He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1271 Fire-breathing Dragon vs Freezing Bird!

Chapter 1271 Fire-breathing Dragon vs Freezing Bird!

The red light flashed, and a fiery red flying dragon appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.


The coercive and domineering dragon roar exploded, the wings of the flying dragon flapped, and the figure also flew into the sky, keeping pace with the frozen bird on the opposite side.

"It turned out to be a fire-breathing dragon? I remember that this was Ash's ace at the Silver Conference."

Ahida nodded secretly, although it was not a frozen bird, the scene was big enough.

He had already watched the entire recording of the game at the Xiaozhi Silver Conference before.

"Well, it seems that the fire-breathing dragon valley has a holiday recently, and the fire-breathing dragon is temporarily returning to the research institute to play."

Sitting in the spectator seat, Xiaolan reminded.

Just in time for Xiaozhi to go home, I took it with me on a trip by the way.

"In the duel between ice and fire, the fire-breathing dragon is more beneficial in terms of attributes. However, the legendary Pokémon have amazing endurance, and the outcome is uncertain."

After giving a close-up of a bird and a dragon in mid-air, Ahidari chimed in.

His fighting level is average, but his commentary level is very professional.

However, the expressions of Xiaogang and Xiaolan did not show too many waves.

Frozen birds are just they are numb.

There is even a flame bird on Xiao Lan.

At the Silver Conference, the fire-breathing dragon was enough to rival the legendary Pokémon, and now half a year has passed.
At this moment, the fire-breathing dragon, who is training at high intensity in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley every day, will only become more powerful.

In the air, don't look at the frozen bird with snow all over its body, its posture is noble and elegant.

But in terms of momentum, it was completely suppressed by the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side!

"I haven't had a partner for a long time, fire-breathing dragon!"

Xiao Zhi said loudly.

The fire-breathing dragon let out a low roar, turned his head and spewed out a bunch of dark brown flames in the direction of Xiaozhi, which showed the high power and was considered a greeting.

Of course, Xiao Zhi had been prepared for a long time, and he easily escaped with a slight tilt of his head.

Like Frozen Bird, he is too familiar with his own fire-breathing dragon.

I haven't seen you for half a year, and my body seems to be getting bigger

According to Ji Ke, the administrator of the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, the Fire-breathing Dragon is now the only Xeon in the valley.

The only opponent was the jet-black fire-breathing dragon that perched on the highest mountain.

That black fire-breathing dragon Xiaozhi remembered that even Brother Chi's fire-breathing dragon would take a while to defeat the latter.
The battle begins!
"Frozen bird, use frozen light!!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, then we use jet flame!!"

At the beginning of the battle, the frozen bird opened its beak, and the ice-blue electric snake shot out suddenly.

Boom! !

However, the dark brown flames spewed out by the fire-breathing dragon, with extremely high temperature, completely melted and swallowed the ice and snow energy the moment it collided with the frozen light.

The castration continued, and even continued to blast towards the frozen bird at the source.

"Get out of the way!!"

Dara exclaimed, looking horrified.

What the hell kind of power is that?


The frozen bird quickly flapped its wings to avoid the incoming flames.

The flames that passed by, and the fiery breath that came from half a meter away, made it feel an extremely dangerous aura.

Can't be hit by this flame!
The fire-breathing dragon on the other end just had a solemn gaze, and obviously there was no turbulence because the other party was a legendary Pokémon.

In the fire-breathing dragon valley, it was exposed to the wind and the sun, and it was a high-intensity trainer. When it debuted at this moment, it was like an iron-blooded veteran who had fought for many years, with the momentum of not losing to the beast.


With a low roar, the fire-breathing dragon's body spread out an extremely strong coercion.

This is not even a move, but it turns into a substantial wind and waves, blowing all around!

"What a strong fire-breathing dragon. Then try this trick, freeze the bird, use the blizzard!!"

Dara attacked again.

Unconsciously, he became a challenger in this battle, and Ash was more like a pioneering mind who accepted the challenge.


The Frozen Bird understands, and is as arrogant as it quickly forcibly overcomes the momentum of the fire-breathing dragon, and suddenly spreads its icy blue wings.

Shashasha! !

The next moment, a strong storm mixed with flying snow all over the sky, all roaring out.

It seemed that the entire stadium was instantly reduced to a snowy day, the temperature plummeted, everything in front of him became dark, and snowflakes raged.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use hot air!!"

However, the fire-breathing dragon followed suit and spread its wings as well.

The scorching air waves also burst out from its body.

Shashasha! !

The fiery red heat wave spread to the audience, and the sparks seemed to be ignited. In the blink of an eye, the snow was completely engulfed and melted.

The temperature of the arena rose sharply, and everything in front of me was covered with a fiery red dim filter.

With such blazing heat, even Frozen Bird can only be forced to go backwards, which is very uncomfortable.

The instant change of cold and heat caused the complexions of the surrounding people to change back and forth.


Yahida's hand holding the camera is shaking, how strong is this fire-breathing dragon!

It was completely pressed against the frozen bird? !
Yes, at the Caiyou Conference, there was no Pokémon from Ash at the Silver Conference.
So how strong will this last batch of Pokémon be now? !

"It's so strong. This guy Yachida, where did he find the monster?"

On the other end, Dara's forehead was also dripping with sweat.

Even though he had already fought side by side with Frozen Bird, he was still stubbornly suppressed by the momentum on the other side.

However, as the mind of the battle factory, after a brief panic, he quickly calmed down.

"Frozen bird, use the wave of water!!"

In order to deal with the fire-type spirits with unfavorable attributes, its frozen bird specially prepared water-type moves.


I saw the frozen bird raised its head, and a huge water polo energy bomb instantly condensed from its mouth, and flew straight out!

Although it does not have the water attribute, the water wave power of the Frozen Bird is still outstanding.

"Cut straight away!"

Xiao Zhi just said so solemnly.

The fire-breathing dragon raised its arm, and several white slender claws stretched out from the dragon's claws, rushing straight towards the wave of water!
Whoosh! !
Immediately, the sharp claws slashed violently, and the huge water bomb was completely smashed directly, and the posture was extremely fierce.

It was just the burst of water fluctuations that allowed Dara to seize the opportunity and immediately commanded:

"Right now, use freeze drying!!"

Frozen Bird understood, and its body flew out suddenly, leaving an ice crystal shadow in the air, close to the fire-breathing dragon. Even in the tense battle, the figure of Frozen Bird was still beautiful.

Immediately it unfolded its body, and the extremely cold aura was madly raging out.

The power of freeze-drying combines with the pulsating current of the bursting water.

crunch! !
Unprepared, just in an instant, the fire-breathing dragon has been frozen into a big ice lump!
(End of this chapter)

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