He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1325 The last ice pillar!

Chapter 1325 The last ice pillar!
Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a thick colorful beam also spewed out from the mouth of the statue dragon!

This is a move similar to fire and water spray. When the HP is full, it can exert the strongest power such as volcanic eruption.

With the addition of the characteristic Dragon Jaw, the power has reached a new height, and the entire battle pyramid began to tremble under this blow.

Boom boom boom! !
The moves collided in the center of the arena, but even though the beams burst out as strong as the endurance moves, they were still forced back by the mighty dragon, and the latter was stronger in terms of strength.

In the end, he even pushed the endurance beam to the end, and bombarded the steel god pillar from the front.

Boom boom! !

The terrifying movement of the move directly blew the heavy body of the Steel God Pillar out and slammed into the edge wall!
Smoke and dust filled the air, and the gravel cracked. However, the steel god pillar that fell from the wall still held on strong and did not fall down.


There was a low-pitched sound with its own reverberation, and several cracks could be faintly seen on the surface of the metal body.

The Steel God Pillar is not as hard as the picture book describes it.

It was very reluctant to resist this dragon's mighty pressure, but the resistance of the steel attribute made it support it.

"What the hell kind of trick is this?!"

Even though he was as calm as a god, he couldn't help but utter foul language.

The preferential treatment given to these two by the King of Pillars is too exaggerated!

"Isn't the winner yet? Then kill it all at once, Dragon God Pillar, use Flaming Fang!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright, and he raised his hand to pursue the victory.

Since you have resistance to dragon-type moves, use fire moves with outstanding effects!

I saw that the Dragon God Pillar still kept its body closed and flew out in the form of a dragon head statue.

The corners of his mouth opened slightly, and a fiery flame was already burning in it!
"Regis Quirrell, use Frozen Fist!!"

Jindai responded head-on, without dodging, and also hit a restrained frozen fist.

The new series of divine pillars are too strong to suppress the ordinary three divine pillars, and now they can only sink their boats.

This time, the opponent's moves can win without the bonus of the dragon jaw feature!


The Steel God Pillar dragged the scarred body, and the steel arm condensed icy energy and smashed it heavily towards the flying lone dragon!
call out.!

Just when it was about to collide, the trajectory of the Dragon God Pillar was slightly deviated, just avoiding the frozen fist of the Steel God Pillar.

Scale Shot This move shoots out your own dragon scales.
Although this lowered the defense of the Dragon God Pillar, it was less burdensome, and the speed was increased, allowing him to make more flexible dodging movements.

At this moment, the steel god pillar, which was throwing a punch with all his strength, lost its center of gravity for a while.

bang! ! !

The Dragon God Pillar bit on the Steel God Pillar's shoulder in one bite!
The powerful dragon jaws even cracked and bit the steel body of the Steel God Pillar, and then the raging flames attached to it and erupted on the Steel God Pillar!

Boom! !
The flame exploded, and the body of the Steel God Pillar was blown out again!

The effect is outstanding! !
And this time, as the smoke and dust dissipated, the heavy and huge body of the Steel God Pillar had already collapsed!

"Steel Regis Qilu lost his ability to fight, so the Dragon God Pillar won!!"

The apprentice referee immediately said loudly.

His voice trembled as he spoke. Master actually lost again? !

And this weird Dragon God Pillar, Electric God Pillar, what the hell are they? !


Even the gods stared straight ahead, silent for a long time.

It's not the difference in level or command. It's simply the difference in the upper limit of the pillar itself.

"It seems that these two divine pillars should be the products of the next era."

The generation of gods pondered secretly, the same is the mobile phone, but the function of the new mobile phone is to hang the old mobile phone, it is the same reason.

After creating the Three God Pillars, Regichkas improved his craftsmanship and his proficiency was touching, so he created a more powerful electricity, the Dragon God Pillar.
This is a good research conclusion.

It's just that now is obviously not the time to study, and he has come to a desperate situation.

"Come back, Dragon God Pillar!"

When the Age of Gods took back the Steel God Pillar, Ash on the other end also took back the Dragon God Pillar.

This makes the generation of gods a little curious. He has a total of three pillars. Is it possible that the latter has a third pillar?

"Please, Regais!!"

Without any hesitation, the generation of God threw the last pillar of ice.

The entire body is composed of pure and hard ice crystals, with new icicles extending from the lower limbs of the arms, and some scattered icicles are also stuck on the back.

Crystal's front face was covered with a yellow dot matrix like a cross. As soon as it appeared, an icy mist floated on the surface of the body that came into contact with the air.

"This guy is"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the picture book. Speaking of which, this was the first time he had seen the Ice God Pillar.

"Regais, also known as the Ice God Pillar, is said to be composed of ice formed during the Ice Age. Even if it falls into volcanic magma, it will not melt, and it can even control the air-conditioning of minus 200 degrees."

The Pokédex automatically prompts.

Sounds like it still has resistance to fire moves?
"Then my last Pokémon."

Ash suddenly turned his head and looked at the Pikachu Pikachu next to him, and there was even a Pikachu rock statue of the same size.

"The last battle, please, Pikachu!"

Xiao Zhi said solemnly.

Next, we are going to the Shenao area. The ghost knows if Pikachu will be slashed by that new area again, and his strength will drop again?
Pikachu can't stay in Zhenxin Town all the time without going out. That knife is always going to be cut.

In other words, this battle now will be the pinnacle of Pikachu's battle for a period of time!


Pikachu immediately took a leap and landed on the field, his cheeks burst with electricity, and his fighting spirit was high.

"Finally the Electric Mouse"

Kamidai's expression was a little dignified, but he didn't take it lightly because he was a rotten street electric rat.

He has seen the video of the Caiyou Alliance Conference, and he knows that this Pikachu is extremely powerful.

It won't even lose to the previous Dragon God Pillar and Electric God Pillar.

There has always only been zero seals from other people's gods, but I don't want to be sealed by Xiaozhi today.

"If you win one, you will win!"

Unconsciously, a thought faintly appeared in the mind of the gods.

The final battle has officially started!

"Regais, use Blizzard!!"

As soon as he came up, the gods directly made a big move.

I saw the Ice God Pillar lift the icicle arm, and a violent blizzard suddenly blew in front of him, wreaking havoc on the audience.

The wind and snow that covered the entire field was impossible to hide.

"Pikachu, use the grid on yourself!!"

However, Pikachu flew out of a large net of thunder and lightning, and firmly covered himself with the package.

crunch! !
The raging snowstorm not only turned the ground of the arena into a field of ice, but even Pikachu's energy grid was completely frozen!

(End of this chapter)

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