding area.


This also caused the wet ground of the arena to freeze in an instant, turning into a mirror-white ice surface.

There is also a part of the blizzard that fell on the iron claw lobster. The effect is average.

"Iron claw lobster, use the water jet directly!!"

The latter directly aimed the target at the sky, like a rocket launch, covered with water flow energy, the figure suddenly rushed up!

"Floating bubbles, use frozen light to block them!!"

Open the mouth of the floating bubble, and the ice blue electric snake shoots down!

"Ignore it and keep spraying water!!"

Xiao Zhi shouted so loudly.

The strong jet of water continued to fly, and finally collided with the frozen light.

It's just that the scene of blocking and intercepting didn't even appear.
Instead, the freezing light completely froze the jet of water into a sharp icicle, freezing the iron claw lobster in it. But the strong impulse did not weaken in the slightest.

Even more lethality was achieved after being converted from water to hard ice.


Yuuki's expression changed greatly, what scene is this? !

Water jet and icicle crash! !
Boom! !
The icicle jet hit the head of the floating bubble head-on, and the strong force immediately knocked it down from the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately after, the Iron Claw Lobster broke free from the icicle, and then all the ice cubes fell to the falling of the floating bubble.direction.


Smoke and dust rose, and the rising cold mist engulfed the floating bubbles.

When the fog completely dissipated, the floating bubble was already on the ground, unable to fight.

"Floating Bubbles lose their fighting ability, Iron Claw Lobster wins!!"

The battle between Xiaozhi and Yushu came back and forth, but unexpectedly, there was no one-sided situation.

"Why does Xiaozhi use coal tortoises, iron claw lobsters, and king swallows?"

In the stands, Shota said in surprise.

Next, Yuuki sent the evolution of Poison Rose, Rose Reed, and Ash sent Da Wangyan to fight.

After a fierce battle, Wang Yan succeeded in winning, and the two were fighting wits and courage.

This made Shota even more confused.

Obviously there are more powerful Electric God Pillars and Dragon God Pillars, but they are not allowed to shoot. In comparison, Iron Claw Lobster and Coal Turtles are still a bit worse.

"It is estimated that the soul of the trainer who is fighting head-on is at work."

As the man who understands Xiaozhi best, Xiaogang just hugged his chest and said so.

"You tree can be said to be a trainer who traveled in this area at the same time as Ash. Ash probably also wants to use the Pokémon trained during this period of time to defeat the latter head-on."

Using the Electric God Pillar, Dragon God Pillar, or Emperor Yan is somewhat bullying.

"How can this bully people? Long Shenzhu directly pierces the opposite side, how cool is this!"

Shota said of course.

Xiaogang: "."

Young man, you already have the mind and realm to become a god beast man, and you are a god beast.

It was just this kind of battle that made Yuuki frown.

After killing a Boscodora again, Yuuki finally couldn't help but said:

"Xiaozhi, use all your strength! I want to see the power of a real strong man!!"

He has already noticed that the elves sent by Xiaozhi are slightly stronger than his own existence, but they are not too strong, and there will be no crushing situation.

Except for the first game where I was caught off guard by floating bubbles and won, the other Pokémon fought hard, and finally I lost slowly.

This instead gave Yuuki a feeling of suffocation.

Either fight with all your strength, what does this kind of fight with only a little bit of strength mean?

At this moment, among the six elves, Yushu had already defeated the three elves Floating Bubbles, Rose Reed, and Boss Cordola.

But this also made Yuuki really appreciate the power of Ash.

"He is stronger than the Alliance King!"

When I first met Ash, Yuki saw it on TV, when Ash's King of Heaven Challenge was still playing.

Although Xiao Zhi finally won, but in terms of strength, he was evenly matched with the day king Lihua.

It's just that at this moment, although Yushu boasts that even if he is facing the King of Heaven, even if he cannot completely defeat the latter, at least there is not much difference.

But facing Xiao Zhi, it gave him a very depressed feeling of suffocation.

"Ah, with all your strength?"

Hearing that, Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment. The original action of taking out the Shiny Metal Monster Poke Ball was replaced by another Poke Ball.

"If that's the case, then try this guy!"

With a flip of his palm, Ash threw the Dragon God Ball obtained from Meteor.

The red light flashed, and a fiery red egg-shaped Pokémon covered with dense dragon scales was suspended in mid-air, and the left and right were suspended in half the dragon's head, which looked very strange.

Are you still not willing to fight head-on with you?

Then push it straight now!

(End of this chapter)

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