Chapter 1253


Pikachu's speedy move was ready to go, and at the moment when the mega carp dragon ended its mega evolution, it instantly slammed into the latter's abdomen.

Boom! !
The strong impact knocked the mega tyrannosaurus over its head.


Only the next moment, with the violent roar of the tyrannical carp dragon, it resisted the rapidity, and even flew out the top of Pikachu.

After the mega evolution, the scales on the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon are thicker and stronger, and the defense has also been greatly improved.


Pikachu turned several somersaults before falling steadily.

"Did you use mega to evolve so quickly?"

Xiaozhi was caught off guard by Mikori's hand. Usually, it's not the last elf mega evolution, right?
"Hehe, didn't you also let your Pikachu appear now?"

Michaeli just chuckled and returned to the road.

At this moment, the mega carp dragon has evolved, and its attributes have changed from water + flying to water + evil.

Although it is still a disadvantage in the face of electric shock, at least it is not four times as restrained as before, and it may melt so exaggerated when touched.

"Tyrannosaurus, use Frozen Teeth!"

Not only that, the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus opened its bloody mouth, and the icy teeth that extended out were as protruding as the ivory of a mammoth.

Then he bit straight to the ground in front of him.

crunch! !
In an instant, the icing quickly spread and froze the entire arena into solid ice!


Pikachu also jumped up abruptly, so that he was not frozen, but his lower limbs were still cold after landing.

"Did not dare to ask for rain, so it became a field of ice?"

It is extremely cold, and it even drains the moisture in the air and freezes it quickly.

This made the weak current that was still flowing in the air completely lost its carrier and disappeared.

Electrical field, stopped.

"Is there such a way?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, it turns out that making the air extremely dry can also relieve the electrical field.
"In that case, use the grid!!"

Pikachu jumped up, swirled in the air, and threw out a large lightning net in an attempt to capture the latter.

"Use the water tail!"

However, the tyrannical carp dragon raised its scales and iron tails high, lingering on the thick water energy, and slashing away.

Boom! !
The tail of the water stream split the power grid in an instant, and the castration continued. The strong tail carried the water current and continued to split towards Pikachu at the source.

Just when Michele thought that according to Ash's temperament, it should be the steel tail to compete head-on.

"Pikachu, use the straw knot!!"

As Pikachu's raised little paws waved gently,
Under the ice surface of the tyrannical carp dragon, green vines burst out in an instant, hooking the body of the tyrannical carp dragon.

At this moment, the entire center of gravity of the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus is on the tail end, and the center of gravity of the torso is unstable.

Boom! !
The huge body was directly tripped on the ice by the knot of grass, and the tail of the violent current could only be deflected in one direction, and it slashed several meters next to Pikachu.


The terrifying force cut a huge ravine directly on the ice.

But the tyrannical carp dragon itself is outstanding! !
At this moment, the mega has evolved, and the tyrannical carp dragon has lost its flying attribute, so the grass knot is the most effective move.

This move also has a similar effect to kicking down. The heavier the Pokémon, once it falls, the damage will increase exponentially!
"I underestimated you. In this case, I will use this kind of cleverness."

Before Michael could speak, Ash interrupted:

"Mr. Michaely, as long as you can gain an advantage, it is a sufficiently correct tactic, not some cleverness!"

There's no need to blindly pursue a head-on attack. With the terrifying power of the mega carp dragon, Pikachu may not be able to attack the latter head-on.

Mikri nodded, believing the latter statement.

At the moment, the expression is also completely serious, the two have come and gone, they are completely opponents on the same level
"Gragon Carp Dragon, use Dragon Dance!!"

The mega carp dragon rioted on the ice in an instant.

Said to be dancing, it is more like a violent move of "making a big fuss".

Under the Dragon Dance, the tyrannical carp dragon has risen a rank in both body flexibility and offensive power.

But Pikachu also took this opportunity to jump to the side of Tyrannosaurus, and then jumped high.

The stepped tail behind him had already brought on a metallic cold light, and he whipped out heavily.

Bang Bang! !
Steel tail! !
With a single blow to the strong and powerful iron tail, the tyrannical carp dragon that had just finished the dragon dance was blown away, and his head was smashed into the ruins of shattered ice next to him.

The incomparably small electric mouse, one tail swept away the huge object, and the visual impact was directly full.

"Tail of water!!"

However, in the process of the tyrannical carp dragon flying upside down, the scale-armored iron tail also lingered on the heavy current, and flew upwards.


This blow of the water stream actually hit Pikachu as well, and with countless water bubbles bursting, Pikachu's figure also flew upside down immediately.



But the next moment, Tyrannosaurus and Pikachu stood up at the same time, and provoked each other to their opponents.

For a time, the battle between the two opponents completely evoked the fighting spirit of the two Pokémon!
"The tyrannical carp dragon, the sharp stone attack!!"

rub it! !rub it! !
One after another stone pillars rose out of thin air, spreading dangerously toward Pikachu's feet.

"Use the speed to dodge!!"

Pikachu, however, activated the speed again, acting ghostly under the blue light, completely dodging the sharp stone attack with the speed of a miracle.

Even if the castration does not stop, it is necessary to attack the source target.

"Frozen Teeth!"

However, the tyrannical carp dragon froze and bit the ground in front of him.

crunch! !
In an instant, with its body as the center, thick and tall icicles extended in all directions, turning into an all-round icicle barrier, blocking Pikachu from the outside.

"Right now, use your full power to strike thunder!!"

However, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up and he performed a big move.

At this moment, although the icicles around him protected the tyrannical carp dragon, it also completely locked himself in it, tying himself into a cocoon.

"Pika, Chuu!!!"

Pikachu arched his back, and a dazzling and terrifying electric light burst out, turning into an extremely thick electric shock and blasting out!

Boom! !

The terrifying lightning strike completely covered and engulfed the target, and the ice on the surface gradually melted and disappeared under the high-voltage electric shock.

Pikachu was surprised, because it found that in the icicle, the bloated mega tyrannosaurus suddenly disappeared.


And the ground beneath his feet, there was a vibration.

The next moment, a helmet-armored dragon broke out of the ground, and the whole body was lingering with heavy water energy, rushing vertically towards Pikachu!

Climbing the waterfall! !
Push the book "Pokémon Modifier", author: Cycling Wind.

The protagonist gets a bug ancient moon bird at the beginning, and Gaioka can directly hold it in his mouth!
The style and plot are cheerful and funny, with great brains, and the style is quite similar to this book. Everyone has a book shortage to read!

The introduction is below~
 "Pokémon Modifier"

  He is 30 years old and an otaku. His job is to sell customized 6v elves on He just received a big order and before he finished the project, he traveled to the real world of elves.

  With a newly modified bird with its own "picking up" feature,

  And a cheat that can change the flash, characteristics, and individual values ​​of race values.

  But, who can tell him why the golden finger is only half? !

  And, idiot, put down the Kyogre in your mouth!
  Looking at the ancient moon bird that brought Gaioka home, Hu Yang suddenly felt bad.


  This book is also known as: A career in the world of Pokémon from scratch.

(End of this chapter)

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