He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1244 Chapter 1240 Pull out the dragon jaw!

Chapter 1244 Chapter 1240 Pull out the dragon jaw!

"Come back, desert dragonfly."

Youshu took back the desert dragonfly, while Xiao Zhi still kept the dragon god on the field and did not choose to replace it.

"That's it, keep fighting!"

This is the first time he and Long Shenzhu have cooperated in combat. There is no need for any tacit understanding, and it will be over with direct bombardment.

Like the Electric God Pillar, the power of the Dragon Attribute moves of the Dragon God Pillar is outrageous.

In contrast, the classic Aboriginal Three Gods Pillars have become a joke that is not worth mentioning.

"Damn. I haven't lost yet, please!!"

With only the last two Pokémon left, Yuuki sent his fifth general.

The red light flashed, this time in front of Yushu was a human-shaped elf, with an elegant temperament similar to that of a human big sister.

The white slender body, the lower body looks like wearing a large evening dress.

He has short, curly green hair on his head, green arms, and broad red bumps on his front and back chest.

"This is."

It was the first time that Xiao Zhi met this kind of elf, so he quickly took out the picture book.

This appearance is somewhat similar to the Eluledo that was full before.

"DiDi. Shanaido, super power and fairy attribute, powerful telepathy ability can detect the mood of other existences, looks like a human female, but there is also the existence of male Shanaido, which is the existence corresponding to Eluledo. ."

Putting away the picture book, Ash knew that the elf was symmetrical with Elleido.

The latter is like a male warrior swordsman among human beings, while Shanaido in front of him is more like a gentle big sister.


After appearing on the stage, Shanaido even glanced at Yushu in the back, and his eyes instantly became tender.

Xiaozhi: "."

He had seen this look in the geranium eyes of his own.

Yuuki: "."

He coughed and looked embarrassed, which made Shanaido look in front of him again.

Well, he and his own Shanaido have some kind of relationship that transcends the general elves and trainers.

In the Fangyuan area, Shanaido has always been identified as a single super power attribute.
It wasn't until Karuni in the Carlos area next door relied on Shanaido to successfully reach the top and became the league champion in that area. Trainers in other areas began to popularize it. In fact, Shanaido has a second attribute - the fairy attribute. !
With the fairy attribute, it can do a lot of damage to the Dragon God Pillar, and it can even be completely immune to dragon attribute moves!
The battle begins!
"Xanadu, use feature swap!!"

Yuuki suddenly spoke up.

At the beginning of the battle, Shanaido let out a high-pitched cry, and the strange power was divided into two, which fell on himself and the Dragon God Pillar respectively.

The next moment, the dragon jaw characteristics of the Dragon God Pillar became the characteristics of Shanaido.

The Dragon God Pillar has become the synchronization characteristic of Shanaido.

Although dragon-type moves are completely immune, Yuuki is not sure whether even with the natural protection of fairy-type, his Shanaido will definitely be able to block the terrifying dragon's pressure.

The limitations of attributes, when the power disparity reaches a certain level, will be meaningless. Yuuki knows this.

It's impossible for a single Laluras to be able to carry the move of splitting the empty seat, right?
But at this moment, the latter has been pulled out of the dragon's jaw, so it will definitely not be able to break through the absolute rule of "goblin attribute immune dragon attribute move"!

"Is there such a move?"

Shanaido's first strike caught Xiao Zhi by surprise.

"Not only that, Shanaido, use black eyes!!"

Shanai Duo's second move is to raise a phantom single eye on the Dragon God Pillar, limiting the latter's return and replacement.

Youshu is determined, ready to kill the Dragon God Zhu to prove the Dao, raised his hand and pointed:
"Xanadu, use the power of the moon!!"

"Continue to use Dragon Wave!!"

Akatsuki responded this way.

Shanaido condensed a pink ball of light and shot it out.

The Dragon God Pillar spewed out a dragon-shaped shock wave, but without the blessing of the dragon jaws, the width and power were much smaller.

The two moves collided for a while, but the power of the moon was still knocked down by the wave of the dragon, and of course it was not as disparate as before.

There is no characteristic bonus, but the Dragon God Pillar itself already contains extremely powerful dragon energy.

Boom boom.!

Just next, all the moves fell on Shanaido.


However, the latter was just like nothing, letting the energy of the dragon's wave penetrate through his body without suffering any damage.

"Don't stop, continue, use the mighty dragon!!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes were firm and he continued to speak.

The Dragon God Pillar closed the dragon's mouth and once again spewed a shock wave of dragon attributes. Without the bonus of the dragon jaws, the movement on the screen looked much smaller.

But this is completely relative. In essence, the power of the dragon's coercion is still extremely powerful, far exceeding the ordinary Pokémon moves.

It's just that I've seen the shocking blow before, but now I'm looking at this shrunken version of "Dragon Power", but it's a bit boring.

"Shanaido, block it directly!!"

Yushu's face sank, and he said loudly.

Although he has no bottom in his heart, if he pulls out the opponent's dragon jaw now, will he be completely immune?

A terrifying move struck, and Shanaido's gentle face flashed a panic, and instinctively wanted to dodge.

It's just Yuuki's command, so she just gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and stood there.

"I can stand it!!"

Shanaido comforted her in her heart.

Boom boom.!
The next moment, the terrifying mighty dragon fell on Shanaido again, and the dragon attribute arrogance rolled wildly, blowing wildly on the latter's face.

Only this time, wait until Shanaido opens his eyes and looks at his hands.

Still no damage.

Without the Dragon Jaws, at least the current Dragon God Pillar cannot break that rule.

"Tsk, you can't use dragon attribute moves now."

The two failed attempts also made Ash frown.

The disappearance of the characteristics of dragon jaws, coupled with the unique attributes of fairies, is really too difficult for Long Shenzhu. For a time, he himself has no good way.

It seems that it is because of its own ability that it is too powerful. As a price, whether it is the Electric God Pillar or the Dragon God Pillar, it is actually impossible to master too many additional attribute moves.

But there is at least a "first speed" hanging there on the Electric God Pillar. Even if the electricity attribute is deprived, it is still possible to play opponents with speed, and it is easy to play.

And the Dragon God Pillar doesn't seem to have anything outstanding, and the speed is just average.

"Hmph, Shanaido, use mental strength!!"

Seeing Ash's predicament, Yuuki immediately attacked.

I saw Shanaiduo lift her arm gently, and the light of thought power came out of her body, completely covering the Dragon God Pillar!
(I can't adjust the order, so I will post it directly below)
Chapter 1241 Big Bang!

The mental strength kept shrinking, causing continuous damage to the Dragon God Pillar.

However, since it is not a fairy-type move, it is not a big problem for the time being.

Xiaozhi found that although his Dragon God Pillar was not too high in both defenses, it still had enough meat.

Perhaps this is its second talent other than the mighty dragon.

It's just that pure frankness can't solve the predicament. Xiaozhi wanted to change the spirit, but was firmly locked by Shanaido's black eyes.

"Yuki, you really gave me a whole problem."

Sure enough, this guy in front of him is definitely a person who should not be underestimated, or every trainer who has traveled from another world is not simple!
"Hmph, Shanaido, use hypnotism!!"

Yuuki suddenly spoke up.

Don't look at Shanaido who looks like the hypnotized one
But as Shanaido raised his hand and shouted loudly, circles of hypnotic fluctuations fell on Long Shenzhu.

After a while, the Dragon God Pillar simply fell back to the ground, and the dragon head statue closed the dragon egg and made a "dong" sound.

After being sealed for so many years, it is estimated that only the Electric God Pillar can compare with it in terms of sleep.

"It's over, use the power of the moon!"

Yushu then attacked, with confidence on his face.


Shanai Duo shouted, a pink energy bomb has gradually condensed and formed in the sky, exuding heart-pounding power.

Especially for the Dragon God Pillar, no matter how high the tantrum is, it will definitely not be able to eat a few rounds of the power of the moon!
"In that case, use sleep talk!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

Since he can sleep like this, then this classic move in his sleep, the Electric God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar, are mastered.

But seeing that in his sleep, the Dragon God Pillar suddenly flew straight towards Shanaido.

Just when the power of the moon was just thrown out, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from the body of Long Shenzhu.

An almost destructive force is about to burst out from it, and the entire arena is trembling slightly.

"This is.?!"

Yuuki's eyes widened, if he guessed correctly
Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, with the Dragon God Pillar as the source, a violent explosion took shape in an instant! !
The light of the flame engulfed Shanaido in an instant, and a terrifying mushroom cloud rose up. All the power of the moon was instantly covered up and dissipated by this blow.

big Bang! ! !
It can be said that this move is the most classic move of Pokémon in the Shenzhu series. Once it encounters an opponent who cannot be beaten, it will use a big explosion and drag the opponent to commit suicide!

Unexpectedly, the first move of Longshenzhu's dream talk was an outrageous explosion!

Boom boom boom! !

The turbulent explosion light completely engulfed the entire arena, and the entire venue was trembling.

Especially the two trainers at both ends of the arena, their faces changed for a while, and the explosion and fire reflected on their faces, they only felt hot.
call out.!

As the big explosion dissipated, the side of the Dragon God Pillar naturally lost its fighting ability very simply.

It's just that the body is still a dragon head with a dragon egg, and it is completely unclear whether it is incapacitated or just sleeping.
This is the pride of the beast!

Even if you lose, you can't see the circle of eyes.

As for the other side.


Shanai Duo lay there with his whole body charred, not only unable to fight on the spot, but also suffering severe damage that exceeded the limit.

"Auspicious ~!" "Auspicious ~!"

This time, before Yushu could even take it back into the Poké Ball, two chubby auspicious eggs had already run into the arena, placed Shanaido on a stretcher, and carried them to the Pokémon Center.

Such an injury must be treated at the Elf Center immediately, otherwise there will be irreversible consequences, even death!


An auspicious egg also turned to look at Xiao Zhi, as if asking if he should also carry the Dragon God Pillar.

"No problem!"

Xiao Zhi waved his hand and retracted the Dragon God Pillar.

Even the full blow of the cracking seat is just a stun. It's just a big explosion, and it's not that bad.

"Then Shanaido, the Dragon God Pillar lost the ability to fight at the same time!"

The referee, whose face was pale from the shock of the previous explosion, raised his palms and said loudly.

In the last second, he even suspected that he was going to be killed by the big explosion.
"Tsk, I didn't expect that I would lose."

The sudden defeat of the Dragon God Pillar caught Xiao Zhi by surprise. He also planned to use the Dragon God Pillar to push it directly.


On the other hand, Yuuki's face was equally bad.

It was clearly his crushing game, but he was still forcibly replaced.

At this moment, only the last Pokémon was left in his hand.

And Xiaozhi, there are four left.

"Going all out, giant marsh monster!!"

Yuuki took a deep breath and threw the last Pokeball with a firm gaze!

The red light flashed, and the giant swamp monster with a strong body but a very dull expression appeared!
"It's really strong"

Don't look at the strange expression, but the momentum of this giant swamp monster is far higher than the giant swamp monster of Masamune.

Not only that, as soon as he appeared on the stage, Yuuki had already put his finger on his mega wrist, and then shouted:
"mega evolution!!"

Dazzling colorful rays of light fell on him and the giant marsh monster.

boom! !

As the energy eggshell on the giant marsh monster shattered, the entire body became 2/3 larger, and the muscles of the whole body swelled up visibly to the naked eye, which shows the powerful strength it possesses!
Mega giant marsh monster!
As soon as Yuuki came up, he did his best!

"Since that's the case, I have to use all my strength and decide it's you!!"

Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit was also completely aroused. This was the last game in the finals. With a flip of his palm, a Poké Ball was thrown.

The red light flashed, and a tan volcanic lion appeared in front of everyone.

The majestic lion's head was covered with a three-color hard-shell mask, and the orange-red eyes with the aura of contempt, instantly overshadowed the powerful giant marsh monster.

The back body is even more tumbled with gray-white cloud mane, as if carrying a volcano.

Yan Emperor!

"Emperor Yan, the legendary Pokémon?!"

"Why did this guy pull out another divine beast?!"

The sudden appearance of Emperor Yan led the final to a real climax.

"Let me tell you something cold. I went to search for Xiao Zhi in Zhenxin Town. He used a black Lugia before."

"Fangyuan people don't lie to Fangyuan people. How is it possible, Lugia is an ancient god, not some roadside sparrow!"

"I'm stubborn, it's true, and there is a video of the game!!"

In the league arena, this time everyone recognized Ash's identity, and the clamorous discussion reached a new climax again.

This also makes this game seem to be completely reduced to Xiaozhi's home field, which makes Yushu on the other end instantly suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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