He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1270 Frozen Birds!

Chapter 1270 Frozen Birds!
Xiaogang and Xiaolan knew the details for a long time, but Yahida heard it for the first time. When she suddenly heard Xiaozhi's words, she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"You still have a frozen bird?!"

The camcorder in my hand almost fell.

Five Legendary Pokémon were released at the Caiyou Conference at the same time, as well as the Pokémon that was accompanying him—Jirachi suddenly said again, "I have a Frozen Bird"?
"In other words, for this guy, five is not the limit at all. Maybe there are other legendary Pokémon?!"

Yahida was too shocked to speak, dumbfounded.

The same is true for Dara, the brain next to him, staring at Xiao Zhi blankly.

Under the latter's incomparably sure gaze, Dara gave a wry smile and patted his head.

"Okay, I admit it. There was indeed a frozen bird in there."

"Dara, you.!"

This time, it was Yahida's turn to be surprised again. His old friend also subdued a frozen bird, which was the first time he heard of it in so many years.

"You're wrong. This Frozen Bird is not my Pokémon."

Dara just gave Ahida an embarrassed smile, then turned her head in the direction of the warehouse, and said loudly:

"Hey, Frozen Bird! You've been exposed, then come out!!"


The next moment, a melodious and high chirping sound came.

As the iron gate of the warehouse rose, an ice-blue giant bird flew out of it and hovered in the air.

Light blue glazed feathers, three icy crowns stand on the docile and noble head, and a long, ribbon-like feather tail is dragged behind.

During the flight, a touch of ice crystals and snowflakes were sprinkled downward, which looked extremely beautiful.

It is the legendary god of snow-capped mountains, the frozen bird!
"Well, it's really beautiful."

Staring at the familiar ice-blue shadow, Ash murmured, and then added another sentence.

"But compared to my Frozen Bird, it's still a little worse!"

Frozen birds are not just one, but a group that actually inhabits all over the world.

Most areas with snow-capped areas have more or less recorded sightings of frozen birds.


Soon, the frozen bird landed beside Dara.

Leaning over his head, the short beak lightly pecked Dara's head, looking quite intimate.

"Is it a good relationship. Dara, how do you say this is not your Pokémon?"

Yachida couldn't help but ask.

Are you afraid that he will be forced to use it as a model for a promotional film?
"No, it's just my friend"

Dara just took off her work gloves and gently stroked the frozen bird's face with her palm.

The cold feathers can feel a warm touch.

Although he is a pioneering mind against the factory, he usually makes some mechanical inventions.

One time when I was testing a private jet I invented, I happened to encounter an injured frozen bird, and it looked like it was about to fall unconscious.

At that time, it was at a high altitude surrounded by clouds and mist, and if it fell directly, it was estimated that there would be a big problem.

Dara hurriedly flew the plane, dragged the frozen bird on it, and managed to save it.

"Then we became friends, and every few months, it flew here to play~!"

Dara said with a smile.

Although the frozen bird maintains a natural kindness to human beings, it often rescues passengers from snow disasters in the snow-capped mountains
However, there is little direct contact with humans, and there is a natural barrier.

But obviously, this frozen bird is quite intimate to humans.

And Dara just regarded him as a friend, and did not intend to subdue this frozen bird.

"It's an amazing friendship."

But now the focus is not on the frozen bird, Dara looked at Xiao Zhi again and asked aloud:

"How about Xiaozhi, have you selected the Pokemon here?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi nodded.

"I've chosen, this time challenge me to choose 1v1!!"

"Does one determine the outcome? It's quite rare."

Before Yachida's words were finished, Ash had already turned his gaze to the frozen bird beside Dara.

"And the Pokémon I chose for you to fight is this Frozen Bird!!"

"Ah, Frozen Bird is just my friend, not a Pokémon."


Dara was about to refuse, but the frozen bird suddenly chirped, interrupting the former.

"Looks like Frozen Bird wants to fight too, what do you say, Dara?"

Yahida saw what the latter meant and couldn't help but speak.

The little heart was pounding even more, looking forward to Dara's answer.

In the first game, the legendary Pokémon Frozen Bird appeared. This picture was released. It is estimated that many people will come to their battle development area specially to see the brilliance of Frozen Bird.

But if the frozen bird leaves after a few days. I don't know if it will be regarded as false propaganda.

This is Dara's concern, so she has always kept the frozen bird tightly, even her old friend Ahida did not choose to tell it.

"Frozen Bird, do you want to fight?"

Dara looked at the ice and snow god bird beside him, and watched the latter spread its wings and shouted, and then he nodded.

He looked at Xiao Zhi again and said solemnly:
"In this case, we will accept your challenge! Then please come with me next."

Saying that, he led a few people to a battle arena.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, which Pokemon are you going to choose to fight, is it also using Frozen Bird?"

Yahida couldn't help but leaned over and asked.

If the dual frozen birds fight, the topic will be full from the beginning!
"The Frozen Bird is traveling on its own now, and I don't know where exactly."

Xiao Zhi waved his hand, but he had already pulled out a Poké Ball in his hand, so he was already prepared.

After a while, the two have come to a special venue.

The trainer's podium is more than ten meters above the ground, surrounded by spacious metal walls.

Not only that, but the upper ceiling is separated from both sides, revealing a wider sky. It has completely turned into a high-altitude battlefield.

"Please, Frozen Bird!!"


Dara was also fascinated by this beautiful gesture as the Frozen Bird flapped its wings and flew into the air.

Since it was a battle of frozen birds, Dara naturally wanted to completely open the field and let the latter fly freely.

"In this arena, if Ash uses a non-flying Pokémon, he will be at a disadvantage."

Yahida clutched the camcorder tightly, for fear of missing a single detail.

As for Xiao Zhi, his face was fiery, and he threw the Poke Ball in his hand at the same time.

"It's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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