Chapter 1282 Z moves!

"Xiao Zhi's command of Kirby is getting more and more old."

While watching the game, Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh.

It is already the third one facing the opponent, and all three are fighting attributes with unfavorable attributes. The current Kirby beast is still in a healthy state.

Not only has Kirbymon improved, but Ash's commanding power is also stronger than when the two fought side by side before.

"We can't fight a protracted battle, we must decide the winner as soon as possible."

Cucumber Fragrance wiped the sweat off her forehead, her eyes dignified.

Generally, the purpose of frontal attack type trainers is to defeat their opponents, so why would they even think about recycling such moves.

But now the attack power of both of them has been raised to the extreme. She still has a chance of winning!
"Xiao Zhi, then let you see the unique skills of me and the Iron Palm Warrior!"

Cucumber Xiang punched out, and then said loudly:

"Iron Palm Warriors, use infuriating bombs!"

This command actually made the few people onlookers unable to rectify.

Now that the physical attack is increased to the extreme, and then cast a special move?

Iron Palm Lux and Cucumber Fragrance are completely in sympathy, their body glowing with dangerous red light, their broad palms are raised in front of them, and an orange-yellow energy bomb is gradually condensed.

However, the next moment, the infuriating bomb was not thrown out, but slowly split into two light balls, and finally completely merged into the two broad palms of the Iron Palm.

This instantly covered the surface of the two palms of the Iron Palms with an orange-yellow energy film.

"Xiao Zhi, this move was inspired by the Z move when I traveled to the Alola area!"

After the front move was completed, Cucumber Xiang seemed very confident and said loudly.

"Z move?"

Xiaozhi blinked, it was the first time he heard the word.

"DiDi. Z moves, a unique fighting style for trainers in the Alola region, using the peculiar Z energy to elevate the power of Pokémon's moves to a higher level."

The picture book identification prompts.

If mega evolution improves the overall strength of a Pokémon.

Then, the only thing that improves the Z move is the power of that single move!
Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he was waiting.

He wanted to see what this move, which was inspired by the z move, looked like.

"Destroy it in one go! Iron palm fighters, use continuous flat pushes!!"


The Iron Palm fighter let out a low roar, and his broad palms began to push out alternately toward the front.

Before, it was necessary to reach the target, and the meat was shoved against the meat, but now it has the energy of the infuriating bomb covering the palm of the meat.



At this moment, every push from the Iron Palm fighters can create a shock wave of energy in the shape of a slap out of thin air.

As the slamming action continued to accelerate, the number and frequency of these energy slaps also increased rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the Iron Palm fighters had already blasted out countless energy slaps, and the number was completely innumerable.

The dense stacks shot out, and the overwhelming slap bombarded out, and the power was terrifying to the extreme.

Don't look like it's a long-range move. But it's a real physical move, with the perfect bonus of belly drumming!
If there is an Alora passing by here at this moment, they will definitely recognize this move
Z move, all-out unparalleled fierce punch! !
The appearance is already 9% similar, and with the effect of belly drumming, the power of the Iron Palm Lux's full-strength iron palm is even greater than the Z move!

"What a terrible power"

Countless orange-yellow energy slaps came over, and before the attack arrived, Xiao Zhi felt the fierce palm wind, and his hat was almost blown by the wind.

"But this kind of battle is interesting. Kabimon, we also use the ultimate shock!!"

This time Xiao Zhi chose to attack frontally.


I saw Kirby's fat bear paws one forward and one backward, eyes squinting and standing up, making a serious sprint.

dong dong dong! !

The next moment, the heavy lower limbs trampled the ground again and again, and unexpectedly rushed towards the countless energy slaps that were overwhelming.

The surface of the obese body was covered with purple-yellow energy in the process.

Continuously spiraling, turning the entire Kirby beast into an extremely huge spiral shock wave!
Kaka Kaka.!!
During the sprint, even the wooden floor under his feet was directly pushed out by a huge ravine crack by the Kirby beast.

Also with the blessing of the abdominal bulging state, the ultimate impact of the Kirby beast has risen to the extreme, and it has directly turned into an unstoppable white light group!

If the passing Alora man hadn't left at this moment, he would have recognized the appearance of Kabimon's ultimate impact, which was very similar to a move in their Alora area.

Z move, get serious and make a big crit! !
This is even the exclusive Z move of Kirby, no matter what is in front of him, it will be completely smashed and broken by the power of Kirby!
In the next instant, the ultimate impact rushed into countless energy slaps.

Boom boom boom! !Boom boom boom! !
Countless explosions followed, and each infuriating bullet and shove caused a violent explosion on the body of Kirby.

However, the impact trend of Kirbymon did not slow down by half a step, and it still sprinted forward with unstoppable force.

Until the energy of the infuriating bullets in the palms of the iron palm fighters completely disappeared, he could not continue to swipe out all-out unparalleled fierce fists, and he gasped unexpectedly, as if the end of the road.

The Kirby Beast has also rushed to the front of the Iron Palm Warrior, and the offensive has not been reduced.

"Don't lose to it, use shove!!"

Cucumber Xiang roared loudly, and since he was approached, he simply patted his palm.


The iron palm fighter steadied his lower plate, took a deep breath, concentrated the last strength on his palms, and pushed out with all his strength.

Boom boom boom! !

He just shoved his two palms and bombarded the Kirby beast. The next moment, an irresistible force came from the palm of the iron palm warrior.

It seems that what he attacked was a high-speed train rushing towards him, and he couldn't stop it by himself.
Boom! !
The next moment, the ultimate impact force of the Kirby beast completely exploded, the white light shot up to the sky, and the terrifying power turned into an unparalleled impact force, blasting the whole person of the Iron Palms out.

Then the Iron Palm fighters slammed into the wall of the dojo, and even smashed a big hole on the spot.

The fierce collision of moves made the entire dojo vibrate violently, and many decorative murals and window papers fell.

As the smoke dissipated and the movement ended, the entire battle dojo had completely collapsed, and the wooden floor and walls were completely cracked.

The room was even more shaky, as if it would completely collapse in the next second.

The funding for the battle facility is not as sufficient as the Alliance Gym, and the cucumber-scented face turns black.

(End of this chapter)

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