He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1263 Caiyou Conference, the end

Chapter 1263 Caiyou Conference, the end

With the complete closure of the broken door, the previously incomparably dangerous aura of coercion disappeared in an instant.

It was as if the ghost dragon had never appeared before.

It's just that the six Pokémon in front of Xiao Zhi in the arena at the moment are too luxurious.

Compared to the ancient god Giratina who appeared inexplicably, the audience was more shocked by the myriad of legendary Pokémon. They all sat in their original positions and did not recover for a long time.


Even Michele twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw the scene in front of him.


This completely compares him to the league champion!
"thanks everyone!"

Xiao Zhi was relieved, and in the state of disconnecting from Dark Lugia, his steps softened and he began to gasp for breath.

In the previous few minutes, he had spent too much energy and energy, and he had been in a state of overdraft.

Maybe next, he should need to exercise his brain well, if he makes his will more firm.

As for Giratina's sullen threats before leaving.
"It does not matter."

Ash shrugged, but didn't take it seriously.

Now there are just too many innocent people around, and it is difficult to start a fight, otherwise he will just charge the Pluto Dragon directly.

It doesn't matter if he can't beat him, he still needs Brother Chi.

He has already rushed past the Wind King, and now the ancient gods have no concept of unparalleled power to him.
It seems that he is still an ancient god in the Shenno area. He said that he will still meet him when he goes to that area next time?
"Everyone, come back!!"

It was still in the exhibition game, and Xiao Zhi quickly took back several of the mythical beasts, leaving only Lugia and Pikachu.

A trainer with five divine beasts, the impact of the picture has been directly full.

Minas still fell on the spot, and did not wake up.

But the referee was completely frightened and stood there in a daze, completely forgetting to pronounce the verdict.

In the end, Damaranch on the high platform reacted, grabbed the microphone directly, and shouted loudly:
"Minas loses the ability to fight, Lugia wins because all four of Mikri's Pokémon lose their ability to fight, so in this exhibition match, Ash from Zhenxin Town wins!!"

Even Damaranch, who is used to seeing wind and waves, was still stunned by Xiaozhi's luxurious lineup.

And the Giratina who suddenly appeared.

"Why did the ancient gods in the Shenao area suddenly go to the Fangyuan area?"

he wondered.

Dangerous disaster.

But looking at the world inside the gate, it was dim and dark, and there were still various broken stone fragments floating in the sky, like the end of the day.

"The back side of the world, the broken world, don't you know if it was originally broken, or was it broken by Giratina?"

Damaranch shook his head. He was not familiar with the myths and legends of the Shenno area.

But looking at the old eyes of Damaranch, the young man below, his eyes gradually narrowed and a smile appeared.

"I hope I can live a few more years to witness this new era.!"

He watched Xiaozhi's three major alliance challenges all the way, and it can be said that he witnessed the strong rise of the latter.

Now Xiao Zhi is only 11 years old, he has reached the current level.
Give Ash another two years, five years, or even ten years?
Damaranch was a little unimaginable.

And not only Xiao Zhi, but also Xiao Mao from Zhenxin Town who set out on the trip at the same time as Xiao Zhi.

The boy named Ah Jin and Ah Yin I saw at the Silver Conference
Even at the Caiyou Alliance Conference, the battle between Youshu and Xiaoyao was extremely dazzling.

I don't know why, so many new monsters have suddenly risen in this era, each of which is incredible.

Damaranch began to wonder next, the alliance meeting in the Shenao region, what monsters could be born in that place?
"The next world should be even more exciting."

In the end, Damaranch turned his back to his palm and looked down with emotion.

And with the end of the game, the audience in the entire Caiyou Arena also reacted, and they finally gave Xiao Zhi the warmest cheers.

Whether it was the four battles against the champion Mikuri, or the shocking scene of finally defeating the ancient gods, they were very satisfied.

The sound was deafening, and the ground of the venue trembled faintly.

In the air, countless celebratory salutes were raised, like thunder and thunder, turning into beautiful fireworks.


For a time, the shrill cry of Dark Lugia was overwhelmed by the overwhelming cheers, which made it only fly beside Xiao Zhi in a rather unhappy manner.

The slender head drooped down, rubbing against Xiao Zhi's body, as if asking for credit.

"Well, little Lugia, you really grew up."

Ash touched Lugia's smooth body and head, filled with emotion.

I had only reached the shape of my waist at first, but now I have slept and my head needs to be lowered.

It is estimated that the next time he grows up, he should be able to officially show the demeanor that belongs to the ancient god Lugia, and be able to compete head-on with that Giratina.

"Sooner or later, let's go and get rid of that Giratina together, and then take the name of the Pluto Dragon!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but said, full of fighting spirit.

Giratina was able to come out through the gates of Shadow Sneak, and they would naturally be able to enter.

What has already remembered me. I will remember you first!


Lugia is the master who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Naturally, the first time he cooperated with a high-pitched cry, he wished that he would start the shadow sneak attack now and rush in directly to attack the shadow dragon.

The exhibition competition is over, and at this moment is the final award ceremony of the Caiyou Conference.

The first is the top sixteen players, and Damaranch awarded them commemorative medals in turn.

Then came the quarterfinals. Before the semifinals, Zheye and Xiaoyao fought again, and No.3 and No.4 were decided respectively.

As a result, Tetsuya was still defeated.

Zhe Ye, an experienced old fritters elite trainer, couldn't even get the top three at this moment, which made the former sigh with emotion for a long time.

On the podium, Xiao Zhi naturally stood at the highest point, holding a golden trophy and showing off the limelight.

On both sides are Yushu and Xiaoyao who are a little shorter, respectively, the runner-up and the third runner-up.

As for the exhibition match, there is no actual reward, and the game is finished when the game is over.

The only thing that may be obtained is that the indelible name of Zhenxin Town Xiaozhi remains in the hearts of all the people in the Fangyuan area.

The Caiyou Conference officially ended!

(End of this chapter)

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