He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1257 Match Point Game

Chapter 1257 Match Point Game
"Damn, is there such a move?!"

The forcible influence effect again is really disgusting.

"If that's the case, then use the speed!!"

Ash attacked again, intending to attack with super high speed.


Pikachu's footsteps kicked, and his figure turned into a blue light and flew out, and the blurred afterimage flickered, making it impossible to capture the trail at all.

However, Michael's expression did not change, and he commanded:

"Use Jupiter!"

The mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor slapped his hands on the spot, raised his head, and opened his mouth to the maximum.

The powerful sound wave exploded and spread to the audience, completely ignoring whether it was necessary to capture Pikachu's movements first.


The impressive sonic boom also made Pikachu's face turn blue, two little fat hands blocked his ears, and he exited the speedy state.

"Right now, use hypnotism!"

The Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor seized the opportunity, the sonic boom in his mouth stopped, and instead spread out a circle of hypnotic fluctuations.

It seems that it is about to fall on Pikachu. If this is hypnotized, it is estimated that it will repeat the mistakes of the red dragon.
Integrating with the certificate of the king, the hypnosis of the mosquito coil frog emperor has a higher hit rate.

"Pikachu, use the poison!!"

Pikachu popped his ears, and his raised small paws condensed a purple poison gas bomb, and then threw it directly against the hypnotic wave.


I was caught off guard and smashed directly into the face of the mosquito coil frog emperor!

As if being splashed with sulfuric acid in the street, the mosquito coil frog emperor immediately covered his face and let out a whimper.

The hypnotism was also interrupted on the spot.

Not only that, the highly poisonous chicken thief not only made the mosquito-repellent frog emperor enter a state of poisoning, but the dripping venom even covered the eyes of the mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor, blocking his vision.

"Right now, use a high-voltage electric shock!!"

Ash seized the opportunity and roared loudly.

"Pickup, pickup pickup!"

Pikachu jumped up and rushed towards the position of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor.

Zizzi boom.! !
Sparks and lightning flashed along the way, dragging a huge gully trace on the ground.

In the end, carrying a strong force, he slammed into the mosquito coil frog emperor head-on.

Boom boom boom! !
This blow not only knocked the mosquito-repellent frog emperor into the air, but the latter was in mid-air, and his body suddenly raised a huge pillar of thunder, soaring into the sky, it was really dazzling.

In the end, the force exploded, turning into a huge explosion, and the smoke engulfed the entire arena.

The smoke dissipated, and the finale on the field was settled.

The mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor couldn't fight on the spot, and fell there with a charred body, and the green body was still full of dense electric currents, which was very messy.

"Pickup, pickup!"

On the other side, Pikachu landed on all fours, and his entire body trembled, with a high-voltage electric shock on the surface.

Knocked out two champion Pokémon at one time, so that Pikachu also spent a huge amount of physical strength, and the limbs on the ground were extremely weak.

But this time, mvp should be it's Pikachu!

"Come back, Pikachu!"

Ash called back Pikachu.

As expected of a general he trusts, he will always be so trustworthy!


Pikachu didn't pretend to be reserved either, jumped back happily, and sat down beside Ash with no image.

Next, it's his turn to watch the play next to him and give pointers to the country.

"Master Michael, only the last one is left!"

"And Ash in Zhenxin Town, there are still three Pokémon!!"

In the middle of the high-intensity battle, the audience's discussion became more lively.

It really happened that his champion was washed away. Even at the last match point, it is still unbelievable!

But the first three games show the strength of this young man!
Witness the rise of new legends, or are old legends still on the throne?!
Obviously this is just an exhibition match with no practical significance. At this moment, for everyone, it is no different from the king's challenge for the championship and the key battle of changing positions.

"Come back, mosquito coil frog emperor."

Mikori took back the mosquito coil and frog emperor, and his heart was beating wildly at this moment.

It has been a long time since he was in such a high and exciting mood in a battle.

"Last time, it was when I fought against Dago, right?"

But that time was a private fight that was not open to the public, and the final outcome was his own defeat, but it still made him, a gorgeous person, feel the blood boil.

"Come out, my last partner!!"

Michael threw the last Poké Ball and shouted with a sense of ritual.

As the red light fell, an unusually beautiful yellow water snake appeared in front of Michaeli.

The smooth cream-colored body curled up, with a beautiful face like a human female, with long pink fins like ribbons hanging down, and two slender pink tentacles lifted up, gradually forming a love shape in the air.

The end of the tail has become much smaller, covered with blue and pink scales, and at the very end is forked into four leaf-like colorful tails.

The Fangyuan area and even the entire world are the most beautiful Pokémon.

"so beautiful!"

Even though Ash was in another world before, he had already seen the figure of Minas when he fought against Mikri's master, Adam.

Seeing it again at this moment, I still call it beautiful.

And different Minas, the beauty seems to be different, as long as it is more beautiful and moving than the Minas he saw before.

Put it in the gorgeous competition, and even just stand there quietly, and you can directly send it to the second round of review!
Mikri and Minas seemed to be completely integrated, but their calm and gentle eyes contained a dangerous murderous intent.

"So Ash, what was your last Pokémon?"

This is his trump card, without the slightest suspense.

As for Xiaozhi
His palms were already on his waist.

The opponent is the ace of the league champions. Even though Michaelis is weaker than other champions, he is still not to be underestimated.

Emperor Yan is undoubtedly the strongest being among the divine beasts in his hands, but at the moment he has no advantage in attributes.

Ash intends to use the Dragon God Pillar or Latias. Dragon-type Pokémon can somewhat resist water-type moves, but on the other hand, they will be restrained by Minas' ice-type moves.

The most gorgeous Minas, the gorgeous and chilling ice, is undoubtedly the ability that the former is good at.


Still hesitating, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt his collar jump out of thin air.

Looking down, I don't know when, the silver feather pendant of my own has been suspended from the collar, and the surface is glowing with a dark blue light, exuding a steady stream of sea tides.

(End of this chapter)

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