He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1266 The Archaeopteryx and the Turtle

Chapter 1266 The Archaeopteryx and the Turtle

"So what? Why did you suddenly call me over today?"

Sitting on the local tyrant's gold chair, this time it was Xiao Zhi's turn to ask questions like a master, while Xiao Mao stood beside him to answer.

"Humph, don't you want to hear about the great deeds of Uncle Ben?"

Xiaomao hummed proudly and folded his arms around his chest.

Just when he heard his grandfather say that Xiaozhi was back, Xiaomao called him over with a backhand.

Well, mainly to find someone to show off.

"Speaking of which, Xiaozhi, you are not bad. Even the league champion Mikuri in the Fangyuan area has been defeated. It seems that the strength has risen by another level."

Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi and looked up and down.

Although Michael should be regarded as the weakest league champion. Even so, he is still the champion.

At this moment, his rival, his strength is estimated to have become stronger, right?

I don't know if I can beat this guy.
"I don't understand what you have here."

Xiaozhi looked at the various machinery and equipment placed around the Evergreen Gym.

It seems that Xiao Mao's researcher journey has grown to a very exaggerated level.

Ash has only seen such a venue in those senior Pokémon Dr. Institutes.

How can an ordinary researcher have such a posture.

Well, of course, it's also possible that Xiaomao bought it for fun.

"So this is Jirachi, the legendary Pokémon that can make wishes, it's incredible."

Xiao Mao looked at Kirachi who was suspended in the air.

Knowing that this is Xiao Mao's territory at this moment, Pikachu is not polite, and runs around the gym with Kirachi as if it were his own home.

"But I remember that every seven days Kirachi wakes up, he sleeps for a thousand years, right?"

Xiaomao has a deep understanding of theology, and even the myths and stories in the Fangyuan area are easy to come by.

"Well, it does bear that fate."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's expression loosened, but he told everything about Kirachi.

The two who are no longer rivals at this moment, although the relationship is not the kind of iron buddies who hug each other when they meet, but they are also instinctive and will not hide secrets from each other.

"I see. It is indeed a heavy curse shackle."

After listening to the narration, Xiao Mao couldn't help but sigh.

But hearing Xiaozhi's third wish, the corner of Xiaomao's mouth raised unconsciously.

"Xiao Zhi, you are still the same."

Xiao Mao was secretly surprised when he heard that they were going to send Kirachi to the Viking Forest and entrust it to Shirabi for the time being.

"Is it Shirabi, another incredible Pokémon?"

Obviously, he is the one who gave up the challenge of some gymnasium and traveled around to study these magical phenomena.

But the miracles he encountered still seem to be unable to catch up with Xiao Zhi?
Before the exhibition match between Xiaozhi and Mikri, Xiaomao watched the whole live broadcast, and the Pluto Dragon Giratina suddenly appeared at the end, which also surprised him.

But in the end, the five legendary Pokémon released by Ash were outrageous!
Are all the beasts rotten now? !
The next Xiaomao, please follow him to meet Rabbi.

After all, we are all neighbors in the future, so we can be close to each other in the future.
Listening to Xiaozhi's description, it seems very convenient that Shirabi can be used as a transmission tool with just one roast duck.

Xiao Zhi naturally patted his chest and agreed.

After all, it is an extremely precious phantom Pokémon. If some poacher and extrajudicial fanatics find it one day, it is estimated that unscrupulous actions will be taken.
Xiao Mao, who was closest to the Vibrant Forest, could naturally help him immediately.


At this time, Pikachu suddenly ran towards the two of them, and Kirachi was still suspended in the air, laughing and playing.

Not only that, but behind the two of them were two Pokémon that Ash had never seen before.

One is a colorful bird, covered with red, blue, and yellow feathers at the same time, with a dinosaur-like oval head and sharp teeth, wings covered with yellow feathers, and still retains the sharp claws at the end.

It looks very weird, it looks like a bird, but it looks like a beast.

Flutter Flutter!

While running, it fluttered its wings, but it couldn't fly at all, jumping up and down.

The other is a small blue turtle crawling completely on the ground.

The blue body, the turtle shell is gray-purple, with many sunken holes.

The face is not as cute as the Jenny Turtle. Although the body is small, the face looks like an old grandpa.

"This is.?"

Both are weird Pokémon, and Ash quickly took out the picture book.

"DiDi. Archaeopteryx, rock and flying type Pokémon, is considered to be the common ancestor of all bird Pokémon, short wings cannot fly, and the way of action is more jumping and running. This is an extinct species Ancient Fossil Pokémon."

"DiDi. The original cover sea turtle, a water and rock property Pokémon, lives in the primitive ocean and can dive into water depths of thousands of meters, but also jumps on land for hunting. It is also an extinct ancient fossil Pokémon. Dream."

Putting away the picture book, Xiao Zhi's expression was slightly surprised.

No wonder it looks different from the Pokémon he knows, it turns out to be the same fossil Pokémon as the fossil pterosaurs.

"Well, these are the two fossils I found in the Hezhong area, which brought these two little guys back to life."

Xiao Mao lowered his body slightly and stretched out his palm.

"Wuwu~~!" "Wuwu~~!"

Archaeopteryx and Yuangai Turtle immediately followed Xiao Mao's arms and climbed onto Xiao Mao's shoulders for a while to play.

This made Xiao Zhi also play something, and stretched out his fingers to tease the two little guys.

"How about Xiaozhi, do you want to try to get one?"

At this time, Xiao Mao suddenly smiled and asked.

"Take one?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and his outstretched hand was designated in place.


This made the mischievous half-animal bird just follow Xiao Zhi's fingers and jump directly onto Xiao Zhi's shoulder.

Flutter Flutter!

The little wings flapped constantly, and even shook off a lot of feathers, and it seemed that there was a hair loss crisis since childhood.

"Well, I have studied the data of these two little guys about the same. The next step is to upgrade the training and study the new data after their evolution."

Xiao Mao's eyes suddenly turned to Xiao Zhi, and the long-awaited war ignited.

"How about a rare comparison to see which of these two Pokémon will be stronger?"

These words instantly hooked up Xiaozhi's fighting spirit, and for a while it seemed to return to the tit-for-tat battle at the Silver Conference.

"Then I chose it!"

Seeing the Ancestral Birds rubbing his cheeks mischievously, Xiao Zhi simply held it in front of him and said solemnly:

"A lot of advice, Archaeopteryx!"

(End of this chapter)

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