He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1347 Aaron and Queen Lynn

Chapter 1347 Aaron and Queen Lynn

Seeing this Lucario who suddenly appeared from the Staff of the Brave, he was pressing step by step.

The former's eyes were tightly closed, but the black circles hanging from the back of his head were suspended, and he could faintly see circles of blue waves waving outwards.

The ability to perceive the power of the waveguide!
This allowed Lucario to gain the ability to perceive everything within a hundred meters, even with his eyes closed, and even see farther.

"Wait a minute, you're that Aaron-sama's partner!"

Seeing Lucario grinning and about to launch an attack, Queen Irene hurriedly stood in front of Ash.

In Lucario's waveguide perception, he saw a blonde queen in a gorgeous long dress.
"Are you. Your Highness Lynn?"

When Lucario stopped, he seemed to recognize the latter, and even subconsciously knelt on the ground to salute.

"No, Lynn is my ancestor and I am Erin, the current Queen of Orudoran."

Erin shook her head and explained.

Lynn was the queen of Oludolan when the legendary waveguide messenger was active.

She had already guessed the origin of the Pokémon in front of her to some extent.

At the time, Lord Aaron's subordinate or partner was a Lucario.

After the war ended, Aaron disappeared, and even Lucario, who had been with him, disappeared.
Queen Lynn, who sent countless people to look for it, didn't get anything. She just found the rod of the brave in a wild wasteland.

It seems that this ancient Lucario was sealed in it?
"This one isn't Aaron-sama either, it's Ash from Zhenxin Town. Open your eyes, Lucario."

After thinking about everything, Erin said.

The power of the waveguide can allow the user to perceive a farther and broader scene, but for a close-up picture, it is not so accurate.

"Xiao Zhi of the real new town.?"

Perceiving Ash dressed as a hero in front of him, Lucario finally took a deep breath, the black circle behind him fell down, and his eyelids jumped and slowly opened.

It's been a long time since I saw the light, and even the soft banquet light still made Lucario's eyes sting.

As the eyes are fully opened, the waveguide perception image disappears, and the blurred scene in front of the entity gradually focuses and solidifies.
This time, Lucario saw the person in front of him completely.

Although he was wearing the same style of clothing as Aaron, and even holding the same stick of the brave in his hand, the person in front of him was completely different from Aaron in terms of appearance, height, and age and temperament.

Although the gorgeous queen next to her has similar eyebrows and facial features, upon closer inspection, it is still somewhat different from the Queen Lynn in his memory.

But it's a similar feeling.
"A descendant of His Royal Highness Lynn. No, why am I here now!? Also, where is Lord Yalang now?!"

Lucario, who was a little peaceful at first, rioted again with his telepathy, beating uneasily in the minds of the two of them.

"Come with me first, Lucario, and Ash, come with you too."

Seeing that there were more and more people joining in the fun, Irene quickly made a color, and then walked towards the inner room of the castle with Lucario and Ash.

"Hey, is that a rare Lucario?"

"Why did you suddenly come out?"

"What is the blue ripple just now?!"

The surrounding melon eaters wanted to look closer, but they were blocked by the old maid and a few soldiers, unable to continue watching the melon eaters.

A spacious stone room deep in the castle.

The empty stone room in the hall looks like an exercise room. On the ground at the entrance, there is even a map marking the battlefield.

On the quaint rock walls around, there are large and small portraits hanging. These are the ancestors of Oludolan.

But Lucario, who had just woken up at the moment, was staring at one of the portraits.

"This is.?"

Xiao Zhi was also beside him, looking at the portrait curiously.

Above is an adult man dressed like himself, with a handsome and heroic appearance, wearing a long hat and cloak, holding a staff of the same style in his hand.

In the position behind him, there was even an elegant statuette flying.

Well, except for the difference in appearance. He can completely copy each other now.

"This is the portrait of Lord Aaron"

Queen Irene dispersed the crowd, walked slowly to the middle of one person and one dog, and said softly.

"Tell me, Lord Irene. Where the hell is Lord Yalang now, I need him to give me an explanation!"

Staring closely at the portrait, Lucario's eyes had a look of longing, but it turned into anger, and finally turned into endless confusion and loneliness.

A chaotic telepathy sounded in the minds of Ash and Queen Irene.

"First of all. This place is no longer the ancient times you lived in. It has been a long time since the legendary era of you and Lord Yalang. Even Queen Lynn is my ancestor countless generations ago, and it has long since ceased to exist. "

Irene explained softly, looking at the other portrait next to the hanging portrait of Aaron.

Above, is a queen with long golden hair, wearing a crown, with a beautiful and noble face.

"Hey, looks like you"

Ash was surprised that if you didn't look carefully, most people might think this was Queen Irene's self-portrait.

It seems that this one is the ancient Queen Lynn they have been talking about?

However, when he looked at the portraits of the previous royal family around him, except for couples like the emperor and the queen, they usually hung one at a distance of three or four meters.

But the Queen Lynn in front of her was hanging with the legendary waveguide messenger, completely in the form of a couple's etiquette.

"Well, Lord Yalang, it can also be said to be my ancestor."

Queen Irene was aware of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, and did not conceal anything to refute.

It's just that before the two of them got married, they were affected by the ancient war that swept the world, and it was finally over.
But even so, Queen Lynn, who finally survived alone, still hung Aaron beside her with her husband's etiquette.

"Past. Future?! Countless years have passed?!"

Hearing these words, this Lucario looked in disbelief, and sat down on the ground with his head folded.

Really surprised the dog.!

Although Lucario has an intelligence close to that of a human being, he obviously cannot accept such exaggerated information for a while.

He only knew that at the beginning of the ancient war, seeing that Yalang was no longer able to contend with the situation, he planned to take him as a shameful deserter, abandon the city and Lord Lynn, and survive.
Even ignoring his thoughts, Lucario was forcibly sealed into the crystal of the Staff of the Brave.

(End of this chapter)

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