He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1249 Become an official...?

Chapter 1249 Become an official.?

"Go to the Shenao area to be an inspector?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, this was an unfolding he didn't expect.

"Yes, they are asking me to find a strong and responsible trainer recently."

Damaranch put his hands behind his back and explained slowly.

First of all, this person must be strong enough, even if he doesn't have the strength of the king, he can't be too different.

To become an inspector, you must first be able to convince the public. After all, many gym owners are hiding things. If it is an ordinary challenger, they will keep a hand.

But if you know that you are an inspector, there is a high probability that they will attack directly.

Next, this candidate can't be a local. If there are acquaintances in the local area, it is inevitable that there will be some feelings of favoritism.

And he can't be a long-established powerhouse, otherwise his identity will be revealed as soon as he shows his face.

"After thinking about it, you are the most suitable candidate."

Damaranch said with a smile.

The Shenao area has not been inspected for a long time, and they are struggling to find a candidate for a new round of review.

You Qi heard that there is a gym owner over there now, and it has been completely ruined.

They even threw their badges directly at the gate of the gym, and challengers could pick them up.

This is the biggest challenge to the Pokémon League and must be dealt with seriously!

"Are you directly giving the badge for free? It's really a museum owner with a personality."

Just listening to it, Xiao Zhi felt that it was outrageous.

But Damaranch's remarks also made him very interested in this Shenao region.

It must be another interesting area!
Seeing the latter's expression of interest, Damaranch naturally added a fire.

"Not only that, when the time comes, you can jump directly over the Alliance Conference and directly have an exhibition match with the Alliance King or the Alliance Champion. As far as I know, the strength of the Alliance Champion in the Shenao region is extremely powerful~!"

"Then I accept it!!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi immediately agreed!
Being able to fight only with powerful gym masters, and then directly challenge alliance kings and champions. This seems to be the most suitable route for him!
"Hehe, I knew you would agree."

Hearing Xiaozhi nod, Damaranch was relieved.

"Then the time is three months later. Before that, I will send you everything the inspector needs, as well as the information about the Shenno area. Can the address be chosen at your home in Zhenxin Town?"

"no problem!"

Chi nodded.

In three months, the time is almost right.

It took two months to complete the battle development area, and after a month of rest for almost three months, he just happened to be able to go to this Shenao area!

"The details will be discussed in detail after the end of the exhibition competition the day after tomorrow."

Damaranch waved his hand, ready to leave.

If it weren't for the fear that Xiao Zhi would run away after the game, he would not have disturbed Xiao Zhi's thoughts on the eve of the war.

"Then I'll look forward to your next exciting game first~!"

After speaking, he left the banquet, and he was going to arrange the next exhibition match.

"Ash, what did Mr. Damaranch say just now?"


At this time, Xiaogang and Xiaolan also got together and asked curiously.

Xiao Zhi naturally informed him about his promise to be an inspector.

"Ah, inspector. Every gym owner doesn't like inspectors!"

Xiaogang's face turned black, and he couldn't help but complain.

I didn't expect his best brother to become an inspector now. This is a very contradictory psychology.

"Looks like something amazing"

Xiaolan blinked her beautiful eyes, as if thinking of something.

"Does this mean that you are now an official, Xiao Zhi?"

"Uh, it seems like it?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, not following Xiaolan's brain circuit for a while.

In this way, the previous Heavenly King Trainer was just a title. Now this Inspector is a real official position.

Just don't know if it's permanent or one-time?

After all, a gym is estimated to be reviewed every five years.

"Isn't it better to lie down and get paid."

Xiao Lan's eyes brightened, obviously envious of this position.

"Inspector. It sounds like a lot."

Shota next to him also showed a look of amazement.

"How about Shota, are you going to the Shenno area with me next? It happens that you challenged you, and I will review mine?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"No, Xiaozhi, after watching your exhibition match, I will part with you!"

Shota took a deep breath and bowed to Ash very seriously.

"My first stop is the Carlos area!"

He has already inquired about the alliance conference in the Carlos region, which just begins next week. Shota intends to use this as the starting point for his alliance conference.

I don't even plan to go to the battle zone with Ash and the others next.

Staying beside Xiao Zhi all the time, he can't grow up. He also wants to become an excellent trainer like Xiao Zhi as soon as possible!
"The Carlos area.?"

Xiao Zhi remembered something. His crystal big rock snake was going to evolve into a diamond big steel snake, and it seemed that the special mine terrain in the Carlos area was needed.

The special diamonds that exist there will be the perfect conditions for the evolution of the Great Rock Snake.

"Then Xiaogang, Xiaolan, how about you two?"

Xiao Zhi looked expectantly at the two little friends in front of him.

"It's natural!"

Xiaogang didn't hesitate, patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and agreed immediately.

Finally, my father is watching the house, and now my younger brother has grown up. Now Xiaogang is finally free to go out and do what he wants to do. Of course, he does not plan to stop in place.

He also wanted to see the Shenno area.

It is one thing to be challenged by the Inspector, but it is another thing to follow the Inspector to challenge other pavilion owners!
Xiaogang is looking forward to the scene when it comes!

"As expected of a teacher just now!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang clasped their fists together, and the flame of friendship between the men was very hot.

Immediately, the two of them looked at Xiao Lan next to him.

"Well, I'm not sure yet~"

Xiao Lan just shook her head, but did not agree immediately.

The battle against the development zone is still on the way.

But before, Sister Bilan seemed to say that she had something to do by herself. I didn't know what it was, and it would be a good idea to go to the Shenno area.

"Ah, that's it"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi showed a look of regret.

During this time, he was somewhat used to Xiaolan standing beside him.


At this time, Xiao Lan walked up to Xiao Zhi, raised her hands to put her hands on Xiao Zhi's cheeks, and patted it lightly.

"Right now, your focus is to consider the exhibition match the day after tomorrow, not the inspector, the Shenno area~!"

With the warm palm of his hand, and the pretty smiling girl's face in front of him, Xiao Zhi regained his senses and his eyes returned to firmness.

"Indeed, what I should be thinking about now is how to defeat Mr. Michaelis!"

(End of this chapter)

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