Chapter 1346 Lucario
At night, in the spacious castle hall, tourists in gorgeous uniforms are already seated below, and luxurious and attractive food is placed on the table.

Whether it's a beautiful spoon cutlery, or a beautiful and ancient chandelier decoration
It's exactly like some medieval aristocratic banquet, not a modern scene.

If it weren't for the fact that many tourists took out 13promax to take pictures, it would really seem like a collective journey to ancient times.

And on the high platform at the front end of the banquet hall, a woman with long blonde hair in a gorgeous dress, wearing a crown, with a royal noble temperament - Queen Irene, slowly walked to the other side, Xiaozhi dressed as a waveguide messenger.

"Xiaozhi of the true new town. Then I, Irene, grant you the honor of becoming a Orudoran Bird Hero!!"

Queen Irene said solemnly, and then solemnly handed an ancient scepter to Xiao Zhi.

The scepter has a dangling metal ring at the top and a faceted gem crystal in the center.

The Warrior's Staff!
Don't look at the whole ceremony seems to be a passing scene but this scepter is the real thing.

It is the ancient hero, the legendary Bird Messenger!
No one knew how the latter ended the war and saved Orudoran. No one even knew the ending.

The legendary waveguide messenger disappeared along with the war, and only this rod of the brave was left behind.

"Please, Lord Brave, just sit here for three hours and wait for the end of the banquet."

When she walked to the side, Queen Irene lowered her body slightly and whispered in Xiao Zhi's ear.

The appearance of this big beauty whispering with her ears sideways immediately made the blood of countless male audiences boil with enthusiasm, wishing to replace it with Xiao Zhi.

Queen Irene is so beautiful, no matter her face or dress, she also has an innate royal temperament, she is really like a beautiful princess in a classical story.

"Ah, can't you go down?"

However, Xiao Zhi frowned.

If you have to sit here for three hours and wait for three hours, the delicious food below will be eaten up!

As for the queen, Ash didn't notice anything.
Instead, he was more interested in the Magic Nini next to Queen Irene.

As the banquet officially started, Xiao Zhi sat next to Queen Irene on the same gorgeous and high-end chair.

Just like Xiaomao's local tyrant's gold chair, it looks luxurious, but it's all buttocks.

"Is this the Staff of the Brave?"

Seeing that he couldn't enjoy the food below, Xiao Zhi could only focus on the crystal scepter in his hand, which looked quite mysterious.


Concentrating a little, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Like a drop of water falling on the calm water, ripples spread outward.
This allows Xiao Zhi to understand his five senses for a while, and can fully perceive everything that is happening in this hall.

"Is this the power of the waveguide?"

Xiaozhi said in surprise, this feeling is exactly the same as the feeling he had when he came into contact with the "dead egg" in the battle zone before.

"Damn, I didn't bring the egg.!"

Xiao Zhi secretly regretted that he brought Oludolan with the Elf egg related to the power of the waveguide.

But at this moment, the old maid was put into the room and not brought to this banquet hall.

But since this rod of the brave is related to the power of the waveguide.

Ash held the Staff of the Brave in his hand and stood upright on the red cloth carpet.

Then he closed his eyes and tried to pull out the inexplicable power just now.

"This is."

Queen Irene next to her was attracted by Ash's bizarre movements and cast her eyes.

This is the scepter of the legendary waveguide messenger, no one knows how to use it, even the previous waveguide messengers didn't notice anything.

Originally thought that Ash was just being bored and playing around, but the next moment, the metal rings on the top of the Staff of the Brave were nested together like a key ring.

clang clang!

At this moment, it was suspended out of thin air.

In Irene's eyes, I could even see several light blue energy rings, like water ripples, with the Staff of the Brave as the origin, waving outward in circles.

"This is, the power of the waveguide?!"

Irene looked extremely surprised, and even stood up from her seat.


But the old maid or Monini next to him had absolutely no idea what was going on.

They didn't see any "blue ripples".

But Queen Irene is different.

She is not a random sign, but a member of the royal bloodline of Orudoran, with an ancient heritage.

Although Queen Irene cannot use the power of the waveguide, she has the special ability to "see" the power of the waveguide.

At this moment, Xiaozhi closed his eyes, obviously using the power of the waveguide to communicate with this magical scepter.

"Oludolan, are we welcoming a new waveguide messenger again?!"

Erin's eyes suddenly became excited!

Brave is not important at all, but if it is a waveguide messenger, it will be completely different!
call out.!

call out.!

But at this moment, Xiao Zhi, who closed his eyes tightly, all his facial features are concentrated on this brave scepter. Or the crystal on the top of the scepter.

The circles of blue halo ripples spread, and Xiaozhi is also vaguely in the crystal, seems to sense something?
The next moment, a deep voice suddenly appeared in his mind, which startled Xiao Zhi.

"Master Yalang?! Is that you?!"

"Why?! Why imprison me here!!"

A series of questions, obviously with extremely unstable emotions, made Xiao Zhi suddenly open his eyes, not knowing what happened.

For a while, it was difficult to even grasp the scepter in his hand, which was shaking violently.

Buzz! !

This time, the blue waveguide ring, even turned into a halo visible to the naked eye, waving out of the scepter crystal.

Not only Queen Irene, but even the guards and tourists below can see it.

In the end, the light of the waveguide halo rose sharply, condensing an actual energy light group in mid-air.


A Pokémon also condensed and formed from the halo, and completely landed at the reception of the banquet as an entity.

But I saw that it was a black-blue upright Pokémon with a wolf-shaped head, a gray-blue body, and the joints of the legs, arms, and waist were black.

Two ears stand up, and black arcs hang down on both sides of the back of the head.

"Master Yalang, answer me! Why did you abandon me!?"

As soon as it appeared, it rushed in front of Xiao Zhi and asked angrily.

But instead of speaking directly, it uses telepathy.

The low and sullen questioning sound throbbed in Xiao Zhi's mind.

This confuses Xiao Zhiwen, who is Yalang?

And can you open your eyes first?

(End of this chapter)

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