He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1277 Pirates and Manaphy

Chapter 1277 Pirates and Manaphy
"Anyway, is it going to be a fight? It's time to digest it after dinner, Pikachu, get ready to fight!"

When talking about the battle, Ash instantly became excited.

Just to see what the level of the Pokémon Ranger is!

Pikachu naturally walked up with heavy steps, with a somewhat arrogant expression on his face.

The previous exhibition match, against the champion Mikri, is an absolute mvp Pokémon!
Although fmvp was finally awarded to Diablo Lugia, it was somewhat judged by appearances.

"Then it's up to you, Pichu!"

Xia Ye didn't care that there was an evolutionary class difference between the two, and sent his own Pichu backhand.


Pichu lightly jumped a few steps and landed in front of him, holding the small Ukulele in his hand, full of fighting spirit.

"Since it's Pichu, let you attack first."

Xiaozhi was not in a hurry to attack, and deliberately planned to see how this Pichu fought.

"We seem to be underestimated, then let him see your real electricity. Pichu, use [-] volts!!"

I saw that this Pichu did not activate the current stored in the electric airbag.

Pichu is a baby-level Pokémon, and he is extremely Muggle in power control.

Even with the simplest electric shock, it is possible to go off at any time, and make an oolong operation that shocks oneself first.


This Pichu actually grabbed the ukulele on his chest with his short hand and plucked the strings.

Dengdeng~! !
The tremor sounded, and the sound wave immediately turned into colorful electric shocks visible to the naked eye, all bombarding Pikachu!
"What kind of move is this?!"

Xiao Zhi was greatly surprised. Is it the effect of that Ukulele?

"Hmph, this is the power of my Pichu~!"

Xia also touched her nose, looking very proud.

This is a special ukulele.

It is difficult for Pichu to use electricity directly, but if you use ukulele, let the sound waves create an effect similar to electric shock. The power is extremely powerful.


Not only that, but this Pichu is very good at playing musical instruments. At this moment, in its hands, the electric shock can be freely controlled like music.

Boom! !

The next moment, Pikachu did not dodge or dodge, and let the sound waves bombard him with all the electric shocks.


The power is definitely not weak, even Pikachu is bent slightly under the pressure of the current.

"DiDi. Moves: Breaking Sound: Play the guitar and bass, release a violent vibration that makes a loud noise, and turn it into an electric shock to attack the opponent."

The picture book suddenly prompted.

Breaking Sound is a move exclusive to a Pokémon called the Vibrato Salamander in the Galar region.

At this moment, with the help of this magical Ukulele, this little Pichu also performed this move.

"It's not bad. Then Pikachu, let's also show them the electric shock and use the thunder!!"

Xiao Zhi backhand directly put a big move.

Pikachu shook his head and dissipated the electricity.

Greeting the opponent's sound-breaking move, it suffered a very minor blow.

"Pika, Chuu!!"

Immediately, it stood upright, clenching its small fists, and the electric current in the electric airbag began to burst.

Zizizi! !

The electric light and lightning came out of the body as much as possible, turning into a beam of curved lightning that shot directly into the night sky.

I haven't waited for Xia to react with Pichu.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a bunch of stout lightning strikes suddenly fell vertically from the sky!
It turned into a beam of extremely dazzling lightning beams and fell on the ground, and in just an instant, a pothole more than half a meter deep was blasted out.

The surrounding air was filled with an extremely depressing atmosphere, as if the weather had suddenly turned into a violent thunderstorm.

Especially the bunch of huge lightning strikes that fell from the horizon, it seems that as long as it is slightly contaminated, half of it will melt on the spot.

"What kind of power is that?"


Xia Ye and Pichu stared wide-eyed, their faces horrified, and they stared blankly.

Pikachu's thundering trick did not attack Pichu, but landed in front of it a meter away.

Boom boom boom! !

This was definitely a terrifying thunderstorm, and Xia also completely lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

This is a head shot!

This cute little Pichu hugged his ukulele subconsciously, and fell down on the ground, frightened.

such electricity.
Why don't you just throw away the ukulele, and concentrate on the electric airbags of the electric mouse family from now on?
"Good job, Pikachu!"

The lightning strike dissipated, and Ash nodded in satisfaction.

Naturally, it can't be that Pikachu didn't have the right head, it was all intentional.

This thunder really hits, and he probably can directly electrocute Pichu into coke.

But looking at the expressions of one person and one mouse in front of you, you should have passed the test, right?

"Eh Xiaozhi, where are you holy?"

It took a long time for Xia Ye to react, but this time when he looked at Xiao Zhi again, there was already something more.


Pichu even fell to Pikachu's side with a touch and jump, cheering as if seeing a senior.

"Haha~ I said it all, I'm a very good trainer~!"

Xiaozhi smiled smugly, showing no sign of modesty.

"So at my level, can I participate in your secret mission?"

Xia Ye came back to his senses, and said with a surprised expression:

"Yes, yes. Just the strength of Pikachu's electricity just now is definitely the strength of a top ranger!"

Well, among the top rangers, the top power, right?

Xia Ye didn't hide anything this time, and explained his mission completely.

"This quest is about a phantom Pokémon named Manaphy, also known as the Prince of the Sea"

"Sea King?"

Xiaozhi nodded, he had seen the Sea God and Sea King, and now there is another Sea King.

Illusory Pokémon, that is a mysterious existence similar to Jirachi, Shirabi.

It just so happens that to build Brother Chi's body, not only the token of God, but also the carrier of illusion is needed!

"It is said that in the vast sea, there is an ancient temple of the sea, and there is a great secret treasure hidden in it. Manaphy is the key to finding the former."

"And a group of pirates who do all kinds of evil are eyeing this great secret treasure. They don't know where they came from. They stole Manaphy's Pokémon eggs, and they plan to forcibly hatch them and use the latter's power to reach the Temple of the Sea."

Xiao Zhi nodded his head again and again, as if he was listening to a fairy tale.

"So what we have to do is to take Manaphy from the pirates and send it back to the sea before it is forcibly hatched."

Xia also clenched his fists and looked serious.

Forcibly hatching a Pokémon will definitely cause great damage to the Pokémon itself. There is also the mysterious Sea Temple. It is said that a little carelessness will also lead to dangerous disasters.

This is not only his mission to become a top ranger, but also the peace he must guard!

(End of this chapter)

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