Chapter 1248 Ombudsman

that night.

In a restaurant in Caiyou Town, Xiaozhi and his party were escorted.

Of course, he didn't have much money, but as the winner of the alliance conference, the official gave a free celebration feast, and all kinds of chefs, waiters, and delicacies were readily available.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's family and friends are enjoying the joyous moment after the battle.

Xiaozhi even invited his opponents who had fought before, including Xiaoyao's family and Mr. Qianli to attend the banquet.

"Xiao Zhi, I won't lose to you next time."

"Xiao Zhi, I won't lose to you next time."

As a result, every opponent who touches the cup with Xiaozhi repeats a sentence, which challenges Xiaozhi to numbness.

At this time, a small old man walked in, with a white beard.

He looks old, but his expression is very rosy and complex, and he even wears his hat upside down on his head very trendy.

It is the chairman of the Union Assembly, Damaranch.

After chatting with Dr. Ogi to reminisce, Damaranch pulled Ash aside and whispered.

"Xiao Zhi, this time you are going to challenge Michael, right?"

When he came up, he asked straight to the point.

Xiao Zhi nodded quickly, his eyes brightened.

During the day, he still wondered, according to the experience at the Silver Conference, when he won, he challenged Tianwang Lihua on the spot.

As a result, this Caiyou conference ended immediately after it was over, and there was no chance for him to challenge at all.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged. You challenged him before Michaeli told me."

Damaranch said with a smile, and even he had prepared the publicity in advance.

He also believes that Xiao Zhi can win the game without any suspense.

"But this time you are challenging the league champion. Since you are not the king now, even if you win, you will not be able to replace him."

Damaranch felt that he still had to explain the rules first, for fear that Ash would misunderstand.

"So this battle can only be an exhibition match. Even if you win, you can't become a champion trainer."

There is the title of "King Trainer", but there is no title of "Champion Trainer".

After all, most people fight step by step, how can there be someone like Xiao Zhi who jumped over the king and directly challenged the champion.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can fight against Mr. Michaeli!!"

Xiao Zhi spoke quickly.

Anyway, it's a false name, even if it really makes him a league champion. He is not willing to stay in one place all the time.

"You'll be fine if you understand."

Ramarange then said with a smile:

"Then this battle will be at 9 am the day after tomorrow. As for the number of elves that will play, it will be a singles battle of six out of four. What do you think of it as a rule?"

"Choose four out of six?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, the previous stage of the Caiyou Conference seemed to be the rule of the game.

Six to six seems to be a bit longer, and six to four is neither easy nor too complicated.
"Okay, then choose four out of six!"

Xiao Zhi agreed immediately.

Mikri is a water-type Pokémon, and now he has to think about his lineup.

Since the opponent is the champion, he will naturally not be polite, and both the Electric God Pillar and Pikachu are going to play.
"there's one more thing."

At this time, Damaranch suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Ash's inner thoughts.

"I don't know where you are going to end your trip to the Fangyuan area this time?"


Xiao Zhi looked at Damaranch in confusion, wondering why the latter suddenly asked this.

However, Damaranch is also his elder, and Ash quickly answered truthfully:

"Next time, I should go to the battle zone"

As I said before, I'm going to challenge Mr. Koujiro there.

"Battle development zone, it's a good place, but it can be finished in 2 months at most, so where do you plan to go next?"

Damaranch asked with a look of anticipation.

"Next? Well, I haven't decided where to go next."

Xiaozhi shook his head, his script currently only mentions the battle development area.

The next step may be to find a new area and start a new adventure.

"Then, will you continue to challenge the gym and collect badges?"

Damaranch asked again.

This question made Xiao Zhi tangled.

According to his current strength, it is somewhat meaningless to collect badges, challenge gyms, and participate in alliance conferences.

After all, in this Caiyou conference, the only one who can make him react a little is Yushu, and the other players really don't have any difficulty.

But he is still very keen on the chance to challenge the king and the champion at the end of the league conference.

"It would be great if we could skip the foreplay and directly challenge the strongest standing at the top, right?"

Xiao Zhi was thinking about it, when he was suddenly read out by Damaranch in front of him, which surprised him.

Indeed, if there is such a way, it is the most perfect!

Seeing that Guan Zi was almost sold, Damaranch said solemnly:
"Then let me give you a suggestion, and then go to the Shenno area."

"Shinao region?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have heard of this area before, but he didn't know much.

Before he could ask, Damaranch was the first to ask:

"By the way, Ash, did you know that there is a position called "Inspector" in the Pokémon League?"


It seemed like the first time he had heard the word.

"Yes, the Alliance Inspector, who specializes in monitoring whether the operation mechanism of each gym meets the standards specified by the Pokémon Alliance, as well as the challenge content of the gym owner, and whether the personal attitude meets the standard."

Damaranch explained that Ash got it now.

Because Xiaogang complained to him a while ago.

It was said that a Miss Joy came to challenge the Nibi gym at home. It turned out to be the Pokémon inspector who checked whether the gym was qualified.

Generally, such people will travel in casual clothes, will not reveal their identity, and strive to see the most authentic appearance of the gym.

That day, Xiaogang's father Wu Neng was out on a long trip. The gym was guarded by his oldest brother, and the boat almost capsized in the gutter.

Fortunately, his younger brother was also in good spirits, and abruptly protected the gym from this Miss Joy.

"So what does this have to do with me?"

Xiao Zhi asked dumbly.

"Nature is related"

Damaranch fixed his gaze, stared straight at Xiao Zhi, and finally asked in a deep voice:
"Xiao Zhi, I wonder if you are willing to become a special inspector in three months, go to the Shenao area, and check whether the gym there is eligible to continue to open?"

(End of this chapter)

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