He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1289 Symbol of tactics

Chapter 1289 Symbol of tactics

"Ban hoo hoo!!"

Mega Banquilas let out a low roar, and took the initiative to stand in front of the giant golden monster, propping up his strong forelimbs, his eyes were angry, and he was ready to fight!
At the next moment, the wind speed dog's full-strength flash charge has hit!
The huge blue fireball, with an extremely powerful impact in the amazing heat, bombarded Banquilas' chest head-on!

Boom boom boom! !

Even the mega-evolved Banquilas, his stature was back and forth again and again under this big move, his chest was burning, and his lower limbs scratched several meters on the ground of the arena.

"Ban hoo hoo hoo!!"

However, after a short period of disadvantage, mega Banquilas suddenly burst out with a thunderous roar, and actually completely endured the blow.

The fire on the surface of the wind speed dog gradually weakened, but on the body of Banquilas, there was a red and black demonic radiance.
"Right now, use tit for tat!!"

Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, he threw a punch, and roared loudly.

The evil-type tit-for-tat is the evil-type Banquilas in order to exert the strongest power!

"Ban hoo hoo hoo!!"

Banquilas retreated all the way, and fully absorbed all the power of the Flaming Charge, which was also transmitted to it.

In the end, it was completely condensed on the right fist of Banquilas, and the surface of the fist was even ignited with red and black energy flames.


And the wind speed dog is also like the previous mega blood-winged dragon, if the full-strength flash charge can work, it is good to say.

However, if the opponent is not defeated at one time, the counter-injury damage will come in, which makes the wind speed dog a little stiff.

For a time, he couldn't even perform the incomparably flexible and vigorous movements before.

And the fist of Mega Banquilas has also arrived, without any fancy bombing!
Boom! !
A tooth for a tooth! !
Banquilas returned the previous Flare Charge power, punched with evil energy, and doubled it back to Wind Speed ​​Dog! !
Combined with the already incomparably surging boxing power.

Boom boom boom.!!
The figure of the wind speed dog, like the blood-winged flying dragon before, flew out like a cannonball again.

Leaping over the edge of the ring, passing over the heads of countless spectators, and finally bombarded the edge wall of this battle facility.

I seem to have seen this scene just now?

噔.! !
Because the edges were too dark, the staff of the Battle Dome hurriedly turned on the interior lights completely, and bright white light illuminated every corner of the place.


But I saw that at the edge, the wind speed dog had stuck out his tongue, and his eyes fell on the spot in a circle.

It is already crispy, and if it takes another life, it may not be able to stop this tit-for-tat.

The blood-winged flying dragon next to him had already withdrawn from the mega-evolution form, and was also seriously injured, with a tragic fist mark on his chest.

Both can't fight!

As for the ring.

"Ban hoo hoo hoo!!"

Mega Banquilas shook his arms and let out bursts of roars, showing his aura of a desert king!


The giant gold monster was behind him, his body trembled, and his physical strength was quite high.
However, looking at the "senior" in front of him, the eyes of the local tyrant under the golden metal fork were a little more envious.

It can also evolve into mega, right?

Before it was transferred to Xiao Zhi, and when it was still with Dawu, this giant gold monster had seen Dawu's mega giant monster.

That is the goal it pursues and is quite eager to defeat!

"Bloodwing Dragon, Wind Speed ​​Dog lost the battle, Banquilas, Giant Golden Monster won!! So in this battle against Dome, contestant Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town won the battle!!"

A referee grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly.

The sound ignited the entire arena at once, and countless spectators cheered and became restless.

Although their Lord Hills was defeated, it was worth seeing this wonderful battle! !
And what is the existence of Xiaozhi in this real new town, why is he so strong? !

What was the previous fantasy of "defeating the league champion" and "raising your hand is full of legendary Pokémon", are they all true?

In the ring, the double quasi gods showed their high power to everyone!
"Hahaha, it's perfect! It's perfect!!"

Ahida, who was holding the camera, kept shouting, her face flushed.

It was not until Banquilas in the ring released the mega evolution that he completely closed the camera.

Three quasi-gods, two mega evolutions, one dog
This is another perfect video material! !

He can't wait to record the few battle facilities behind Xiao Zhi, what kind of battle will be next! ?
"It's alright, Hills!"

Watching her friend silently take back her defeated Pokémon, she looked a little lonely, and Ahida even comforted her.

"Everyone! Today is an unparalleled gorgeous battle~~!!"

The next moment, Hills had already jumped to the edge of the ring again, raised his head high, and shouted with open arms.

"Lord Hills!! Lord Hills!!"

Throughout the arena, countless Hills' cheers rang out in an instant, which was deafening.

Xiaozhi: "."

Looking at the former posture, it seems that the opponent is the winner.

"Hehe, as expected of a superstar trainer"

Yahida also wiped off her sweat and sighed with emotion.

That's right, with the narcissism level of my friend, I don't need to take care of my emotions at all.
Afterwards, the audience dispersed.

Ash and the others followed Hills and came to the backstage of the battle against the dome.

"Then this is the proof of conquering the Dome. A symbol of tactics!"

Hills handed Ash a golden badge with a brown circular mark on it, with an "H" space hollowed out in the center.

"Is the third symbol?"

Xiaozhi happily put it into his backpack, but he has not yet come out of the previous high-intensity battle, and his expression is still rosy.

"Yahida, you really found a monster and it's a bit outrageous!"

Hills even couldn't help but complain.

"But with your strength, it wouldn't be too strange if you really defeated that guy Mikri."

Hills thought to himself.

He and Mikri are both flamboyant trainers, and Hills sees the latter as his opponent.

However, the beauty that Mikuri pursues is the same as the beauty contest, which is to show the beauty of Pokémon. And his beauty is the beauty of the trainer.

Thinking of this, Hills suddenly looked at Xiao Zhi with a serious expression, and asked in a deep voice:

"Which is better between me and the champion Michael?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Okay, okay, we're not idle people either"

Yahida quickly stood in the middle of the two groups of people, and with a look of helplessness, he took the three of Xiaozhi out of the battle dome.

Is this friend of yours seriously ill?! ?
(End of this chapter)

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