He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1284 Battle Dome, Hills!

Chapter 1284 Battle Dome, Hills!

Coming to the next urban area, the three of Xiaozhi once again enjoyed a hearty lunch.

After a few people finished their meal, when they walked leisurely on the street to digest their food, they found that a lot of people were gathering on the street, and they flocked in one direction at the same time.

"This is.?"

Following the flow of people, Ash and the others came to a huge building.

The whole building is like a huge round egg standing on the ground, only half of the body is exposed on the ground.



The passengers at the door position poured into the building together, chatting and discussing each other, so it was very lively.

This flow of people is much higher than any position that Xiao Zhi has seen in the battle zone before.

"Hehe~ This is the battle dome~!"

Yachida smiled and introduced to the three of Ash.

During the meal before, he specially notified the Battle Arena, saying that a heavyweight opponent would come in the afternoon, so that the pioneering minds here would be well prepared.

I didn't expect his preparation, it seems that the scale is a bit too high?
Entering with the three of them, they saw that there was an open arena in the Battle Arena.

The most central position is an empty arena battle, surrounded by rope boundaries like a boxing arena, and the bright lights are the focus of the audience.

There are countless spectator seats all around, nearly a thousand people watching the game, the lights are dim, and it is dark, but it can be vaguely seen that it is completely full.

Coupled with the closed indoor environment, the enthusiastic cheers and discussions made the air inside look very hot.

At this moment, there was already one person standing on the ring.

He is tall and slender, with a handsome face, wearing a purple and white tights, and his long purple hair is very fancy with two branches like curved corners.

On the forehead and arms, there are exquisite and gorgeous jewelry, and the back is covered with exaggerated decorations shaped like six insect wings.

This handsome and beautiful man is doing various poses on the stage.

"Whoa!! I'm dying! Hills!!"

"Extraordinary child!!"


Listening to the loud and frantic screams of countless audiences around, the three of Xiaozhi have not fully reacted.

"Hehe, this one is the pioneering mind of the dome battle~ His name is Hills."

Yahida hurriedly acted as a tour guide and explained.

Like Mickley, this one is also a very popular idol-level trainer.

The two are very similar even in gorgeous fashion, and the shape is biased towards the softness of women. Hills is a superstar in the battle zone.

Hearing the shouting around, Ahida couldn't help wiping away her sweat.

It can be said that the popularity of their entire battle development area, combined, maybe not as high as Sears alone.
However, unlike Mickley, Mickley pursues a similar purpose to the Gorgeous Contest, showing more of the beauty of Pokémon.

And what Hills shows is more of his own beauty.

"Well, it sounds like a very narcissistic person."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but complain.

He felt that this person was an exaggerated version of Michaeli, and even his body was very similar.

"You guessed it right, Hills is more narcissistic than anyone else."

Ahida smiled and nodded.

He just asked Sears to prepare a little, it seems that this guy is directly promoting it as his own concert.
But that's fine, their battle against the development zone should have been so lively.

With Xiao Zhi's strength, he is worthy of this scene.

"Oh oh oh~ what did I see~! Isn't this my best friend Ahida!!"

In the ring, Hills soon noticed the few people who came in, and immediately exclaimed loudly while pulling the microphone.

The whole person even jumped, stepped on the high column on the edge of the ring, and opened his arms.

With the wing decoration behind him, it was like a fancy purple bug jumping into the ring, which once again attracted cheers from countless people.

In an instant, countless eyes were also focused on Xiao Zhi and the others.


Xiao Zhi naturally had no stage fright. He was a player who became more excited as the audience grew, and immediately took the lead in the ring.

Turning over, he jumped onto the one-meter-high arena very flexibly and shook his face with Hills.

"I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town, I'm here to challenge the Dome!!"

Xiao Zhi said loudly, the voice even faintly overshadowed Sears who was holding the microphone.

It was just his youthful appearance that made Hills frown slightly.

He heard a super monster from Ahida, so he specially created this big scene.

It turned out to be just an 11, 12 year old boy?

Then he wasted this scene!
"Hey, did you hear that, this kid said he's Ash from Zhenxin Town?"

"Is that Xiao Zhi.?"

"It looks like a real person.?!"

Just this self-introduction caused countless whispers throughout the arena, and I could even hear many spectators taking a deep breath.

Half of the tourists here are from the Fangyuan area, and they still have a deep memory of the Caiyou Conference ten days ago.

"Xiao Zhi? What character is this? Please elaborate."

"I haven't heard of it."

"It doesn't look like a big deal."

Of course, there are also many people who don't know Xiao Zhi at all.

This also caused another group of people to immediately retort:
"Idiot, he is the winner of the Caiyou Alliance Conference, and he finally defeated the Alliance Champion, Mr. Michaeli!"

"Release a Pokemon at will is a legendary Pokemon!"

"In the end, a mysterious ancient god was forcibly repelled!"

Because it sounded too mysterious and had no credibility at all, it made the entire audience in a mess.

But Hills also vaguely heard a few keywords.

If these people are not lying.
And Yahida is very unreliable, but he has never told him any lies.
if it's true
"Maybe, what a monster.?!"

Hills' eyes also became serious, his previous smile was a little less, and he stared straight at Xiao Zhi.

Similar to his style, but the complete opposite of Michaeli. He knew how terrible this guy was.

"Quiet and quiet~! Next, please enjoy the wonderful performance of me and this boy~!"

Hills gave a low voice to the microphone, and then threw the microphone into the crowded audience seat. He was now standing at one end of the ring, ready to fight.

The same is true of Xiao Zhi on the other side, and he entered the state immediately.

"Oh wow!!"

"Lord Hills, come on!!"

The battle against the dome officially started with deafening cheers!
(End of this chapter)

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