He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1250 Vs League Champion, Mikri!

Chapter 1250 Vs League Champion, Mikri!

Two days later, Ash and Michael were standing at opposite ends of the arena.

Underfoot is the ordinary playing field ground, unpretentious.

This is a rare scene where trainers dare to challenge for the league championship. It can be said that the locals in the entire Fangyuan area are paying attention to this battle.

The entire league venue was crowded with spectators, and the scene was even more exaggerated than the previous finals.

Even the powerful Four Heavenly Kings of Fangyuan Alliance were reduced to supporting roles and could only sit in the stands and watch.

"Hehe, who do you think will win this game?"

Damaranch kept his eyes on the field, but asked casually.

"It should be Mr. Michaeli. Although Ash is very powerful, he still feels a lot worse."

Furong was the first to answer, and Kayuki, the king of the street, who was like a street gangster, nodded as a matter of course.

Bonnie, the king of heaven dressed as a lady, did not answer, but just looked off the field with a smile on her face.

She is just a spectator, whoever wins has nothing to do with her.

"It's hard to say."

As for the last king, Genji, no definite answer has been given.

As a senior king, he still understands that although Michael is indeed the champion of the league, his strength is still a little worse than the former champion Dawu.

Pursuing gorgeousness is not a bad thing, but it may become a fatal weakness in a match against an opponent.

"Is that so?"

As new kings, Furong and Huayue looked at Yuanzhi with surprise. They didn't expect this old man to give Xiaozhi such a high rating, which made them even more looking forward to the field.

"This is an exhibition match. The contestants are the winner of the Caiyou Conference, Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, and the league champion Mikuri!!"

As the referee's voice fell, the entire arena was filled with cheers.

Most of them are cheering for Michael, after all, this is his home court.

The sound of refueling was overwhelming, and invisibly, it put a lot of pressure on Xiao Zhi.

"The rules of the game are 4v4, and both sides can only change Pokémon four times. Now the game starts!!"

Since it is an exhibition match, there is no distinction between upper and lower, and the rules are completely equal for the two.

"If that's the case, then please!"

"It's up to you!!"

Mikri and Ash looked at each other, their fighting spirit increased, and then they threw the Poke Ball at the same time.

boom! !

The red light flashed, and the starting general sent by Xiao Zhi was the Electric God Pillar.

The yellow-green crystal body has metal rings at the joints of the limbs, and continues to extend the limbs in the shape of energy currents.

As soon as he came up, Xiaozhi was rude, and directly restrained his attributes!
As for the other side.

In front of Mikori was an upright yellow-green frog with a swirling belly and a curved tentacle on its head.


As soon as he appeared, he clapped and clapped his hands, looking quite happy.

"Is the first one just the mosquito coil frog emperor?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned, the appearance of the former was somewhat inconsistent with Michael's image.

Da da da.!!
Not only that, the moment this mosquito-repellent frog emperor came out, the sky began to rain heavily and tickly fell.

Mosquito coil frog emperor characteristics, rain!

This is very similar to the sunshine characteristics of Ash's coal turtle.

As a trainer specializing in water attribute combat, such a start is not surprising.

"Electric God Pillar, use [-] volts directly!!"

As the battle began, Ash took the lead in attacking.

Golden lightning began to linger on the body of the Electric God Pillar.

"The Mosquito Coil and Frog King, use the high-five surprise attack!"

Michaeli always had an elegant smile on his face and responded calmly.

Snapped! !

I saw the frog palm of the mosquito-repellent incense and frog emperor slapped in the air, abruptly interrupting the electricity storage of the electric god column, and his body froze.

However, the lightning that was still entwined on the latter's body made Mikori frown slightly and hit him with a single blow, and the mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor could not benefit from it.

"Keep using [-] volts!!"

This was just a delay, meaningless, and Ash attacked again.

It's just that when the lightning was accumulating again, a new command popped up from Mikori's mouth:
"Mosquito coil and frog emperor, use Quick Return!"

The mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor understood, and his body was immediately wrapped in a mass of water energy, rushing towards this posture, which was somewhat similar to a water jet.

Immediately before the burst of [-] volts, he directly hit the body of the electric god column, and then the mosquito-repellent frog emperor bounced back violently by the reaction force.


It even went directly back to the Poké Ball on Michael's waist.

Similar to the replacement of volts of the electric property, or the rapid return of the insect property.
A quick return is a water return move.

boom! !

The next moment, a huge figure replaced the mosquito coil frog emperor and appeared in front of Mi Keli.

sizzle bang.!!
The [-] volts that followed, completely fell on this second Pokémon.

Xiaozhi looked closely, but saw a huge green duck in the electric light, with a thick chubby body and a wide-brimmed hat like a lotus leaf on his head.

The wide palm is open, and it is also a Pokemon that looks quite noisy.

Lotte Kappa!

"Is that so?"

Seeing the Lotte Kappa Xiaozhi, it is clear that the electricity attribute can well restrain the water attribute. But the Lotte Kappa with the grass attribute, the electric attribute effect is doubled, and there is no restraint effect.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor ran away on a rainy day, pulling the Lotte Kappa up to bear it.

The idea was good, but Mikri obviously underestimated the power of the electric shock of the electric pole.

Zizzi boom.! !
Even if the effect is only doubled, under the blessing of the characteristics of the transistor, the power of the Electric God Pillar is extremely strong, and even the Lotte Kappa is forced to go backwards repeatedly by the violent current.

"What a powerful current"

Even Michael's complexion changed under the golden electric light.

As the electric light dissipated, Ash wanted to continue his attack.

"Lotte Kappa, another high-five surprise attack!!"

The newly debuted Lotte Kappa clapped again, forcing the Electric God Zhu to freeze.

It's a little bit to consume a little stamina. Mikri is a trainer who puts Xiaozhi on the same level as himself, not a junior.

"Electricity pillar, [-] volts!!"

"Lotte Kappa, water cannon!!"

Then there was a strong current, which collided with the high-pressure water flow spewed by the Lotte Kappa, and burst out at the same time under the rain!
The battle has just begun, and it has entered a white-hot tense.

As the mist dissipated, this time it was Mikoli's turn to command first:
"Try this trick, use Ultimate Absorb!!"

Lotte Kappa made a move with the palm of his hand, and the ground immediately shook at the foot of the Electric God Pillar, and the green vines broke out of the ground and wrapped around it.

"Use Bounce!!"

The Electric God Pillar is the "first speed", and his figure flashed instantly and disappeared in place.

In the next blink of an eye, he appeared above ten meters in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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