He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1256 Steam Power

Chapter 1256 Steam Power
"But since there is no flight attribute. Mosquito incense frog emperor, use the power of the earth!!"

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor smashed his fist to the ground.


The ground beneath the tyrannical carp dragon shattered out of thin air, and the trembling ground rocks bombarded the former.

The effect is outstanding!

The combination of the attributes of water and fire, the power of the earth is more effective!

The tyrannical carp dragon was in pain, and immediately swept its tail heavily, smashing the pothole under it, and broke free from the power of the earth.

"Tyrannosaurus, use hot water!!"

As soon as the dragon's mouth spit, a fiery stream of water shot out.


Obviously it was just a hot water trick, but Mikuri was shocked and his face changed suddenly.

Boiling water is at most 100 degrees, so the power should be about the same.
But the group of boiling water in front of him was obviously even more terrifying.

Especially the white steam that pervades it. It seems that this high-temperature steam is more dangerous than the whole group of hot water itself.

Boom! !
The mosquito-repellent incense and frog emperor spurted a strong blister with his backhand, but it was completely pushed and crushed by the hot water, and it seemed to be assimilated into high-temperature boiling water.

This made the mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor can only jump away in a hurry, so as not to be scalded.

"High temperature steam, is this the power of the combination of water and fire attributes, incredible"

This was the first time Mikuri had seen such a move, especially the red tyrannical carp dragon in the back. The red scales on the surface flickered, as if a fireball was constantly beating inside.

Another hot water hit, this time the Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor didn't dare to face the enemy directly, but turned his palm and condensed a blue water bomb.

Boom! !
Then he slammed into the ground in front of him, and the water mist that was aroused turned into a smoke bomb.

"Use strong whip!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

I saw that the iron armored tail of the tyrannical carp dragon was suddenly covered with emerald green energy rays, and swept away! !
His tyrannical carp dragon also has grass-type moves!

"Mosquito coil frog emperor, avoid this trick!"

Mickey called out a classic conductor.

I saw the green light tail swept the heavy whip, and the mosquito coil frog emperor suddenly jumped high.

When they passed by, the frog's palm landed on the upper side of the powerful whip, and pressed it lightly.


The Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor took off in the second stage, not only avoiding the move, but also flying to the position of the tyrannical carp dragon.

After all, it is a frog with highly developed muscles and nerves in its body.

The strength may be average, but in terms of reflex nerves and flexibility, the mosquito coil frog emperor is still very powerful.

"Right now, use hypnotism!!"

It flew on the face of the red carp dragon, eyes met, the mosquito-repellent frog emperor frog's palm was raised, and circles of hypnotic fluctuations covered it.

Evolved through the certificate of the king, the spiritual power of the mosquito coil frog emperor is also very outstanding.


In less than a while, the red tyrannical carp dragon closed its eyes and fell asleep.

"Damn, there is still this trick"

When Xiao Zhi's expression changed, the league champion still played this hypnotism with him, and quickly took out the Poke Ball in his hand, and he was about to take back the tyrannical carp dragon.

His red tyrannical carp dragon has no sleep talk moves, and it is purely for nothing to stay on the field.

"Don't let it run away, use the tidal spin!!"

The Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor's eyes flashed blue light, and he raised his hand to condense a huge vortex, which completely wrapped and adsorbed the tyrannical carp dragon.

Swoosh. Smack!
This made the Poké Ball retract the red light and bounced straight away.

Recovery failed.

"Right now, use the power of the earth!!"

This time, the mosquito coil frog emperor had enough time to accumulate strength, and then he punched the ground heavily.

As the tidal vortex disappeared, the shape of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon fell out of mid-air.

Before Xiao Zhi's second retraction, fire-red stone blade spikes protruded from the ground again, all bombarding the carp dragon's body carapace.

Boom boom boom! !

The effect is outstanding!

After a burst of explosions, the body of the tyrannical carp dragon collapsed.

This time, the closed eyes turned directly into a vortex pattern.


On the other side, the mosquito-repellent and frog emperor was still happily slapping his hands there, as if nothing had happened.

"The tyrannical carp dragon loses its ability to fight, and the mosquito coil frog emperor wins!!"

Finally, it was Michael's turn to score a point, which made many viewers relieved.

Even if they lose, they are really 4:0, which is absolutely unacceptable to them.

"Thanks a lot."

And Xiao Zhi's third time to take back, he finally took back the defeated red tyrannical carp dragon with a regretful expression.

"It seems that the cooperation between you is not tacit enough. And this red tyrannosaur can't use its own hot water energy."

Michaeli said in a low voice.

Although it has a unique power, it only has the single attack method of hot water.

Xiaozhi nodded, this was indeed the first time he and the red carp dragon cooperated in combat.

He also only recently knew the power that the latter possessed.

In the special training before, I tried to evaporate the boiling water into steam at one time, so as to obtain a terrible steam shock and form a steam explosion.
However, the moves are too dangerous, and the tyrannical carp dragon has not fully mastered, so this game is not used.

It can only be said that the opponent is worthy of being the champion of the league.

"Pikachu, I have to ask you again!"

Thinking of this, Ash looked at Pikachu on his shoulder.

The Mosquito Incense Frog King not only has a strong long-range output, but also has extremely flexible movements. He needs to use the speed of Pikachu to suppress the opponent head-on.


Pikachu uttered a cry, and immediately stepped back onto the field with bright eyes.

Anyway, the physical recovery is almost the same.

Pikachu's re-appearance also caused a wave of cheers throughout the arena.

Now they already know the extraordinaryness of this electric mouse, and they are all looking forward to Pikachu's next performance.

"Is it Pikachu again?"

Mickley's relaxed expression immediately tightened after the victory, and he didn't dare to be careless.

This electric mouse is very powerful
"Pikachu, lightning flashes!!"

As soon as he appeared, Pikachu instantly turned into a white streamer and rushed out, hitting the abdomen of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor at a very fast speed.

"And then one hundred thousand volts!!"

This is a very classic combo.


With the help of the reaction force, Pikachu's body rebounded into the air, and immediately launched a powerful [-] volts.

"Mosquito coil and frog emperor, use it again!"

Michael said suddenly.

As the Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor twitched his fingers, Pikachu's discharge posture suddenly suffocated in mid-air, and he switched back to the flash of lightning again and rushed forward.


However, due to the very hasty change of moves, this time he was easily avoided by the mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor and slammed into the air.


The Mosquito Incense and Frog Emperor just clapped happily there, as if the change had nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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