He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1339 Can Circle Bear Evolve?

Chapter 1339 Can Circle Bear Evolve?
Soon, the second semi-final also officially started.

Tianwang Juzi met Ah Yin, the strong and well-proportioned Geng Gui, and the fierce Huanquan Bear.


As soon as he debuted, under the stimulation of the flame orb, the circle bear has already burst into his own perseverance increase arrogance, and his power is terrible!
"Huh, the King of the Alliance?"

Ah Yin's expression was a little disdainful, and he didn't put the old woman of high status in front of him in his eyes.

Even though this Gengar carries the black sludge that can continuously recover its stamina, the Ring Bear, whose strength has been increased, can gain a huge advantage as long as he can touch the latter once.

Not to mention the luck-oriented commanding competition, it was a normal competition, and Ah Yin would not be timid when he rushed up.

"Geng Gui, command the power!"

Chrysanthemum snorted coldly, and the high-speed Gengar attacked first.

The light dissipated, but Geng Ghost suddenly inflated his head like a balloon, and his facial features became very terrifying—ghost face!
On the other side, the bear's paw fell, but suddenly turned to hug his head, and his fierce aura changed, as if he was frightened.

Even Doudou's tears came from under the corner of the circle bear's eyes, looking soft and weak.

Circle Bear uses fake cry!

Chrysanthemum: "."

Ah Yin: "."

The style of painting in the arena became somewhat curious for a while.

With the second use of finger skills, I saw that the preemptive Gengar suddenly started to dig the ground under his feet and sneaked into the ground.

Digging a hole!


The Ring Bear, on the other hand, plunged into the ground in front of him like diving, and the originally thick ring seemed to have turned into a pool, and even splashed with water.

Circle Bear uses a diving trick!

On the field, both Pokémon suddenly lost their bodies.

"Uh, I always feel that these two guys are very similar."

Under the arena, while talking with Xiaoxia about Pokékigu, Xiaozhi did not forget to look at the arena and complain.

Chrysanthemum and Ah Yin are a bit like the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.?

"My Pokekigu, is it so powerful?!"

However, Xiaoxia's center of gravity is completely on her Pokekigu, which is unbelievable.

Although she doesn't know anything about the ultimate realm, other than knowing that it is an extraordinary power, she doesn't have any additional concepts.

And the most outrageous
You told me that the big explosion just now was shaken by Pokkigu? !
As for the arena, after more than a dozen rounds of collision and testing of commanding skills, Geng Gui finally fired a shot of the power of the moon and took away Ah Yin's circle bear.

It can be said that both of them are unlucky, but Ah Yin's unlucky is even better.

More than a dozen commanding skills, he just didn't hit a suitable physical move, completely blinding his perseverance characteristics.


Ah Yin could only have a gloomy face, put away the defeated circle bear, and prepared to leave.

"This little brother~ Don't you want to know the information about Boss Sakagi~ Why are you willing to leave~?"

Before leaving, Xiao Mao rode a hover car to block Ah Yin, and teased softly.

In this commanding competition, there is only the final match between Ash and Kikuko, which has been exciting for a long time, and now there is about half an hour of relaxation time in the midfield.

"Hmph, I already lost, will you still tell me?"

Ah Yin only thought that Xiao Mao was making sarcastic remarks, and didn't want to pay attention to it.

"I only told you about participating in the competition, but I didn't say that you would also become the champion~" Xiao Mao's teasing eyes suddenly turned serious, and he asked:
"But you have to tell me first, what is your relationship with Boss Sakagi?"

Hearing this, Ah Yin frowned.

However, he did not shy away from covering up his origins of birth and his relationship with Sakagi.

"He's my father."

The Rocket Group itself is just a grey group, not a solid black criminal gang, which is actually legal.

Of course, most of the Rockets' bottom-level subordinates are somewhat shameful. But if something happens to these people, they will be kicked out as temporary workers, and the relationship is not a big problem.

"I'm super!!"

Unexpectedly, just as Ah Yin's words came out, Xiao Zhi, who was eavesdropping not far away, screamed.

I didn't expect this guy to be the son of the boss of Sakagi? !

The real newcomer's hearing ability makes Xiao Zhi able to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two even if he maintains a distance of more than ten meters.

Seeing Ah Yin's gaze, Xiao Zhi hurriedly turned his eyes away from the Gengar, who was aiming at him, and kept his face straight, indicating that the previous "I Super" had nothing to do with them, of course, his ears were still propped up.

What great news!
"Oh, so you are the son of Boss Sakagi, I didn't expect that."

In the suspension car, Xiao Mao touched his chin, a little surprised.

But since it's a father-son relationship.
"This is a gym that was abandoned by Boss Sakagi, and was later taken over by the Pokémon Alliance and assigned me to guard it, so Boss Sakagi has nothing to do with this place."

Thinking of something, Xiao Mao suddenly added:

"However, according to the grapevine, boss Sakagi seems to have secretly traveled to the Fangyuan area recently."

After the previous riots of the God of the Earth and the God of the Sea, it can be said that the entire Fangyuan area is in vain. It stands to reason that the Rockets do not need to go there at this time.

"Take the opportunity to incorporate the Lava Team and the Ocean Team?"

Xiao Mao thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was the only answer.


After getting the information he wanted, Ah Yin nodded politely and prepared to leave.

However, Xiao Mao just snorted coldly, and suddenly took out something in his hand and threw it to Ah Yin.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to owe anything to the Rockets."

The latter was a little puzzled, and when he put the thing in his hand, he looked closely and saw that it was a booklet.

There are five characters clearly written on it -

"The Mysteries of the Earth".

This is the discarded material that Xiao Mao found in the Evergreen Gym. It is from the hand of the boss of Sakagi, who is a great creation after specializing in the cultivation of ground attribute elves.

Although he said that he was going to charge Sakagi boss
But I have to say that even in the field of scholars, this Sakagi boss has extremely terrifying accomplishments!

Xiao Mao didn't want to watch it at first, but he just glanced at it, and was deeply attracted by it. Today, he returned it to Ah Yin and informed him of the information. It is considered that he is not in arrears with the boss of Sakagi.

"According to the above description, your circle bear may have the possibility of further evolution?"

After finally dropping this sentence, Xiao Mao rode the hoverbike back to the arena, and went to host the competition again in a hurry.

"Father's stuff, and Ring Bear."

Ah Yin didn't know what he was thinking, and finally put away the booklet and walked slowly into the distance.

"The circle bear can still evolve.?"

This sentence surprised Ash, who was eavesdropping not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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