Chapter 1243 Rolling
"What kind of spirit is this.?"

Yushu frowned, the shape of the Dragon God Pillar was too weird, completely different from the Pokémon he knew.

"Is it from the Three God Pillars series?"

In the game world, Zeng Jin also conquered the Three God Pillars. So are there other God Pillars now?

This world, he has become more and more incomprehensible.

However, on the Dragon God Pillar, the majestic Dragon Qi pressure came from him.
"If the opponent is a dragon attribute, then you have to use the dragon attribute to conquer!!"

Seeing that Xiaozhi seemed to be really planning to use all his strength, Yuuki's previous suffocation was swept away, and the corner of his mouth raised a confident smile again, and suddenly threw a Pokeball.

boom! !

The red light flashed, and a turquoise flying dragon flew into the sky, with red wings, a slender neck, and two long tentacles extending from its head.

For the eye position, he wears a translucent eye mask shaped like a red sand-proof mirror.

Desert Dragonfly!

There are not many dragon-type elves in the Fangyuan area. After searching for a long time, Youshu can only find the desert dragonfly.


Just as soon as it debuted, the desert dragonfly, which was originally flying in the sky, felt the inexplicable pressure in front of it, and its flight height couldn't help lowering a little.

The battle is on again!

"Desert Dragonfly, use Dragon Wave!!"

"Dragon God Pillar, we also use Dragon Wave!!"

At the beginning, the two chose the same far-surpassing move.

The blue-purple dragon attribute arrogance turned into a dragon-shaped shock wave, rushing towards each other.


However, the fluctuation of the two dragons was only a moment of stalemate, and the fluctuation of the dragon of the Dragon God Pillar completely crushed the former and completely broke it.

This is already a gap visible to the naked eye, and the thickness and width of the dragon's fluctuations are more than doubled.


When a terrifying move struck, the desert dragonfly quickly gave up the dragon flame in its mouth, turned to dodge, and was able to avoid a dangerous blow.

"What the hell kind of power is this?!"

Feeling the fluctuation of the dragon shot from above him, Yushu below was also dumbfounded, and his heart beat subconsciously.

It's worth a shot! ?

"My Dragon God Pillar is characterized by dragon jaws, which can greatly improve dragon attribute moves!"

Xiao Zhi explained it quite generously.

Even the mega split empty seat can compete head-on with two moves. Xiaozhi doesn't think that his Dragon God Pillar will be defeated in other dragon attribute civil wars.

"In that case, Desert Dragonfly, use Dragon Dance!!"

Unable to compete head-on, Yushu hurriedly changed his mind.


The desert dragonfly made a long cry and swam flexibly in the air, which made its figure somewhat ghostly, and its momentum was gradually rising.

While increasing the strength, the flexible Dragon Dance can also dodge the opponent's moves, waiting for work.
"Dragon God Pillar, use the tornado directly!!"

Xiao Zhi is completely disregarding the command.


The Dragon God Pillar slightly lifted the dragon head statues on both sides, and the dragon egg in the center flickered for a while.

Whoohoo! !

The next moment, a swirling wind blew over the stadium of Nuoda.

This is an aoe move in the audience. Dragon Dance can't dodge, and is directly hit by the tornado.

The storm with the pressure of the dragon attribute, and the effect of restraint, made the desert dragonfly stagnate for a while.


It's just that it's a restricted move, with average power, but it still makes the desert dragonfly groan for a while.

The effect is outstanding!

With the improvement of the characteristic dragon jaw, even the tornado has suffered a lot of damage.

"Quickly use the sandstorm to break free!!"

Yushu hurriedly commanded.

I saw the desert dragonfly flap its wings forcibly, and a gust of wind broke out on the field again, rolling up the gravel and sand on the ground, flying sand and rocks.

Shashasha! !

The sandstorm that formed in an instant washed away the tornado, which also allowed the desert dragonfly to finally break free from it and hide in the sandstorm.


Just looking at the "fire egg" that was motionless in front of him, quietly suspended in mid-air.

Then the ground attribute moves that Desert Dragonflies are good at are completely immune!
"In that case, Desert Dragonfly, use the Dragon God to dive!!"

Yushu was heartbroken and said.

The strength of the opponent is extremely tyrannical. Then as a price, the frankness will not be strong.

Everyone is a Dragon-type Pokémon, as long as your Dragon God Dive hits, you can still decide the winner!

In the sandstorm all over the sky, there was a long roar of dragon roar.

Boom! !
Then there was a faint blue light, breaking the sandstorm like a sharp arrow, and suddenly rushed out.

I saw that the desert dragonfly was covered with a faint blue dragon attribute arrogance, and it turned into a blue dragon in the flying rush, roaring towards the only target!
Dragon God swoops! !
Xiao Zhi pressed his hat a little and admitted that the pressure of the desert dragonfly was just the next step, but he commanded in a relaxed manner:

"Dragon God Pillar, let's use the mighty dragon too!"

The Dragon God Pillar understood, the suspended body immediately stood horizontally, and then the dragon head statues up and down began to close together, holding the main body dragon egg in his mouth.

Immediately in the cracked dragon mouth, a shock wave of dragon energy suddenly shot out! !

Boom boom boom! !

With an irresistible momentum, it pierces the air, and with the addition of the characteristic dragon jaw, its power has reached its peak in a short time!
All the spectators, all of them were pale under the cannon, and only felt cold on their backs.


Even the senior dragon-type Heavenly King Yuanzhi stood up subconsciously and stared at the shocking blow with his eyes wide open.


Even Michele, who was watching the play next to him, changed his face.

Is this guy the opponent he will fight next?
It seems that the news that I promised to challenge before is a bit abrupt.
The mighty dragon collided with the dragon god of the desert dragonfly.

After only a stalemate for a moment, the arrogance of the Dragon God's dive was completely dissipated, exposing the desert dragonflies inside.

Immediately, the destructive power immediately bombarded the flesh of the desert dragonfly.

Boom boom boom! !

Over the arena, there was a violent explosion of flames! !
And a figure, also in the explosion smoke, instantly fell vertically down.


The desert dragonfly fell on the field so straight, it was under the pressure of this cannon dragon, and it lost its ability to fight on the spot!

"What kind of power is this.?!"

And Yuuki, who witnessed the blow at close range, had an extremely horrified expression at the moment.

Not to mention the desert dragonfly, even if his trump card giant marsh monster came, it would be difficult to block this blow!

In other words, is there really a Pokémon that can stop this giant dragon?

This reminds Yuuki of the scene from the other day. This giant dragon pressure is already a move that can only be released by the existence of Groudon Gaoka, right?


Yuuki's expression changed a bit. The battle that was evenly matched before seems to be no problem. Anyway, there is still the possibility of winning!

Why are you talking too much? !

(End of this chapter)

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