He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1326 The final game, against the pyramid!

Chapter 1326 The final game, against the pyramid!

As the snowstorm dissipated, the entire arena had become a beautiful ice field.

And the power grid at one end of the arena was completely frozen into an icicle dome.

As Pikachu stood up, the energy of the grid dissipated, and there was no support point, and the ice caps shattered and fell together.


Pikachu's spirits are shaking, and there is no major ailment, but the temperature of the entire battle space has dropped a lot. This is an environment suitable for the battle of the Ice God Pillar.

"Regais, use Freezing Light!!"

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!!"

Kamiyo and Ash attacked at the same time.

The next moment, the ice-blue electric snake pulse and the curved lasing lightning collided in the center of the arena, and the ice god pillar and Pikachu at both ends continued to exert force, trying to overwhelm the latter.

Boom! !

After a stalemate for half a minute, the move suddenly exploded in mid-air, causing a burst of smoke, evenly matched.

"how is this possible?!"

The apprentice referee who fought against the Pyramid was particularly surprised.

The Ice God Pillar is his master's strongest Pokémon!
Previously, Dragon God Pillar, Electric God Pillar, etc. were nothing. After all, they are the same series of God Pillars, and they are powerful.

But an electric rat on a rotten street, how can He Dehe be able to stand up to the Bing Shenzhu!
Aren't you afraid of losing your life? !
Obviously, he didn't know much about the Caiyou Alliance Conference on the Fangyuan Continent.

"Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!!"

Soon, Xiao Zhi attacked again, ready to use speed to win.

Pikachu ran quickly on the ice, like an arrow of white light around the ice pillar, dazzling, even on the ice, the flash of electric light still showed a speed of ten percent!

"Regais, use Stomp!!"

However, the Ice God Pillar didn't care about this at all, and stomped heavily on the ground.

Rumble! !

The ground trembled violently in an instant, and the ground attribute moves were very effective against Pikachu.
Pikachu immediately jumped and jumped into the air to avoid damage.

"Right now, use electromagnetic waves!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded.

The level of this ice god column is not low, let's put the abnormal state first.

"Regais, use Frozen Wind!!"

However, the icicle suddenly raised his palm, and the icicle body instantly blew out a gust of ice fog and cold wind.

The power is not too great, but the dense electromagnetic waves are all frozen into solid ice slag and fall to the ground.

Even a lot of ice fog fell on Pikachu's lower limbs, slightly reducing the speed of the latter.

"And then there's Frozen Light!!"

The movement of the ice god pillar did not change, but the power of the freezing ability that spewed out suddenly skyrocketed, turning into an ice blue electric snake and flying out.

"Pikachu, use the electric ball!!"

Since he couldn't dodge in midair, Pikachu simply spun his body in the air and shot a swift electric ball.

Boom boom boom! !

The move suddenly exploded in mid-air, and Pikachu quickly landed to cushion it with the help of the reaction force.


It's that the icy ground is somewhat slippery, and Pikachu hasn't fully adapted to it yet, so he almost fell.

"This ice pillar is stronger than the other two pillars."

After some fighting, Xiao Zhi also noticed something and whispered to himself.

The generation of God did not give him extra time to think, and now he has the advantage and launches the attack quickly.

Make sure to kill at least one today! !

"Regis, use Earthquake!!"

Boom.! !
The icicle's lower limbs stomped on the ground, and in an instant, the entire surface of the ice surface cracked and trembled violently.

It looks like it's going to spread to Pikachu.
"Pikachu, use the grid against your feet!"

Xiaozhi moved quickly.

But I saw Pikachu jumped, and suddenly flew a large net of thunder and lightning to the position under his feet.

duang~! duang~!

It landed next, as if stepping on a trampoline, bouncing up and down.

With the defense of the power grid, most of the damage of the earthquake has been buffered.


Not only that, Pikachu even used the elasticity of the power grid to rush to the position of the ice god column!
"Right now, use the steel tail!!"

Because the speed was too fast, the Ice God Pillar didn't even react, and only saw a black afterimage passing by in front of him, followed by a bright metallic light.
Bang Bang! !
In the next moment, the steel tail slammed heavily on the face of the Ice God Pillar!

The effect is outstanding! !
The strong steel tail even smashed a piece of broken ice on the ice body of the Ice God Pillar.

"Regais, use Avalanche!"

However, the spirit of the gods was highly focused and suddenly commanded.

Although he was hit hard, now is also an excellent time to attack!

"Lightning strikes Ace.!!"

The cry of the ice god is similar to the name, and it has its own bass reverb.

The crosses on the icicle flickered for a while, and the next moment, countless huge snow blocks condensed from the sky above Pikachu's head, and they were about to fall.

If the avalanche is used as a backhand move, the power is huge!
The avalanche of the back hand crashed down, catching a back-swing gap when Pikachu just finished using the steel tail.

"I underestimate my Pikachu to use the speed!!"

However, Pikachu's movement speed was instantly improved by a grade, and the moment it fell on the ice, it turned into a strange blue light and disappeared, completely avoiding the terrifying avalanche move.

rumble! !
The avalanche that kept falling down hit the air, and even a mountain of snow blocks was stacked on the arena, with great momentum.

And Pikachu in the state of speed was completely unable to capture the specific position, and was rushing towards the position of the Ice God Pillar.

"Don't worry about it, Regais, just use Blizzard!!"

Since Pikachu could not be captured, the Ice God Pillar simply turned the attack target into the ground.

Whoohoo! !

The gushing snowstorm quickly scatters and blows around after falling to the ground.

The blizzard in the audience naturally also touched Pikachu. The blizzard with the power of extreme cold stained Pikachu's body, which made Pikachu's speed decrease.


Breaking out of the speed state, the ethereal cyan light gradually solidified, turning into a yellow electric mouse.

"It's now, Frozen Light!!"

Icicle's move switching is very smooth, there will be a blizzard in the first second, and the freezing light in the next second has already been released instantly!

It has extremely high ability to control the power of ice and snow. Blizzard and frozen light are completely the same move for Ice God Pillar. The difference is that it changes the size of the caliber.

Just like the shower head, the water flow is the same, but the spray type is completely different from the one-point type.

Zizizi! !

Unprepared, Pikachu was hit head-on by the freezing light and blew out!
(End of this chapter)

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