He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1338 Terrifying active command skills!

Chapter 1338 Terrifying active command skills!
"Hey, Xiaozhi, your luck is still so bad, then change it to me now, Pokokigu, use the commanding skill!!"

Xiaoxia smiled smugly, and Pokekigu didn't lose her trainer's face. When her little hand was shaking, this time a transparent wall of light condensed in front of her.


The magic wall puppet from the stage is a familiar brother, and he immediately recognized that this is his signature move - the light wall!
The wall of light that resists the effect of special moves is equivalent to leaving a ghost state of "halving special attack" on Gengar.

"Geng Gui, be a little bit more aggressive!! Use the commanding skill!!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly cheered in the back.

Gengar also took out everything clean and shook his fingers again.

Grumpy Grumpy!

As the light fell, Gengar drank again a bottle of healthy and nutritious milk.

Xiaozhi: "."


Pokekigu didn't miss the opportunity, this time the move that the commander shook out was actually a brown seed.

Whoosh whoosh.!
As the seed fell on Gengar's head, tough vines grew out of it, entwining and locking the whole Gengar.

Even a red light appeared, constantly extracting Gengar's stamina.

Parasitic seeds!


Geng Gui's fat body was exhausted by the vines, as if it was about to burst open in the middle.

The three moves of Rooting, Light Wall, and Parasitic Seed were shaken together, which made Pokekigu directly invincible!

The situation on Xiao Zhi's side was suddenly extremely bad.

"Hahaha Xiaozhi, maybe you shined at the Caiyou Conference, but on behalf of our Hualan Gym, I will teach you a good lesson today~!"

Xiaoxia didn't forget the trash talk of her mouth.

The relationship between her and Xiaozhi can be close friends, but in this kind of competition, it can also be the existence of stabbing each other with the backhand.

Next, as long as she doesn't shake a move like a big bang, she will win!

"Pokerkigu, use the Great Commanding Skill!!"

Xiaoxia's command almost called out the name of the big bang, and quickly changed her words.


Next, I don't ask for any perfect moves, just don't come to the big bang to trap people. Xiaoxia began to repeat this sentence in her heart.


Pokekigu fluttered with his little wings, and his two cute little hands began to shake and wave.

It has been with Xiaoxia since the time of the elf egg.

The subsequent hatching and evolution were always outside the Poké Ball, carried by Xiaoxia in her arms.

It can be said that in terms of intimacy, they are not even inferior to the relationship between Ash and Pikachu!

And as long as the intimacy between the trainer and the Pokémon is high enough, even if the trainer does not have the special bond power of Ash, in fact, more or less, each other can perceive some of the other's beliefs.

At this moment, Pokekigu is in the same mind with Xiaoxia, but not completely.

However, this was enough, and Pokejigu successfully heard Xiaoxia's desire.


Pokejigu let out a low voice, his eyes dignified, he must not disappoint his trainer today!

Thinking of this, Pokekigu tried to release his super lucky energy
Obviously super lucky is a passive feature, but in the extreme state of Pokekigu, it has evolved into an active force, filling up his luck value at this moment.

The super lucky that the power is full can even make Pokekigu's commanding skills forcibly perform the moves he thinks!

At this moment, among Xiaoxia's demands and desires, although Pokejigu couldn't hear everything, he could only "hear" a few words of Xiaoxia's demands intermittently.

"The Perfect Move", "Big Bang".

Although this request is a bit strange, Pokekigu in the extreme state can't control so much, and the shaking fingers finally stopped.

Take the initiative and direct the power! !

In an instant, dazzling and violent energy rays began to scatter from Pokekigu's body, illuminating the surroundings.

"Wait a moment."

"If I'm not mistaken"

This familiar scene in the ring made everyone rub their eyes hard and take a few steps back.

Even the host, Xiao Mao, also drove the hover car quickly to keep a distance.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, a terrifying explosion was aroused, and the violent cyclone storm turned into billowing smoke, with Pokekigu as the source, and madly raged towards the surroundings!

big Bang! !

Xiaoxia: "."

The violent explosion caused Xiaoxia's expression on one side to be messy, and she fell into a complete sluggishness.

How could it be so unlucky, this is too coincidental! ?
The violent impact of the big explosion contained enormous power, but it penetrated directly through Gengar's body.

Ghost attribute, completely immune.

"Geng Geng~!"

Being strangled by the parasitic seeds, the fat will be split open. I didn't expect such a good thing. I won by mixing it up, and Geng Ghost danced with joy.

"This is.?!"

However, Xiao Zhi on the other side widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

Winning or losing doesn't matter anymore.

Because at that moment just now, if he read it right, this Pokékigu seemed to be.
Did you choose a random move from the commanding skill? !


Aware of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

If Pokekigu can really master this ability, it also means that all the moves in the world can be used easily and easily!

Such power has reached the limit!
It is not only the great power that has the ultimate say.
Like the wonderful frog flower of Brother Chi, it has developed its thick fat characteristics to the extreme, turning it into a terrible full-attribute thick fat!

18 kinds of attributes, all damage is halved, it is really terrifying!
However, it is clear that the previous exercise of pointing skills was the result of the combination of the trainer's aspirations and his own super-lucky characteristics, and the "active command skills" that was born unexpectedly was completely an operation that could not be found. .

Xiaozhi thought that after a while, he could talk to Xiaoxia about it.

If you can really master this ability, Xiaoxia's strength will also achieve a huge breakthrough.

Xiaoxia may not be able to see the details of the whole story at the moment, but she just feels that she is an unlucky person.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhi has even defeated the league champion head-on. More or less, he has officially started his own ultimate path cultivation, so he is very sensitive to this realm.

"That's why some people will actively choose to use the big bang?"

This made Xiao Zhi puzzled.

"It's here!! The third big bang bad luck in this conference. Lucky!! Let's congratulate the mermaid Xiaoxia from Hualan City!!"

Compared to announcing Xiaozhi's promotion to the final, Xiaomao focused on Xiaoxia and shouted loudly.

Xiaoxia: "."

Having said that, there are so many moves, but I always feel that the probability of a big explosion in commanding skills seems to be too much?
Oh, and Gengar's milk-drinking trick too.

(End of this chapter)

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