He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1276 Pokémon Ranger

Chapter 1276 Pokémon Ranger
"Nice electric shock, my Pikachu almost couldn't stop it"

After completely removing the lightning rod from the opponent's attack, Xiao Zhi took the lead and blamed himself.

But this goggle boy didn't have a smiley face, stared at Xiao Zhi with serious eyes, and shouted loudly:
"who are you!"


The little Pichu next to him also put on a dangerous expression, but he looked fierce and cute.

"Ah, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad guy. I'm Ash from Zhenxinzhen, and this is my partner Pikachu!"


Ash quickly introduced that Pikachu also jumped directly in front of Pichu, turned around and swung his tail out.

This is the unique mating communication of the Pikachu family.

Other electric mice are more rubbing their cheeks and use the electric airbags above to communicate.


Little Pichu stared curiously, put aside the ukulele in front of his chest, and tried to stretch out his little tail.

Pichu's tail is solid black with only a small bend.

It collided with Pikachu's tail, and then a small electric current burst out.



After a while, the two electric mice, one big and one small, became fully acquainted with each other, playing and chasing one after another in this grove.

"So this is how the Pichu family communicate? It's really amazing."

The boy in goggles was amazed, noticing that there was a human in front of him, his face tensed up quickly, and his alertness still did not dissipate.

"This can only prove that Pikachu is a good electric mouse, but it can't prove that you are a good person! What is your purpose in eavesdropping on my speech!"

"Uh, don't you know me?"

Xiao Zhi asked in confusion.

This is still in the Fangyuan area. His amazing performance at the Caiyou Conference is now a trainer, so he should all know himself, right?

"Why should I know you.?"

However, Xia also just asked rhetorically.

Not only that, but the whole person jumped up, grabbed Xiao Zhi's wrist joint, and pressed the latter directly to the ground.

"Hmph, I've learned to grapple, but dare to eavesdrop on me."

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his hands were out of control.

Then came a huge force, completely unable to resist or stop it.

By the time Xia Ye reacted, Xiao Zhi had already pressed his entire body to the ground, and his two wrists had been pinched on his back, and he felt like his arms were about to split if he moved a little.

"Oh, sorry, muscle memory"

Grabbing the opponent with one hand, Xiao Zhi touched his head with the other hand, embarrassed.

He even captured frozen birds and half-mega fossil pterosaurs with his bare hands, not to mention he was just a peer.

"How is that possible?! My grappling technique is the strongest in the school!?"

Xia also looked horrified.

He could feel the human behind him, there was no skill at all in his movements, it was pure strength and speed, and he pressed it.

It doesn't look like a human at all, it's more like an extremely strong monster.

However, when his body shook, a golden badge fell from the lining of Xiaozhi's jacket.

It was the Battle Factory badge that Tiantian just got.

"Hey, wait a minute, isn't this a symbol of knowledge?!"

Xia also seemed to recognize the former, and hurriedly exclaimed:
"Let go of me, I now believe you are a good person!"

The tone of character makes Xiao Zhi feel a little familiar. It seems a bit similar to himself?
"All right."

Xiao Zhi naturally opened his palm to express his innocence.

It's all about muscle memory stress.

With the symbol of knowledge, Xia Ye's hostility towards Xiao Zhi was a little less.

"My name is Xia Ye, and I'm a Pokémon ranger."

He patted his chest and introduced himself.


It was the first time Xiao Zhi heard this name, it sounded like a profession of protecting the wilderness area.

"It's not that simple as a ranger! Protecting wild elves, protecting the ecological environment, protecting regional safety, and protecting world peace. In short, it is a very sacred profession!"

Xia also quickly emphasized.

Their rangers have their own ranger school, where they usually attend classes and study, and only perform tasks when they have tasks.

Completely separated from the gym challenge of the public trainer and the alliance conference.

Even the way of fighting is different from that of ordinary trainers. Therefore, he did not pay attention to what Xiao Zhi did at the Caiyou Conference.

"Our rangers cooperate with the battle development area here, and let the students come here every day to accept the challenge experience. As far as I know, the trainers who enter the development area outside for challenges are also specially selected, and there will be no bad guys. ."

Xia also explained.

That's why, after seeing Ash's symbol of knowledge, his hostility was also reduced by half.

Da Da Da ~!

Pikachu and Pichu are running around Ash for a while, and they are having a lot of fun.


It's just that after a few laps, the little ball has rolled its eyes and sat down on the ground.

Xia Ye quickly picked it up carefully and placed it on a wooden stake beside him.

It seems that this Pichu is a playful character, even if he is injured, he will play.

"I see. Then you are here now, are you also challenging the Battle Frontier?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask again.

He always felt that the boy in front of him was not a system with him, and the phone watch in the palm of his hand was more like a special device?

"No, I'm on a dangerous mission to retake it from a group of pirates"

Xia Ye was halfway through, but suddenly blocked his mouth and said with a smile:
"Haha, I'm sorry, this is a secret, I can't reveal it."


However, this word made Xiao Zhi remember something.

He seems to have encountered a group of pirates once, and fought with them once, and his combat power is very strong.
Since the other party is a profession that protects the world, this makes Xiao Zhi even more interested.

"Why don't I come and help too! To tell you the truth, I'm a powerful trainer~!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest

"Can you help?"

This remark made Xia also tangled, and did not refuse the first time.

This is his last task before becoming a top ranger, and it is very important. As long as it can be solved satisfactorily, he can be promoted smoothly.

He completed this task single-handedly, and it is rare to say that it is indeed a bit high.
The pirates are said to be truly unscrupulous villains.

If there is a helper at this moment, it should be a little smoother.

"Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town, this mission may be life-threatening. If you want to help, you must prove to me that you have enough strength, otherwise I will never reveal any details of the mission to you."

Thinking of this, Xia also said with a serious face.

"But as you said just now, the mission is to steal from a group of pirates."

Xiao Zhi said casually.

Xia Ye: "."

(End of this chapter)

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