He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1343 Celebration of the Brave

Chapter 1343 Celebration of the Brave

"Wow, a tree bigger than a mountain. It's the first time I've seen it."

Looking at the huge tree in the distance, Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the statue, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Surrounded by mountains, it can still stand out from the crowd, far beyond the surrounding altitude. This is just a giant tree with countless branches!
The huge tree is surrounded by smoke, with a feeling that it can only be seen from a distance and cannot be approached.

But there must be a lot of precious Pokémon living there.

"I really want to go see it."

Shaking his head, Xiao Zhi drove the eagle to gradually descend, and he had almost reached the entrance of Orudoran City.

"Thank you for your hard work, Bidiao!"

After landing, Xiao Zhi rubbed Bibi Diao's head and took it back to the Poke Ball.

A slender stone bridge channel extends outward from the city entrance of Oludolan. At this moment, there are a large number of human tourists coming and going, which is quite lively.

Although this country is completely independent from the Pokémon Alliance, it does not exclude foreign tourists.

The ancient and mysterious castle country attracts a large number of tourists every year to visit and visit.

This gave Xiao Zhi a feeling that he did not come to practice, but to travel.

But without Xiaogang and the others, it's somewhat boring.

"Let's go Pikachu."

Patting Pikachu's head, Ash strode across the stone bridge.

At the end of the stone bridge, at the gate to the city of Orudoran, there is a towering and magnificent defensive city wall, and several guards wearing medieval armor are guarding there with spears.

One of the guards, with sharp eyes, noticed the ticket in Ash's hand.
"Hey! Are you a trainer here for Bird's Brave Celebration?! The game is about to start, and you're still shaking here!"

This soldier has a good sense of responsibility, and he couldn't help but drag Xiao Zhi and walked towards the inside of the castle.

"Bird won the Brave Celebration?"

Xiaozhi asked rhetorically, he only knew a name for Oludolan.

"Huh? Don't you know?"

While walking quickly, the soldier pointed to the ticket in Xiaozhi's hand and explained:
"This is not a tourist ticket. It means that you have signed up for the Brave Celebration on the Internet. Let's not talk about it, you should go and change your clothes now!"

Don't look at the very old look here, but there is still a technology city behind it.

Walking between the narrow stone corridors, he pushed Ash into a huge cloakroom.

The completely wooden hall of the house has obvious traces of history, and there are countless classical dresses and uniforms hanging in it, both large and small.

Although he didn't realize it, he had new clothes to wear. Xiao Zhi immediately dressed it up with the aesthetics of a straight man.

Grey long-sleeved trousers with a dark blue jacket, gloves, and boots.

Wear a dark blue dovetail hat on your head.

Seeing that there is a dark green robe next to him. Xiaozhi also draped his backhand behind him.

With a robe in front of the mirror, I really feel like a champion, I feel like a powerful warrior!
"Have you changed your clothes? Your number is 17, and you will be on the show soon. What the hell are you wearing?!"

The guard looked surprised at Xiao Zhi's outfit.

How come this guy is wearing the same style as the envoy of the legendary waveguide of their Aludoran? !
Due to the respect for the wizard who saved Orudoran and even the entire world in ancient times, no one here would actually choose to wear this outfit.

But not illegal.

"Never mind, let's go."

The guard soldiers quickly pulled Xiao Zhi and ran quickly to the depths of the castle.

Inside the city of Oludolan, there is an open-air battle field with a large area.

Surrounded by ancient castles of different heights and heights, there are many viewing seats. At this moment, a lot of tourists have gathered here, each wearing classical clothes, watching the wonderful battle below.

"Our brave celebration in Oludolan is held every three years. The champion is determined by the rule of elimination. The winner will become our three-year brave here."

The tool man guard who couldn't see his face explained.

The finger also pointed to the center of the castle.

On the high-rise building of the castle that stood out, a woman with long blond hair was sitting at the moment, with a noble and elegant face, wearing a crown and a luxurious dress.

This is Oludolan's current royal family, Queen Irene!

"Being a trainer of the brave, and being crowned by the beautiful Queen Irene, is a supreme honor. Hey boy, where are you looking!"

The soldier was talking with a respectful face, but seeing that Xiao Zhi's head had never been raised, he immediately cursed.

What queen, he is not interested at all. However, the continuous battles on the training ground have attracted his interest.

However, it seems that the intensity is not too high.

"The next contestant is Ash from Zhenxin Town!!"

Just in time, when he heard the call of the loudspeaker, Xiao Zhi, dressed as the legendary Bird Envoy, stepped onto the battlefield with high fighting spirit.

"This is."

This dress made Queen Irene in the high-rise building of the castle wink. No one dared to wear this dress for several years.

"Please Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!!"

In the face of Hibiro sent from the opposite side, Xiaozhi did not hold back his hand at all. At the beginning of the game, Pikachu shot out at a very fast speed, hitting Hibiro's chest hard.

Immediately afterwards, Pikachu rose into the air by the reaction force, and the dazzling and powerful electric light roared down, like an unstoppable lightning strike, falling on the body of the flying leg.

Boom boom boom! !

With a violent explosion, the battle ended in an instant.

This caused an uproar in the surrounding audience for a while, whispering, and I don't know when such a young and powerful trainer came out.

"Wait a minute, is this guy really Ash from Newtown?"

"Is that Xiao Zhi from the Caiyou Conference before?"

"It seems so, I remember there was an electric mouse too?!"

Due to the change of clothes, many tourists were stunned for a while before gradually recognizing Xiao Zhi.

Although Oludolan is nominally independent from the Fangyuan region, it is geographically the closest after all.

Most of the tourists here are actually from the mainland of the Fangyuan area, and they still know what happened to the Caiyou Alliance before.

After knowing that it was the strong alliance that had won, and even defeated Mikori's Xiaozhi, the cheers and applause instantly came to a state of boiling, and even the castle trembled faintly.

"Is this man famous?"

Queen Irene, who has never asked about foreign affairs, was taken aback by this movement.


There is also a small pink Pokémon next to it, with a curved gray-black hat on its head, synchronously imitating Queen Irene's puzzled expression.

This is the degenerate form of the Wall Doll, Moneni.

(End of this chapter)

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