He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1288 Comet Fist, Giant Gold Monster!

Chapter 1288 Comet Fist, Giant Gold Monster!

Although the handsome mega evolution has been completed, Hills' blood-winged dragon is still in a state of stubborn candles in the wind, and the naked eye can see the exhaustion.

Although the wind speed dog has drawn water in the four evolutions, under the action of the morning light, its physical strength has returned to a healthy state.

"The battle is not over yet, wind speed dog, use hot air! Mega blood wing dragon, use rock collapse!!"

Hills performed the previous combination move again.

Boom boom boom!

The falling rocks from the sky turned into meteors and flints in the hot wind, and the number this time was even higher than before.

The rock avalanche power of the mega blood-winged dragon has become more powerful!

"Metal monster. No, giant gold monster, use mental strength!!"

Ash took the same coping strategy.

I saw the eyes of the noble giant gold monster with white gold glow with blue light, and the terrifying thought power spread to the audience in an instant, appearing on the surface of every meteor and flint.

The giant gold monster that has completed the evolution at this moment obviously has a better control over his super powers, and completely freezes countless meteors and flints.

The increase in defense power also made it not too different from the aftermath of the hot wind.


As it roared, the mind power exploded, and it crushed countless dangerous rock collapse flints in the sky into powder in an instant, disappeared, and the power was extremely tyrannical!
"The wind speed dog, the big characters burst into flames!!"

While the audience was amazed at the powerful mind power of the giant golden monster, Hills took the opportunity to attack:
"Feng speed dog, use big characters to explode flame!!"

Right now, he is at a complete disadvantage. Putting aside those who fight against the mind first, winning is everything!
The wind speed dog opened its mouth, and a big flame of flames was instantly formed, and it was projected directly in the direction of the giant gold monster.

"Banquilas, use the sharp stone attack!!"

However, Banquilas on the other side had already condensed countless sharp-blade-like rubble in front of him. With the wave of his arm, countless sharp stone attacks rushed towards the big character explosion.

After completing the mega evolution, the power of Banquilas is also extremely powerful at this moment, and it is not a move at the same strength level at all.

At the moment of contact, the sharp stone attack has completely dissipated the large-character explosion, and even the stamina is not enough, and continues to shoot at the wind speed dog behind.

"The mega blood-winged dragon, use the sacrifice charge!!"

Hills' eyes narrowed and he suddenly said loudly.

The next moment, the whole body of the mega blood-winged flying dragon was covered with golden-white energy rays, and the entire straight body suddenly rushed up!

Like a laser pulse, it completely dispels the sharp stone attack with an overwhelming advantage.

Quasi-God Pokémon coupled with mega evolution, at this moment, Banjilas and the blood-winged dragon have extremely powerful powers, even if they look at it from a distance, it makes people bloody!
Boom boom boom! !

Not only that, the golden light energy on the surface of the blood-winged flying dragon even turned into a blue-blue shock wave energy during the sprinting sprint.

In the unstoppable power, there is a little more elegance and agility
This is the characteristic of the mega blood-winged dragon, the flying skin!

The moves with normal attributes will be transformed into flying attributes, and the power of this move will be increased!
However, in the face of this almost incomparable impact, Xiao Zhi's expression was frantic, and he chose to confront it head-on.

"Metal monster, use the iron wall to block it!!"

Obviously, he has great confidence in the giant golden monster that has evolved at this moment!

The flashing giant roared, and immediately landed in the center of the collision trajectory, and even landed on the ground of the arena from the air. The steel limbs were firmly inserted into the ground to maintain stability.

The white-gold body has a silver-white metallic luster again, which is extremely hard!
The next moment, he sacrificed his life and slammed into the giant gold monster head-on!

Boom boom boom! !

The power is so tyrannical that even the giant golden monster is rapidly regressing.

Klang Keng Keng.!

The four steel arms that were inserted into the ground created four exaggerated gaps and cracks on the ring, and the entire stage almost collapsed.

All the way back, until the entire body of the giant gold monster was about to fly out of the ring, and then at the limit edge of the ring, he barely resisted this blow.

"how is this possible?!"

Hills looked surprised, the other party could not resist this move!

"Hmph, whether it's a general attribute or a flying attribute, my giant gold monster has a good resistance!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi moved out the attribute restraint table.

Not only that, but at this moment, the giant gold monster has raised its fist, and various special effects of meteors are floating on it.
"Have you finally mastered this trick?"

Ash's eyes lit up, and Jirachi had used this trick before.

Taking advantage of the blood-winged dragon's body slamming into a temporary backlash, Xiao Zhi commanded in a loud voice:

"Right now, Comet Fist!!"

The next moment, the flashing giant gold monster exerted all his strength and punched it!
shhhhhh! !

Like a dazzling meteor streaking across the sky, it left a beautiful trajectory in the air, but it contained a terrifying force that could break apart giant rocks!
The Comet Fist smashed the blood-winged dragon head-on!

Boom! !
The latter's body, under the terrifying comet fist, flew backwards like a cannonball in an instant.

Not only in the arena, but the blood-winged dragon flew directly out of the arena, jumped over the heads of countless audience members below, and finally fell on the wall of the facility farther away.

The smoke and dust were everywhere, and the appearance was tragic.

Just as everyone's eyes were flying out of the Flying Dragon, Hills' expression changed greatly, and he suddenly commanded loudly:
"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flare Charge!!"

His blood-winged dragon was already in the wind, and it was impossible to stop this move.

And the giant golden monster who has been subjected to the flying skin and the collision of his own life is definitely not uncomfortable, it is an excellent opportunity to attack!

"It's a doubles battle now.!"

Xiao Zhi's expression is extremely cautious, and he is not complacent because of his previous success.

Boom boom! !

The wind speed dog on the opposite side has been covered with fiery flames, and the lion beast body is running and rushing fast, and it has turned into a huge blue fireball along the way.
Flash Charge! !
"Banquilas, take it down from the front!!"

Ash still repeated the old tricks, and the flame moves also didn't have a good effect on Banquilas.


He had suffered the opponent's full-strength blow before, and then hit his own full-strength blow. Although his giant gold monster did not lose its fighting ability, its figure was almost immobile.

At this moment, the arena seems to have become a head-to-head confrontation between the wind speed dog and the mega banquilas!
(End of this chapter)

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