He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1264 Re-enactment of Victory Pan Gym

Chapter 1264 Returning to the Vibrant Gym
Shui Jing City.

After the Caiyou Conference, everyone came to this port city in the Fangyuan area and dispersed.

"Thank you for taking care of everyone during this time!"

Shota solemnly bowed to the three of Ash, with a serious expression.

During this time, he had learned a lot from the three seniors. After watching the Caiyou Conference, Shota couldn't wait to start his own adventure.

"So Xiaozhi, we will be opponents in the future!"

Not only that, Shota even challenged Ash!
"I will become stronger and defeat you!"

After watching the Caiyou Conference, Shota still had the confidence to challenge Xiaozhi, which made Dr. Oki next to him nodded again and again.

This fighting spirit alone is a good seedling.

"Then I'm waiting for your challenge!"

Ash naturally took up Shota's challenge, and then watched him board the cruise ship to the Carlos region.

The alliance meeting over there is about to start, and it is Shota's first stop.

"Then we also say goodbye."

"Goodbye~ everyone~!"

On the other side, Youshu and Xiaoyao also waved to several people and said goodbye to boarding.

The two of them also planned to go to Carlos. After all, the mega evolution made Yuuki and Xiaoyao curious too.

Even though they have many memories in their minds, they are completely unfamiliar with the magical mega evolution.

The two plan to go to the area where the evolution of mega was first discovered and investigate.

By the way, I will participate in an alliance conference and once again hone my combat skills.

"Uh, is that so?"

Hearing this, Ash fell silent for Shota.

Although the latter Forest Lizard has made rapid progress, even if it is the first time to participate in the Alliance Conference, it is estimated that it can achieve a good result.

But if you bump into Yuuki and Xiaoyao, you can only say that they are okay.

After sending off his strong friends in the Fangyuan area, Ash and his party, plus his mother Hanako, and Dr. Ogi boarded the cruise ship in the Kanto area ahead.

Although he has to go to the battle development area next, Xiao Zhi plans to rest in Zhenxin Town for a while before continuing to set off.

It seems that in order to vigorously promote themselves, the battle development area has also opened a direct passage to the Kanto Chengdu area. The transportation is convenient, but it is not in a hurry.

At dusk, standing on the deck of the cruise ship, Xiaozhi looked at the Fading Continent that was gradually receding, and there were thousands of thoughts in his mind.

Along the way, I really encountered a lot of Pokémon, humans, and strange events.

Pikachu stood on the railing, squinting, letting the comfortable sea breeze blow on him.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this, Ash rubbed Pikachu's head and his eyes returned to firmness.

This is just a stop for my own travel, and there are countless Pokémon, humans, and great adventures waiting for me to meet!

(Fangyuan area is over~)

early morning.

Zhenxinzhen, Ash wakes up from his big bed.

Pikachu curled up beside him, still sleeping soundly.

On the other side is Kirachi, whose body is wrapped in a ribbon-like yellow cloak, with only one head exposed. It looks like a small baby.

No need to sleep for another thousand years. Now Kirachi is completely enjoying normal sleep and sleeping very sweetly.

Looking at the familiar furniture arrangement around, Xiao Zhi didn't react for a while.

"Yeah, I'm going home"

At this moment, it is not the boarding room of the Elf Center, and there are no Xiaogang and Xiaolan around, which makes Xiaozhi a little uncomfortable.

Back in Zhenxin Town, several people naturally went back to their respective homes.

Xiaolan and Bilan met and stayed at home temporarily.

Since Bilan is completely a big little blue, her parents also completely accepted Bilan as their new family, and Bilan really became Xiaolan's sister.

Xiaogang, on the other hand, temporarily returned to the Nibi Gym to see if there was any major problem in the gym during the days he had been out.

"Ah, it's still comfortable at home."

Ash stretched and woke up Pikachu and Kirachi to go downstairs to wash.

Mother Hanako has also prepared a hearty breakfast for one person and one mouse to eat.

It's even more delicious at home!

After dinner, Ash took Pikachu and Jirachi to Joban City, north of Zhenxin Town.

"There's someone waiting for you at Vibrant Gym, come and see~!"

After the Caiyou Conference was over, when Xiao Zhi temporarily deposited all the Pokémon with Dr. Damu, the latter suddenly said to himself mysteriously.

"Someone wants to see me at Vibana Gym?"

Xiao Zhi thought about it for a long time but couldn't come up with an answer, so he just passed by early in the morning.

There is a road in the middle, and it may take a few days for a novice to cross, but for the current Xiaozhi, he is familiar with the road and arrives at Joban City in less than two hours.

"Exactly, I want to take you to Viking Forest."

Ash touched the Jirachi hovering above his head.

At that time in Caiyou Town, he said that he would take Kiraqi to find Shirabi, and let the latter take Kiraqi with him when he was working through time and space.

Travel through various time and space, feel the different changes of the world at various time nodes, and fill the gap that Kirachi has been sleeping for thousands of years.


Kirachi squinted his eyes, with a bit of anticipation and curiosity.

During the time she was sleeping, what she wanted to know most was what was going on outside. Being able to follow Shirabi to travel through time and space at will, was undoubtedly the best gift for her.

"But I want to travel with Ash more~!"

In Xiao Zhi's mind, there was a sudden intimacy sound.

The source of telepathy is naturally Shirabi.

"Travel with me for a lot of time in the future. Since you just woke up now, feel free to experience the world temporarily!"

Xiao Zhi just touched the latter's head, but didn't put it into the ball immediately, and said with a smile.

Let's talk about it after traveling with Shirabi for a while, no hurry.

When the time comes, the rabbi's part-time work period will also end, and they will travel directly together.

"Then listen to Xiaozhi~!"

Kirachi said with a smile, sitting down on Ash's shoulder, looking forward to the next meeting with the "God of Time".

Listening to Xiaozhi say that it is a Pokémon that looks like an onion and likes to eat roast duck, it sounds very strange.

Entering Vibran City, the surrounding scene is very familiar.

Familiar with the road, after a while, Xiaozhi arrived at the Joban Gym.

"Wait a minute, I remember Vibrant Gym is Team Rocket's gym, right?"

With hindsight, Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered something.

He still got the green badge from Kojiro and Musashi.

Could it be that Musashi and Kojiro are waiting for him?

However, looking at the gymnasium in front of it, it is still a solemn stone-pillared building, but there are obvious traces on the surface that it was destroyed by an explosion and then rebuilt.

(End of this chapter)

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