He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1269 Battle against the factory!

Chapter 1269 Battle against the factory!

"This is definitely a wise decision!!"

Yahida was overjoyed and ran out.

Chu Chu Chu! !

After a while, an open-top off-road vehicle was driven back, leaning on the window sill, and the fat hand hooked sharply, signaling the three to get in the car.

In the past few days, he plans to be a full-time driver for Xiao Zhi and a part-time private tour guide.

Several people were not aware of it, so they naturally got on the off-road vehicle.

Drive along the outer avenue for a few kilometers, and you can already see a huge building in the distance.

The entire building is entirely made of steel, magnificent and domineering, shaped like a huge bullet.

"Oh, there is one of the battle facilities, the battle factory. But I'll take you to the hotel first~"

Ahida said with a smile.

But it's obviously already in front of the battle factory, so there's no reason to miss it so much.

It's just noon now, there is more than enough time, and several people have eaten lunch on the boat.

"Then go to the battle factory first!"

"It just so happens that I also want to see the legendary battle facility."

The two friends saw Xiao Zhi's fiery fighting spirit and said with a smile.

Anyway, after finishing the fight and then going to the hotel, with Xiaozhi's strength, it is estimated that it won't take long.

"Then please, Mr. Arcida! Let's go to the Battle Factory first!"

Hearing the request of the co-pilot Kamichi, Yachida smiled bitterly and drove the off-road vehicle into the battle factory.

I didn't expect that he wasn't in a hurry yet, but Xiao Zhi was in a hurry, so that's fine!

Yachida regained her composure and was eager to try.

Just try Xiaozhi's level!
When everyone got off the bus, Yahida was still talking to Xiaozhi about something along the way.

"The rules of each battle facility are different. In the previous battle factory, players rented Pokémon from the factory to battle, but now the rules have been changed."

Although the battle against the factory represents the assessment of "knowledge".

Temporarily rent a specially prepared Pokémon team for battle, which can completely test the knowledge reserve of the trainer
But in this way, the trainer's bond with his Pokémon is completely ignored.

The target of the detection is the pure trainer himself, and has nothing to do with Pokémon.

That's why, in the past few years, the battle factory has changed the rules, but the rules have become very simple.

"The challenger can choose the spirit he uses for his mind, and whether it is 1v1 or 3v3 to fight with it, it is up to the challenger to decide."

Xiaogang frowned and couldn't help saying:

"In this way, the actual challenge is not the knowledge of the challenger at all. It has completely become the knowledge to open up the mind, right?"

Ahida replied with a smile:

"That's right~ This is the strength of being a pioneer~!"

This is a bit of a nonsense rule, but it makes Xiaozhi look forward to it.

Only a strong enough trainer would dare to make this rule that is completely unfavorable to him, right?
What if I choose a carp king for you?
Soon, several people walked into the battle factory.

A man in overalls and jeans approached, wearing a red round hat and an off-white sleeveless robe, looking quite capable.

"Dara, it's been a long time. This is a powerful trainer I found from outside, so don't take it lightly!"

Ahida said with a smile.

After speaking, he stepped back and left the stage entirely to Dara and Ash.

He was standing in the back, took out a camera, and was always ready to capture and take pictures.
He had already discussed with Xiao Zhi before, and he could shoot and collect materials at any time along the way.

In exchange, Yahida will provide presidential-level services to the three.

"Oh, mighty trainer? Hello, I'm Dara, the mind of the Battle Factory!"

"I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town!"

Dara was not impressed by Ash's name.

He wasn't interested at all about the Caiyou Conference, and he didn't pay attention.

However, Yahida has not found a new challenger for a long time, and this time she took the initiative to lead the way, and even took out the camera to prepare for shooting
"Then please come with me!"

Dara's face sank as he walked ahead to lead the way.

Xiao Zhi and the others were whispering from behind, looking left and right, looking at the layout of the factory.

Soon, several people came to an outdoor backyard.

At this moment, there are a lot of Pokémon gathered here, there are about forty or fifty, and they are all of the final evolution type, and the level is definitely not low.

"And they're all well-bred, they're about 1/5 the size of their normal counterparts."

Xiaogang said in a low voice.

"This young man has vision. These are all Pokémon that I have carefully cultivated. You can choose the elves to fight for me. Whether it's one, three, or six, I'll always accompany you!"

Dara looked at Ash.

It was the first time to help others choose Pokémon for battle, which made Xiao Zhi quite fresh, and began to look at these Pokémon from left to right.

King Nido with thorns and poisonous thorns, sturdy pouches, dumb king full of wisdom, and the very hard-looking Boscotola.

There were even a few Pokémon that Ash had never seen before, which seemed to exist in other regions.

Obviously the types of attributes are completely different, but at this moment they are all neatly arranged there, waiting for his choice.

“Really well trained”

If it's his Pokémon, all the forty or fifty of them are crowded together, and it is estimated that they will fight in a while, right?
"Ah autumn!!"

Just when Ash was about to choose, Yachida next to him sneezed for no reason.

Immediately, he hugged his arm and shivered.

"Strange, it's a hot day, why is it so cold all of a sudden."

Having said that, several people next to him also felt an inexplicable chill.

Although the long-haired pig and the Ditooth sea lion in front of them are of the ice attribute, the source of this chill is obviously not from the front.

but from
Xiaozhi turned his head and looked at a warehouse door not far away.

In either direction, the falling iron door blocked everything inside, but Xiao Zhi could feel the chill constantly wafting out from the iron door.

Dara's face was a little cramped for a while, and he walked a few steps to the middle of Xiaozhi's line of sight, blocking the iron door, and quickly changed the subject:
"Hehe, maybe I forgot to turn off the air conditioner. Don't worry about it, Xiaozhi, hurry up and choose~!"

However, Xiao Zhi just stared straight at the iron warehouse door, and finally spit out a word.

"Frozen Bird."

Dara: "!?"

His expression froze on the spot, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the iron gate.

There is no sign of a frozen bird!
"Well, I have a frozen bird. I know the feeling of this kind of Pokémon. Mr. Dara, there must be a frozen bird behind that iron door!"

Xiao Zhi just said so solemnly, his tone was extremely certain.

(End of this chapter)

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