He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1265 Evergreen Gym, Xiao Mao!

Chapter 1265 Evergreen Gym, Xiao Mao!
Pushing open the door of Joban Gym, Ash walked straight into it.

The Victory Gym this time was completely different from the last time he came.

Last time, the entire gym was dark, as if unable to pay the electricity bill, and there was a dangerous and gloomy atmosphere around.

But this time is different. The whole gym is very bright. Under the incandescent light, everything in the room can be seen at a glance.

On both sides of the original road, the dungeon-like iron pillar cells also disappeared.
The iron and steel pillars were taken down and turned into rooms that were sunken inwards, and there were also various mechanical facilities that Xiao Zhi could not understand.

It's more like a research institute than a gym?

And I don't know if it's an illusion.

"I always feel that it is somewhat similar to Dr. Damu's research institute?"

Xiao Zhi whispered suspiciously,
The decoration and layout of many places here are even the same as those of the Damu Research Institute.

All the way to the end, it is also the center of Vibrant Gym, which is a very standard competition venue with bright lights.

At this moment, at the inner end of the arena, there was a large golden armchair, which looked very imposing.

On the local tyrant's golden chair, there is a young man sitting.

He has short brown spiky hair and is very unruly. He is wearing dark blue casual long-sleeved trousers and a white researcher's coat.

At this moment, he is lowering his head, his face is solemn and deep, his hands are on the handles on both sides, and he is sitting there with a deep face.


It wasn't until he heard footsteps approaching that he raised his head slightly.

With a playful smile on his handsome face, he stared straight at the person who came, and said solemnly:

"Xiaozhi of Zhenxin Town, are you finally here!?"

However, Xiao Zhi just looked at the person in front of him for a while, and couldn't help but said:

"Hey, Xiao Mao? Are you seriously ill?"

Sitting in the bells and whistles on the gold chair of the local tycoon, he is really Xiao Zhi of Xinzhen. Is he acting in some big drama?

A word break.

Xiaozhi's answer made Xiaomao frown, very dissatisfied.

He expected Xiao Zhi's surprised look on his face, and even the scene of kneeling in front of him did not appear, which made Xiao Mao quite unhappy.

"What the hell, Xiaomao, did you steal the Victory Gym? I remember this wasn't Team Rocket's Gym?"

Xiao Zhi ignored Xiao Mao's expression and looked around curiously.

It was actually Xiao Mao who called him here, which he did not expect.

Hearing this, Xiaomao became proud again and smiled softly:

"Humph, now this uncle is the gym owner of Joban Gym, no, now Joban Gym has officially changed its name to Changqing Gym!"

"Changqing Taoist Hall? Have you become the owner of the hall?"

Xiao Zhi leaned over, this time he was really surprised.

Although with his strength, it was already more than enough to defeat the gym owner.
But at this moment, seeing his childhood sweetheart suddenly become a gym owner, this feeling is still very strange.


Seeing Xiaozhi's bunker appearance, Xiaomao nodded in satisfaction.

He stood up slowly, his hands behind his back, and the old god explained.
In order to track down the vermilion orb associated with Groudon, Xiao Mao followed the group from the Weather Research Institute to the Hezhong area, and finally successfully recovered the orb.

Then he was separated from the people from the Weather Research Institute and stayed in the Uzhong area for research.

Along the way, I gained a lot, which made Xiao Maosheng plan to go home temporarily and organize some research materials.

Every Ph.D. in outdoor research who is out all year round has a home.

The Joban Gym was blown up by an inexplicable force a year ago, and was subsequently abandoned by Team Rocket as an abandoned base.

The Pokémon Alliance was worried that they could not find a new gym director to take over, so they found Dr. Oki from Zhenxin Town, which is close to Vibran City.

Knowing that his grandson just needed a research facility, Dr. Damu temporarily settled down and recommended his grandson to the alliance.

In order not to avoid suspicion, he also specially requested that a powerful trainer be sent to challenge the audit.

"As a result, the old witch of Juzi came. I don't know what serious illness she committed. She came to me in a 6v6 full battle, which made me sick for several days."

Xiaomao couldn't help but complained, and now he feels nauseated when he thinks about it.

Although he has been transferred to researcher, the training of the trainer has not fallen behind, and the level of the king of the alliance is stable.

Such a level, in fact, a little battle can see the level.

As a result, the Tianwang Juzi who came to review, came up with an unselfish 6v6.

The Ghost Attribute Heavenly King is best at ghost and evil attributes, and the battle is also the most difficult and unpredictable, especially like to torture people.

Chrysanthemum is a very old heavenly king, and her strength is less stubborn than Micoli.

Despite the ending, Xiao Mao reluctantly won.
But it still disgusted him.

In this way, he also successfully won the position of the master of the Joban Gym.

The next step is to refurbish and renovate, move all his research equipment and materials in, and change the name to Changqing Taoist Hall.

The Rockets' old name is somewhat unfortunate.

Of course, now as the owner of the museum, Xiao Mao will also accept the challenge of the trainer and send badges.

"Then won't this affect your cultivation or research?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but asked curiously.

Seeing that Xiao Mao was still walking with the old god, Xiao Zhi sat down on the big gold chair of the local tyrant unceremoniously.

This is a relic of the Rockets. It was made entirely of pure gold. It was extremely luxurious, but because it was too bulky and difficult to move, it was simply abandoned on the spot.

Xiao Mao, who likes bells and whistles the most, naturally kept it and made it his own exclusive seat.

The glittering and luxurious appearance is very in line with his temperament!

"Uh, it's a bit of a slap in the ass."

Xiaozhili Zhongke commented.

But there is one thing to say, as soon as I sit on this local tyrant gold armchair, my palms fall on the armrests on both sides. I really have a feeling that I have in the world.

Even with his ass, the emperor still likes to sit on the dragon chair, which makes sense.

"It doesn't matter, my focus is not on gym challenges."

Xiao Mao answered Xiao Zhi's previous question.

He has a hand in the cultivation of Pokémon, and directly cultivated six Pokémon with different attributes to meet the challenge.

Even without the command of the trainer, these six Pokémon can completely fight by themselves. Whether it is the actual combat level or the assessment of the trainer, the effect is at least not inferior to other gyms that are commanded by others.

"As expected of you, Xiao Mao."

Xiaozhi nodded again and again, without doubting anything.

Even he has to admit that Xiao Mao's Pokémon cultivation really has a hand, and can fully show the best side of Pokémon.

(End of this chapter)

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