Chapter 1342
The second day after the end of the commanding competition.

Ash took Pikachu on his shoulders and came to the Evergreen Forest alone.

In his hand, he was also holding a fragrant roast duck.

Insufficient funds, he only bought half a leg.

But the mind is priceless.

In the jungle, Cordyceps is stalking, but Xiao Zhi is holding the roast duck leg and shouting towards the void above:

"Come out, Shirabi!! I brought you a delicious tribute!!"

This scene is somewhat inexplicable.

If a passerby saw it, they might even laugh at what Ash was shouting at the void for something useless.

But who says God cannot come from vanity.

The Evergreen Forest was silent for a while, and the air above suddenly trembled, and a green energy gate appeared out of thin air.

call out.!

call out.!

Two petite Pokémon flew out of the energy gate, and the scene was quite fantastic.

"Huh? Only one roast duck leg.?"

Shirabi, who was originally in high spirits, frowned when he saw the shrunk version of the tribute in Xiaozhi's hand.

It seems to be less and less every time.?

Immediately, he looked suspiciously at the corner of Xiao Zhi's mouth, and there was a faint gleam of roast duck between his lips.

"Xiaozhi~! Xiaozhi~!"

However, the little follower, Bandiraki, who flew out one after another, flew briskly around Ash with joy, his small eyes narrowed into crescents, and finally landed on the latter's hat, giving Pikachu a high-five.

"How about Kirachi, have you had a good time this month~?"

After Xiao Zhi stuffed the roast duck leg into Rabbi's small mouth, he rubbed Kirachi's head again.

The latter's body is made of steel, and there is no need to eat roast duck.


Speaking of this, Kirachi suddenly cheered.

This month, she has been following Shirabi to travel through time and space in various ways, witnessing the changing flow of the world under countless times, which can be said to have widened her horizons.

This is what she wants to do most every time she sleeps for thousands of years.
At this moment, he really got it, so that Kirachi has always felt that everything in front of him is just a dream in a deep sleep.

After some reminiscence, Xiao Zhi naturally returned to the topic.

"Shirabi, I heard that your forest god's domain has reached the Orange Forest in the Fangyuan area, please, help me teleport there!"

Xiaozhi wiped the corner of the rabbi's oily mouth, and said by the way that he had eaten his food, and it was time to work.

The city of Orudoran, which has the inheritance of the power of the guide, is located in the border area of ​​the Fangyuan area. It is an ancient country isolated from the world. The power of the waveguide cannot be mastered.

If you can start directly from the Chenghua Forest, it only takes a few hours to reach the destination by taking the Bidiao.

If Shirabi helps with the transmission, you can save a ticket.

"Since you have asked the great me, then I, the great forest god Shirabi, will answer your request!"

Shirabi was soft-handed when eating people, and he could only levitate away, and responded with a high voice.

The green light contained in the surging forest and the strong life energy bloom all over the body, making the surrounding grass and trees grow visible to the naked eye.

What Xiao Zhi said was right, at this moment her minions of the forest god had already covered the Fangyuan area far beyond the Guandu Continent.

After all, the god of time is working for others.

But the god of the forest is a power priesthood that Shirabi has since he was born.

Expanding the range of forest areas that you can control is working for yourself.

One day, as long as there is a forest in this world, it will be her rabbi's territory!

At that time, by obtaining the ability to travel through time and space from the God of Time, she will be the most invincible existence!
"Hee hee hee~~!!!"

If at this moment her voice is replaced by a human being. This voice will be like a villain, the great devil, who made a violent and cruel laughter when he was about to destroy the world.

Of course, with such a tone of voice, the rabbi in the present tense only looked up and let out a silver bell-like laughter, looking very cute.

In an instant, an emerald green energy light enveloped Ash and Pikachu.

This allows Shirabi to transmit it to any coordinate within the forest area under her jurisdiction with only one thought.


In the next moment, Ash and Pikachu had already appeared in the Fangyuan area outside the far continent.

"Thank you, Rabbi~!"

After arriving at the Orange Blossom Forest to stabilize his mind, Xiao Zhi thanked him towards the forest void, and then took out the picture book to confirm the direction.

Immediately, a Poké Ball was thrown, red light flashed, and an extremely gorgeous brown-yellow eagle appeared in front of him with sharp eagle eyes.


"Beautiful carving!!"

With a high-pitched eagle cry from Bi Diao, the loud voice spread out towards the surroundings of the Chenghua Forest, causing the thousands of insect Pokémon living here to tremble.

It is worth mentioning that Bidio and Shirabi are also old friends. They are old partners.

The tyrannical power of the eagle can directly defeat the birds of the same genus in the forest, and intimidate the most widely inhabited elves of the insect and grass attributes.

This is conquest by real force.

And Shirabi secretly has an affair with Xiaozhi's Pidiao, but on the surface he is a great god who can respond to the begging of the forest Pokémon and compete with Pidiao.
This is the conquest at the level of spiritual belief.

Shi Rabbi and Biyao sang a white face and a red face, and they cooperated very harmoniously.

These little Jiujiu are ignorant of being wise, they just think that these Pokémon are playing, but they don't know that the power of the forest is divided in the dark, and it has already changed.

Even the claws are gradually spreading to other continents.
"Beautiful carving!!"

Riding on the back of Bibi Diao, the latter stretched out his wide wings, rose into the sky, and flew quickly towards the direction of Orudoran City.

Of course, in front of Xiao Zhi, Bi Diao was always just a brave and loyal soldier.

Three hours later, Xiao Zhi has come to the edge of the continental plate in the Fangyuan area.

The fog is lingering here, and there is an ethereal and ancient aura blowing towards the face, which is obviously different from the normal continental area.

Oludolan, a country with a long history, although it is located in the border area of ​​the Fangyuan region, it is completely separated from the latter and belongs to a completely independent country.

It's full of rough and winding mountain roads, thick with smoke, and it doesn't look like there is much life.

But after flying over the most marginal mountainous area, Ash could faintly see an ancient and magnificent castle city.

In the distance, under the wrapping of countless jungles and jungles, you can still see a giant tree like a towering mountain, with a mysterious and vast atmosphere.

(Today Yi Geng)
(End of this chapter)

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