He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1331 The Commanding Gong Cup Competition!

Chapter 1331 The Commanding Gong Cup Competition!

The next morning.

Xiao Zhi was on the No. [-] road to Changqing City.

Still familiar with the jungle and grassland scenery, this is the place where he and Pikachu first bond.

It is also the place where I first met Brother Chi.

At this moment, Chi has temporarily stayed in the backyard of the Big Wood Research Institute, and did not accompany Xiao Zhi.

A feeling of fascination with an empty heart makes Xiao Zhi feel that even walking is light and airy.

Dr. Damu is his own person. After discussing with Xiaomao before, the two have already told the former the secrets in their bodies.

After listening to it, Dr. Damu felt that the world was magical and quickly accepted it.

No wonder these two people and Xiaolan grew up surprisingly fast, far beyond his imagination.

It turned out that there was an expert behind it.

Leaving the red wooden chair in the backyard of the institute, Dr. Ogi has time to find the former to play chess and enjoy the leisurely old age together.

As for why Xiao Zhi went to Changqing City today.
"Haha Xiaozhi, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon~!"

At the entrance of Changqing City, a brown-haired, spiky-haired youth was already waiting for him early, with one hand on the wall, his movements were quite irritating.

"Idiot. Xiao Mao, because you called me here!"

Xiao Zhi just reluctantly complained, and then added angrily:
"Tomorrow I'm going to Oludolan. I'm packing my bags now, and suddenly called me here."

"Haha, I asked you to come because there is something good~!"

Xiao Mao didn't care about Xiao Zhi's face at all, he pulled him into the city with a smile, and walked quickly in the direction of Changqing Gym.


The cyan in the former soul world frowned slightly.

He felt the familiar smell on Xiao Zhi's body. Disappeared?
Chi, is that guy being superseded?
After some explanation, Xiao Zhi probably knew the whole story.

It was a rare first time as a gym owner, and Xiao Mao still wanted to do this job well.

At this moment, the gymnasium has been renovated, and it will officially open to the public today. So the opening ceremony will naturally be a vigorous one.

When Xiao Zhi walked to the vicinity of Changqing Gym, he realized that a competition arena had been set up at the entrance, with a huge banner hanging on it.

"Celebrate the reopening of Changqing Taoist Hall, and today will hold the first ever Commander's Cup Competition in Changqing City!"

"The deadline for registration is 12:[-] noon, when the competition officially begins!"

Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head, what the hell is this "Commanding Cup Competition"? !
The time is now about nine in the morning, but many residents of Changqing City have already gathered around and talked a lot around the arena.

There are even many tourists from other cities in the Kanto region who specially went to watch the legendary first "Director's Cup" competition.

Obviously, Xiaomao's publicity is in place and full of gimmicks.

Zhengchou couldn't find a few strong contestants, Xiaomao called Xiaozhi, who was fine, but unfortunately Xiaolan and Bilan had gone out to practice and could not come.

The Guiding Gong Cup, as the name suggests, the elves of this competition can only use the only trick [Commanding Gong].

What moves can be used and what happens are completely random. It can be said that it is a purely lucky match.

The opening is auspicious, it is not a real battle of swords and guns, but a rush of joy in the mode of entertainment competition
"How is it haha, what is my uncle's idea~!"

Xiao Mao patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder with a smile and said proudly.

The world's first!

Xiaozhi: "."

You really are a genius!

However, it was the first time I heard that there was such a competition, which made Xiao Zhi also interested, and immediately expressed his interest in participating.

"My Gengar can use this trick if he is in command."

Ash took out a Poké Ball, which happened to be on him.

Because the randomness of this move is too outrageous, the ghost knows whether it will shake out a [Water Splash] or [Big Bang]. Therefore, in the official battle, Xiao Zhi did not command Gengar to use it.

But this is a contest purely based on luck
"Hmph, if you think there's only luck in it, then you're wrong, Ash of Newtown!"

At this time, a cold humming sound suddenly came from behind the two of them, and the voice was somewhat old and mean.

The two of Xiaozhi turned their heads, but saw a rickety old woman with short beige curly hair, wearing a long purple dress, and leaning on a crutch in her hand.

With a gloomy and cold face, he was staring at Xiao Zhi very seriously.

"Tianwang. Miss Juzi?!"

Ash recognized the latter and blurted out.

But why did the latter look so vicious to him? He and Juzi were just nodding acquaintances, right?
"Oh~ is the old woman here again? But make it clear in advance that I am only the host of this competition, and I will not compete in person~!"

Xiao Mao is obviously more familiar with Kikuko, and he is unceremonious.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, as long as I win this competition and let you bow your head to give me the award, this is also a humiliation to you!"

Chrysanthemum's tone was even more arrogant and unabashedly hostile.

After seeing that Xiaomao spent a lot of money on the promotion of the Commanding Cup Competition on the Internet, Kikuko came immediately, intending to severely frustrate Xiaomao's spirit.

Xiaozhi: "."

Looking at the tit-for-tat two people, it was obvious that there was a huge age gap, but he didn't understand how the two met each other.

However, he was obviously more interested in what Kikuko said before, "it's not about luck".

"Because of the Pokémon's own physical fitness, props, and characteristics. These are all controllable. In some respects, if these three aspects are well matched, the winning rate will be greatly improved~!"

A crisp female voice came from behind again, and the voice was very familiar.

Xiaozhi turned his head sharply, it was Xiaoxia who hadn't seen each other for a long time!

"Xiaoxia, why are you here?!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up. He hadn't seen Xiaoxia for some days, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity emerged spontaneously.

As a friend of Xiaomao, the opening of the Changqing Taoist hall was auspicious, and Xiaoxia came to join in.


At this moment, above Xiaoxia's head, there is also a Pokémon that looks like a little angel flying. The egg-shaped body of the lower body is covered with triangular patterns, and there are a pair of small flapping wings on both sides.

It happened that her Pokebi evolved into Pokekigu Xiaoxia and brought it to the competition.

You must know that at the very beginning, the academic world believed that the commanding skills were the exclusive move of the Porkby family.

If it's more luck, Xiaoxia doesn't think her Pokékigu will lose to anyone!

"Oh~ it seems that there are a lot of powerful trainers gathered here~!"

At this time, another familiar voice came, and it was Xiaogang.

Nibi City is not far from Changqing City, so Xiaogang has nothing to do, so he simply came here to join in the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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