He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1327 The final game, against the pyramid!

Chapter 1327 The final game, against the pyramid!
"Tsk, it's really strong."

After being successfully hit by the opponent, Xiao Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead and did not dare to be careless.

Not only the powerful Ice God Pillar, but also the cooperation between the unsmiling man in front of him and the Ice God Pillar is perfect!

But this is already his last step in the battle against the frontier.

Even the Ice God Pillar and the Age of God will never be able to become an existence that hinders you!

"Start fighting back, Pikachu!!"


The fighting spirit of one person and one mouse is high, and the fighting spirit is unprecedentedly high.

"Regais, use Blizzard!!"

The Ice God Pillar's icicle arm was raised, blowing a raging ice and snow storm again.

Even if the blizzard is blocked, it can still hit some damage. Add up, and the damage will always be there.

For the Ice God Pillar, the blizzard is almost an instinctive force, and it does not require much energy at all.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi suddenly raised his hand and pointed:
"Right now, use the straw knot!"

Gotta be a grass knot!
I saw Pikachu suddenly raised his small paws, and his eyes flashed with emerald green light.

The next moment, tough vines suddenly stretched out from the ground beneath the Ice God Pillar's feet, hooking the latter's lower limbs.

The sudden knot in the grass also caused the Ice God Pillar to fall in place.

Although it only doubles the effect, the grass knot has a crit effect on high-weight Pokémon, and the damage is not bad.

But the expression of the gods did not change. Since he fell, just lie down.

"Regais, use Avalanche!!"

I saw Bing Shenzhu maintained a posture of falling to the ground, did not get up, but raised his arm for the first time.

Rumble.! !
The next moment, countless huge snow blocks condensed out of thin air above Pikachu's head, and they were about to fall.

This is another powerful backhand, Avalanche!

But this time, Ash didn't plan to dodge.

"Let them see your power, Pikachu, use the most powerful thunder trick!!"

Pointing high to the sky, Ash growled loudly.

Pikachu also clenched his small fists in place, tightened his body, and accumulated an extremely violent electric current on his cheeks.

Boom! !

In the next instant, the golden current flowed out of the body like a flood, soaring into the sky, and the movement was exaggerated. No matter its size or power, it would far exceed the previous [-] volts!
The thundering trick rising from the sky, the ultra-high voltage current with extremely majestic energy, and even the terrifying avalanche that fell down, all melted into water vapor and smoke, disappeared, and finally went straight to the sky!
Due to the previous battle, the Age of God had previously opened the ceiling of the battle pyramid, leaving the battlefield completely open.

The electric shock that broke into the high-altitude clouds, hooked the natural black clouds, and the thunder bursts.
Boom boom boom! !

In the next instant, an extremely thick golden lightning strike suddenly fell! !
Unparalleled lightning speed, pierces through everything, and targets the icicle!
It seems to have its own locked lightning strike, and it is impossible to dodge at the speed of the icicle.
"Regis, use Instant Amnesia!!"

Looking at this terrifying Tianwei lightning strike, even the gods wiped their sweat unconsciously, and could only command in this way, trying to resist the blow.

The Pokémon of the God Pillar series will basically lose their memory in an instant.

With the body of the Ice God Pillar tilted, the special defense of the Ice God Pillar's consciousness was greatly improved!
Boom boom boom! !

The dazzling golden light and lightning strike also landed on the body of the Ice God Pillar.

Bathed in the violent electric light, the ground under his feet instantly cracked into a large pit of ruins.


Even the Ice God Pillar in the center still let out a whimper. Obviously, even if it was an instant amnesia, it was difficult to stop the thunder.

Until the electric light gradually dissipated, relying on the unique super-thick blood-skin talent of the divine beast, the Ice God Pillar barely resisted the blow.

The icicle arm is raised, and the move is about to be released.

However, Pikachu in the distance did not know when, and had already arrived at the position three meters in front of the Ice God Pillar.

Da da da.!

Speeding all the way, the tail stood up high, and at this moment, it was completely covered with a layer of silver-white metallic luster.

"Pikachu, use the steel tail!!"

As Ash's command fell, Pikachu jumped high, and hit the Iron Tail with a reflexive blow on the face of the Ice God Pillar.

Bang Bang! !
A strong blow, as if the hard ice of the Ice God Pillar is about to crack.

The effect is outstanding!


Even the always calm God Generation could not help but frown.

After using such a terrifying thundering move just now, he can still use the steel tail smoothly. This electric mouse is even more dangerous than the previous Electric God Pillar!
Seeing the Ice God Pillar crumbling, Shendai immediately shouted:

"Don't give up, Regais, use Freezing Light!!"

Taking advantage of the extreme distance, it is completely possible to hit a perfect ice light trick.

Can turn over!

However, Pikachu had already used the reaction force, and his body quickly ejected into the air at a height of seven or eight meters, widening the distance.

"You can't dodge moves in the air. Regais, use the frozen light with all your strength!!"

God's voice became tough and bloody, and he hadn't experienced such a battle for several years.

The blood seems to have infected the ice god column, dragging the scarred body, and completely condensing the cold energy of the whole body in front of him
Boom! !

In the next instant, a powerful beam of frozen light suddenly shot out!

With a great chilling air-conditioning, the moment it only came into contact with the air, it brought out countless ice flowers.

Even the people of Yaxida, who were dozens of meters apart, were shocked by the freezing light, and their skin became cold.

And Pikachu in mid-air couldn't take advantage of it at all, and he was about to be hit directly by this thick and powerful pulse of ice light.

However, Xiao Zhi seemed to have expected it, and suddenly commanded in a loud voice:
"Pikachu, the battle is over. Use the last flying body to weigh!!"


Pikachu's eyes were bright, and suddenly he spread his limbs completely in the air, like a bird in flight.

Flying under heavy pressure, this is a move with its own flying attributes, which gives Pikachu the ability to be flexible and change the body shape even if he has nowhere to borrow in mid-air.

sizzle bang.!!
A strong ice light hit, but Pikachu, who swooped and fell, slanted slightly like a bird, and nimbly and swiftly avoided this move.

The swooping cast did not stop, the attack of the flying body was raised to the maximum, and the bombardment with agile movements fell down! !
After hitting that icy light, the Ice God Pillar didn't have the slightest energy to dodge, and the figure was heavily covered by Pikachu who was transformed into a flying squirrel!
The violent explosion sounded suddenly, and the weight of the flying body was still a fighting attribute move. For the Ice God Pillar
The effect is outstanding! !
Boom boom boom! !

As if a bomb fell to the ground, it exploded with a bang, and the movement was great!
And in the smoke, Pikachu bounced back from it again by the reaction force.

After several handsome somersaults in the air, he fell and Pikachu fell to the ground.

Due to the slippery ice surface, the landing action was not particularly perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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