Chapter 1283

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the Iron Palm Warrior had fallen to the corner of the wall, completely losing his ability to fight.

The stomach area was also dented in an arc, apparently suffering a terrifying attack.

On the other hand, the Kirby beast put on a [-]-meter sprint and then braked at the finish line. His body was a little stiff due to the sequelae of the ultimate impact.

Although he was still standing on the field, he also had countless slap marks on his body.

Each of the full infuriating bullets and shoves of the Iron Palm fighters hit Kirbymon firmly.


Thinking of this, Kirbymon raised his palm again and called for something.

The next moment, a giant tree fruit appeared out of thin air again on the top of the head, which was directly swallowed by the former, and quickly recovered his physical strength.

recycle and re-use!

With this move, Kirby can completely become his own perpetual motion machine.
However, only one can be produced at a time. In addition to being useful in battle, it is not enough to eat it every day.

"Then. The Iron Hand Warriors can't fight, and Kirbymon wins! So this game is the victory of Ash from Zhenxin Town!!"

The referee in the karate suit said loudly.

It had been a long time since he had seen Cucumber Fragrant being so ruthlessly persecuted by others, and his shouting voice was a little trembling.

"Xiao Zhi, he really is a monster."

Yahida, who was holding the camera, was still extremely surprised by the round face under the sunglasses.

In these two battles against facilities, it can be said that Xiao Zhi's performance is impeccable. Maybe the league champion is here, and that's how he performed, right?
And this lazy-looking Kirby, the power it exerts is outrageous.

Even Cucumber Fragrant's secret moves were defeated with overwhelming force
"It seems that I have to look at Xiao Zhi's previous materials. It seems that his former Pokémon are also monsters."

Yahida wiped her sweat and thought to herself.


Cucumber Fragrance, who was pierced by a strong force, did not recover from the defeat for a long time, and stared blankly at the iron palm warrior who fell to the ground.

It wasn't until Ahida walked in that she regained her senses, took back the Iron Hand Warrior, and said in a somewhat reproachful tone:
"Yahida, you really found a monster here!"

"Hee hee~ Don't you like monsters the most? The stronger the trainer, the more you will be recognized~!"

Yahida just replied with a hippie smile, as if she didn't mean to be merciful and comforting.

He knows the smell of cucumbers.

When encountering a weaker trainer, he will bluntly express his dislike. But if he encounters a strong trainer, it will only be his favorite emotion.

Don't say one wear three.

If Xiao Zhi wears [-] today, it is estimated that Cucumber Fragrance will directly carry Xiao Zhi up and marry him on the spot.

"I lost Ash from Zhenxin Town, you are so strong!"

Cucumber Xiang walked into Xiaozhi with a smile and touched the back of his head.

The palm stretched forward and pulled out a golden circular badge.

Above are two upside-down "7s" stacked on top of each other to form a "mouth" pattern with a slit.

"This is Xiaozhi, the symbol of perseverance. I can't match your perseverance!"

"Your Z move surprised me too."

Ash smiled and took the symbol of perseverance and held it up in front of Kirbymon.

When it comes to Z moves, the world is full of wonders.

Speaking of which, it seems that at the Quartz Conference, the flaming roaring tiger of the royal masked man showed the Z move?

If he hadn't already decided to go to the Shenno area next, Ash would have decided to go to the Alola area first to see the legendary Z move.

I don't know when I will be able to display the real Z move.
Still thinking about it, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt an incomparably hot gaze.

But he saw that Cucumber Fragrance was already in front of him, staring at him with fiery eyes, without concealing the color of admiration and admiration.

"Haha, this is the behavior of Cucumber Fragrance to express her appreciation, there is nothing strange~"

Yahida hurriedly stood between the two of them. Having said that, he had never seen Cucumber Fragrance in such a posture.

"Since the battle arena is over, let's leave too~!"

Saying that, Yachida quickly pulled Ash and the three away from here as if they were running away.

Excited cucumber scent, maybe he will do something to Ash next.

"Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town, come play here next time~!"

But Cucumber Xiang just smiled and looked at the backs of several people leaving, and waved goodbye.

After a while, only she and the referee in the karate suit were left in the room.

Of course, there was also a devastated, nearly cracked room.

The man in the karate suit frowned and couldn't help but said:

"Well, Yachida doesn't seem to plan to pay us the maintenance fee, and ran away."

Cucumber Fragrance: "."

Chu Chu Chu! !

Soon, the three of Xiaozhi sat on the off-road vehicle again, and after a while, they left the city area where the battle arena was located, and came to the flat and broad Plain Avenue again.

It's just that Yahida's fiery appearance is somewhat strange.

"Uh, by the way, Mr. Yahida, shouldn't you escape the maintenance fee?"

Xiaogang couldn't help but ask.

He used to be the owner of the gymnasium, and he still understands this aspect.

The Pokémon Alliance has deep pockets. No matter how the Nibi Gym is destroyed, if you report it directly, you will always get a lot of money.

"Haha. Cucumber Xiang and I are best friends, how can we say that we escaped! It's all on the account, and it will be made up in the future."

Yahida said with a dry smile, and threw out the pie.

"The main reason is that the funds for our battle development area have not been sufficient recently. You know, this kind of indoor battle arena is the most likely to be damaged."

For example, in the Nibi Gym arena, it doesn't matter if you get beaten up with potholes, just fill in some soil and you're done.

But the level of collapse in the previous room needed a major renovation.

"I have long said that it would be great to let Cucumber Xiang change the arena to the open air and build a ring in the open space!"

Seeing a few people seemed to continue to ask questions, Yahida quickly changed the subject and said:

"Now that you have obtained two symbolic badges, Xiaozhi, what are you going to do next?"

Xiaozhi looked at the sky, it was just noon, it was still early.

I don't know when the pirate sniper mission will come, but we should solve all these battle facilities as soon as possible to save time for conflicts.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi simply said:

"Let's go to the next closest battle facility! Hmm. But let's have a good lunch first!"

He had not forgotten the presidential service that Yahida had promised.

The three of them have been fighting in the development zone for the past two days. Every day is full of big fish and meat, and they have a good life.

"ok, ok~!"

Yahida naturally agreed with a mouthful of mouth, and the three of them accelerated quickly and headed to the next urban area.

Today, he has captured satisfactory footage again!

(End of this chapter)

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