He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1254 What can Pikachu do?

Chapter 1254 What can Pikachu do?
"Boom roar!!"

The tyrannical carp dragon broke through the ice, the whole body was surrounded by turbulent water, and the fish leaped out of the dragon gate.

The terrifying impact of climbing the waterfall rushed straight towards Pikachu.


Unprepared, Pikachu was hit in the front!
The strong impact instantly sent its entire body flying up.

The tyrannical carp dragon seemed to be flying for a while, jumping more than ten meters above the ground, and the impact of climbing the waterfall lasted for a while.

"Pikachu, use Thunder!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

Although being swept away frantically by the current, Pikachu still held on to the head of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon.

Sticking to the latter body all the time, staying relatively still will cause relatively less damage.


Forced to cheer up, electricity began to flow and flicker on its cheeks.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a strong lightning strike also fell on the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

Because it is completely zero distance, the thundering trick was not offset by the surface climbing waterfall at all, but bombarded the Tyrannosaurus Dragon without any obstacle.

The effect is outstanding! !

Even the mega carp dragon couldn't help but let out a low roar and whine during the leap, obviously the damage was extremely strong.

Boom! !
In the end, it turned into a violent explosion, and the water and lightning exploded, causing the figures of Pikachu and the Tyrannosaurus to retreat to both sides at the same time.



When the two regained their posture, they were all panting and trembling.

Even for Pikachu, no matter how powerful the power is, its own fleshiness is always a big problem.

"As expected of the champion's main Pokémon, it's really amazing"

Xiaozhi looked at the tyrannical carp dragon in front of him with a solemn expression.

So did Mickley on the other side.

The two went back and forth completely, and he had not expected such a scene a day ago.

The young man in front of him really has the power to not lose to himself at all!
"Tyrannosaurus, use sharp stones to attack!!"

The tyrannical carp dragon roared and smashed its tail heavily to the ground in front of him. It was absolutely a shame to be forced into such a desperate situation by a tiny electric mouse!
The protruding rock sharp blades spread all the way, vigorous and powerful!
"Pikachu, jump up and dodge!!"

Pikachu understood, and immediately jumped, just above the highest point of the sharp stone attack.

"Good opportunity, use the most powerful water tail!!"

However, Michael's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes widened.

At this moment, Pikachu is hanging in the air, and there is absolutely no place to rely on it.

"Boom roar!!"

The mega tyrannical carp dragon immediately waved its scales and heavy tail, lingering on the thick water current, and swept out with all its strength! !
However, in mid-air, Pikachu suddenly showed a sly smile.

I saw that its lower limbs suddenly kicked against the air out of thin air!
On the sole of the foot, a small electric current flashed faintly, providing a support point for Pikachu, and his body jumped out instantly.

Thundercloud line!
The previous thunderstorm filled the air with an electric current that could use force to bounce and step in the air.

"how is this possible?!"

Michael's elegant face suffocated, incredible.

With the bouncing of the thundercloud line, Pikachu jumped into the mid-air ten meters high again, dodging the full-strength water tail of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

And Xiao Zhi at the back already showed a look like a decisive victory, and slammed a punch.

"Right now, use a high-voltage electric shock!!"

Pikachu's figure spun around in the air, and then his hind limbs seemed to be on a wall again, and the small figure rushed out instantly.

"Pickup, pickup pickup!!"

The screams continued to accelerate rapidly, and the electric current on Pikachu's body also burst out completely, completely wrapped around his body, turning into a violent flashing lightning shock wave!
At this moment, the tyrannical carp dragon couldn't adjust its center of gravity for a while due to the full force of a stream of water, and could only defend in a hurry.

The next moment, the high-voltage electric shock has completely fallen down, and the lightning current is frantically raging on the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!

Boom boom boom! !

The lightning exploded, and Pikachu's small body also contained incomparably tyrannical strength, and instantly washed away the huge body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

In the end, the entire body of the tyrannical carp dragon fell heavily on the ground.

The energy of the high-voltage electric shock exploded in the second stage, and the rising thunder beam shot up into the sky, completely wrapping the tyrannical carp dragon in it.

The body of the tyrannical carp dragon, which was covered in heavy armor, seemed to be melted by the lightning strike.

A terrible thunder explosion engulfed everything in the arena.
The explosion smoke gradually dissipated.

In the arena, the tyrannical tyrannical carp dragon had already collapsed on the ruined ground at this moment, and its scales were covered with black marks.

The figure also returned to its previous appearance, exiting the state of mega evolution.

the other side.


Pikachu fell to the ground on all fours, gasping for breath, obviously suffering great damage.

On the surface of the body, the anti-injury arc of the high-voltage electric shock is still flashing, and it looks very embarrassed.

However, the outcome is already decided.

"The Tyrannosaurus loses its ability to fight, and Pikachu wins!!"

When the referee read this sentence, people were already stupid.

At the same time, there are countless spectators in the stadium of Nuoda, who were silent for a while. This is their league champion.

At this moment, it was the first to kill two Pokémon?

Or was it lost to an unremarkable electric rat? !

Besides being cute, what else can a Pikachu do? !

They now seriously suspect that Michaelis is playing match-fixing.

However, the terrifying electric shock released by this Pikachu didn't look like any special effect at all. Even if they were separated by dozens of meters or hundreds of meters, their scalps were numb under the electric shock.

"Come back, Tyrannosaurus."

Mikri gave a wry smile and took back the tyrannical carp dragon.

Unexpectedly, even if he used mega evolution, he still did not defeat the guy he faced.

In other words, Ash now has two dangerous Electric-type Pokémon.
Although the stamina of the Electric God Pillar and Pikachu have been greatly weakened, it is still difficult to deal with.

"Come back, Pikachu!"

At this time, Ash also took Pikachu back.

At the Silver Tournament, Pikachu defeated the Moon Elf of Tianwang Lihua for him, and now he defeated the mega Tyrannosaurus of the champion Micoli.
It can be said that when I first set foot in the Fangyuan area, the strange knife weakened, but it made the current Pikachu even more powerful!
But the next one, Ash's palm, was already on a new Pokeball.

boom! !

On the opposite side, Mikri had already dispatched his third Pokémon.

Da da da.!
As soon as he appeared, the sky was already pouring rain.

In front of him is a happy and cheerful green frog, slapping and playing in the rain.
It is the mosquito-repellent frog emperor with the characteristics of rainfall!

(1 story today)
(End of this chapter)

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