He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1332 Come to Dad

Chapter 1332 Come to Dad

Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang got together again. The classic trio has not reunited like this for a long time.

"Xiao Zhi, you are getting stronger and stronger. I saw your performance at the Caiyou Conference~!"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but praise her, her eyes flashing with excitement.

Who would have thought that 1 or 2 years ago, even the attribute restraint table was a rookie trainer who memorized it upside down, and now even the league champion Michaely has turned it over.

Although Michael's strength is slightly worse than other league champions.

Xiaoxia, who is also good at water attributes, realizes that Micoli may not be able to defeat her master, Kana, the king of Kanto.

Thinking that Xiaozhi can travel and take adventures everywhere, and then Xiaogang can continue to follow the world without any scruples, Xiaoxia is very envious.

"Damn, if I help my sister and the others in the gym for two more years, I'm going to run away."

Xiaoxia gritted her silver teeth.

Immediately, the chat topic of several people turned to the finger shaking contest.

Xiaozhi knew that Pokejigu mastered the command skills, but what Pokémon on Xiaogang's body mastered this trick made Xiaozhi curious.

"Hey, you'll find out after the game~!"

Xiaogang just said mysteriously, then looked around, trying to find a few beautiful young ladies.

As the time approached noon, more and more spectators gathered at the entrance of the Evergreen Gym.

It's just the commanding technique, it's not a common move, and the spectators who are attracted by chance are basically just watching from the periphery.

Most of the contestants were out-of-town trainers who knew about this competition in advance and came from all over the place.

If Xiaomao didn't spend money in advance to promote it vigorously, he might not even be able to get all 5 contestants together.

The "Directing and Commanding Cup" competition that he came up with out of his mind was the first in the world, and it had never happened before, and it attracted many people to participate.

In the crowd, there was also a beautiful woman in a traditional kimono walking slowly, with blue shoulder-length short hair, looking graceful.

There was even a refreshing scent of perfume floating around the body, and many male spectators gathered.

"Ahhhh!! It's Rijia-sama~!!"

Xiaogang immediately turned into a wild wolf and jumped up, turned into a messenger of flowers.

This scene made Xiaoxia turn her head, sweating badly.

"Teacher's illness is still good?"

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a while and replied:
"Should it be aggravated?"

But this guy, Xiao Mao, even invited Li Jia from Yuhong Gym. His face is really big enough.

Presumably after this incident, the flow of people in Changqing City should be greatly increased.

Evergreen City, which was originally the hometown of the Rockets, is not empty, but the atmosphere of the whole city is very depressing. In fact, there are not many tourists who come to this city specially.

The majority of the Rockets' revenue is also in Golden City and Yuhong City. They don't need to be prosperous in Evergreen City, and they have been rotten here.

This made Xiao Mao, who took over the city again, ready to do his best to make the city popular.

In some ways, a city's gym owner and mayor aren't really that different.
One Guanwen and the other Guanwu are the leaders of the city.

You must know that there is still an alliance king Juzi sitting next to him, which has attracted many people's discussions.

But with that dark and fierce face, no one dared to get close.

"Aah~ Isn't this Xiaoxia~ Long time no see~!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi heard a familiar voice again.

It was her mother Hanako who had just met this morning.

"Mom, why are you here!?"

Xiaozhi looked surprised, he hadn't heard Hanako say this in the morning.

"Haha~ Xiaomao invited me over to play a few days ago, I want to give you a surprise~!"

Hanako smiled happily.

She even rolled up her sleeves and looked full of energy.

"I heard that if you win this competition, you can get precious treasures. Mom will work hard to win the championship this time~!"

It seemed that he was not just here to watch, but even to participate in the competition, which made Xiaozhi Xiaoxia cast doubtful eyes.

So what Pokémon should Hanako use? !

The magic wall puppet who had been following Hanako immediately jumped out, puffing out her chest and looking confident.

Under the surprised eyes of the two, it even directly shook its fingers.

As the finger burst into a strange light, it gradually turned into a silver-white energy group.
Boom boom! !

The next moment, a bunch of cannons shot out violently, directly blasting Xiaogang who was still licking Lijia not far away.

When the latter got up again in black and gray, and planned to find the culprit of the attack.


The magic wall puppet has blown out the smoke in his hands, his hands are behind his back, and he whistles that have nothing to do with him.

The power of this cannon is not weak, making Xiaozhi sigh that his "younger brother" doesn't seem to have a low level.

"The little devil is very strong~!"

Hanako immediately praised proudly.

The magic wall doll is not just staying at home and doing housework. Usually, he will occasionally go to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute to do chores and help the frog grass to manage the disputes and fights in the backyard.

Over time, the fist of the magic wall puppet is also very hard.

The upper limit of a powerful super power-type Pokémon is extremely exaggerated.

"So my opponent is my mother. Even if it's my mother, I won't let go of water!"

Ash actually declared war on Hanako on the spot.

There is no mother-son family in the competition arena!

As noon approached, Ash suddenly saw an unexpected person.

Wearing black long-sleeves and black-purple trousers, he looks like a handsome boy.

With long red hair over his shoulders, he looks handsome, but his expression is very dignified.

"A Yin? Why is this guy here?"

This made Xiao Zhi curious, Ah Yin was his rival in the Chengdu area.

Ah Jin is now following Chris's guidance around the world to breed and hatch eggs, and spread the instruction skills in the urban area. As for this trainer who likes to stab the waist, Ash didn't have much contact with him afterwards.

Seeing Ah Yin walking towards Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi also hurried up and eavesdropped openly.

"Hey, isn't this Boss Sakagi's Victory Gym, who are you?"

Ah Yin's words seemed arrogant, even more arrogant than Xiao Mao.

He's here to find Dad.

Although Ah Yin already knew that the middle-aged man who had beaten him inexplicably before was his father, but there was no contact after that.

He wanted to find Sakagi and ask him where his mother was.

When he found out that the Victorian Gym was actually his father's gym, Ah Yin came over in person.

Unexpectedly, the Vibrant Gym was directly changed to the Changqing Gym, and the Gym owner became a person who seemed to be the same age as him.

He has an impression of this guy. He was also a participant of the Silver Conference at the beginning, right?

(End of this chapter)

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