He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1275 Ukulele Pichu

Chapter 1275 Ukulele Pichu
"Huh? What Pikachu?"

Yahida tried taking off her sunglasses and raised her hand to look out, but couldn't see anything but a brown dot.

But in Xiaozhi's eyes, he saw that the bear's paws in the circle had already lit up with sharp white claws, and he was about to attack the Pikachu with a low growl.

As the ten thousand year villain in the forest, the circle bear definitely has a strong sense of oppression.

"Damn, it's too far away."

Xiaozhi wanted to help, but it was at least two kilometers away, and he couldn't get there in a short time.

However, the "Pikachu" moved very lightly, jumping back and forth again and again, dodging all the sharp claws of the circle bear.

Immediately, the entire whole suddenly burst out with a strong current, and the dense bombardment came out.

Boom! !
Just a few kilometers away, the explosion sounded like someone lost a gun battle, and it seemed a little weak.

"Hey, why is [-] volts colorful?"

However, Xiaozhi frowned. The electric shock released by this Pikachu was not a single golden yellow, but a colorful seven-color.

And it didn't feel like a normal electric shock, it felt more like a .

The little blue next to him couldn't help but said.

It's more like that Pikachu turned the sound into a strong electric current and turned it into a means of attack.

After successfully defeating the circle bear, Pikachu disappeared into the distant grassland, looking very dreamy.

Chu Chu Chu! !

Several people sat back in the off-road vehicle in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"But... it doesn't seem to be a Pikachu, should it be a Pichu?"

Xiao Lan couldn't help but said.

Reaching out and touching the fat on the belly of Pikachu next to him, the "Pikachu" is much smaller than the average Pikachu.

"Also, it seems to be carrying a guitar?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but speak.

It seems that the strong colorful electric shock is not released by this Pichu's body, but the electric current of the sound waves that burst out when playing the guitar.

Ordinary Pichus can't control this strong current, and it is difficult to master the move of [-] volts.


Pikachu also scratched his head, and it also felt that the other party should be younger than himself.

"Don't think about it~ It's very close to the city area~"

Yahida stepped on the accelerator and said with a smile:

"Pichu with a guitar on his back? Uh, if this kind of existence really exists, it's definitely not a wild Pokémon, it's probably something you can see in urban areas~!"

After a while, several people officially came to the urban area of ​​the development zone.

Compared with a city, it is more like a resort, with not many houses and people.

This also led to the fact that there were no shops here, and it looked somewhat desolate.

"Haha!! This is the last evening! In a few more months, this place will become the most prosperous tourist destination in the Quanfangyuan area!! Haha!!"

Yahida crossed her hips, hiding her embarrassment with a laugh.

Anyway, he believed it.

Immediately, Yahida brought a few people to this area. The only building with more than 10 floors looked like a hotel.

Take the three of them to a luxurious suite, put down their luggage, and take the three of them to the restaurant to have a full meal.

It is completely treated according to the highest standard, which makes several people enjoy eating very much.

It was getting late, and after dinner, Yahida went back to her room and concentrated on cutting the film.

As the person in charge of this lonely development area and a real estate developer, his budget has bottomed out. Private drivers, private tour guides, and even video editing are all things that his boss needs to do personally.



As for Xiaolan and Xiaogang, they slept soundly and fell asleep after a while.

They don't have the energy of Ash, from the Kanto area all the way to the southernmost area of ​​the Fangyuan area, and they are still in high spirits at night.

"Come on, Pikachu, walk around~!"


Pikachu's head was already resting on the pillow, and he was about to make a beautiful Pokémon when he was called out by Xiao Zhi, very reluctantly.

"Let's go, Pikachu, you ate three big bowls of advanced energy cubes for dinner just now, go and digest it~!"

Ash put Pikachu between his arms and took it out.

At night, the urban area of ​​the pioneering area is actually not that desolate.

After all, it is not a place that opened on the first day. Even if it has been unknown, it still has accumulated a group of loyal tourist users.

At night, the streets are lit up with colorful lights, and occasionally there are a few people around the open shops.

“It was pretty good”

Xiao Zhi and Pikachu were walking on the street, and they came into contact with each other on this day. The Battle Development Zone is still a good tourist place.

The only thing missing is the heat.


Ash was still looking around when Pikachu suddenly raised his ears again, as if he had sensed something, and immediately ran in one direction.

"What's the matter, Pikachu, are you finally willing to lose weight?"

Seeing this, Ash was overjoyed, and hurriedly trotted behind Pikachu to supervise him.

Until they came to a small jungle, one person and one mouse did not stop.


Pikachu hooked his hand and motioned for Ash to follow quietly.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Immediately, one person and one mouse crawl into the bushes carefully, breaking open the blades of grass.

There was only a young man standing in the open space in front of him.

He looks similar in age to himself, wearing smart blue short-sleeved shorts, a small red vest, and a yellow cape scarf around his neck.

The face of a hot-blooded teenager, with short brown hair upturned, and red goggles on his forehead.


At this moment, he is raising his arms and talking to his little genius watch phone.


Pikachu let out a soft cry, and pointed Ash's gaze at the feet of the goggles boy.

There is a small and exquisite Pichu standing there.

The weirdest thing is that this Pichu has a blue guitar around his neck, about 2/3 the size of a Pichu.

"It's the guitar Pichu I saw during the day!"

Ash growled softly.

Only at this time, the picture book in the pocket suddenly made a prompt sound.

"DiDi. This is an ukulele, not a guitar, please don't confuse it."

"Cold knowledge: Generally, ukuleles have four strings, while guitars have six strings!"

Pokédex sternly corrected.

This is a Ukulele Picchu.

Xiaozhi: "."


However, the voice of the picture book instantly alerted the boy in goggles, he raised his hand suddenly, and took the initiative to attack.

"Pichu, use the electric shock!"


I saw that Pichu did not trigger the current of the electric airbag, but grabbed the ukulele in front of him with his short hand and played the strings.

Boom! !

The next moment, a beam of electric shock flew out of the ukulele and shot all the way to the bush where Ash was.

Without hesitation, Ash used Pikachu as a shield with his backhand, blocking him.

The electric shock fell on Pikachu, as if encountering a lightning rod, and it was absorbed by Pikachu in a short while, without any residue.

(End of this chapter)

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