He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1348 The Power of the Waveguide.pdf

Chapter 1348 The Power of the Waveguide.pdf
The crystals on the Staff of the Brave are unique minerals in the region around Orudoran.

For those who have mastered the power of the waveguide, they can communicate remotely through these crystals, record sights, and even seal the target in them!

But this trick, Aaron did not teach Lucario.

Lucario wasn't actually Aaron's partner at first.

It should be said that it is Aaron's subordinate, or an apprentice.

Although Pokémon like Lucario are born with the ability to use waveguides, instinctively using waveguides and using the power of waveguides are two different concepts.

In that era, Aaron was the most powerful waveguide messenger in the world, and he also became the mentor who taught Lucario the power of perfectly controlling the waveguide.

One person and one dog belong to the relationship of being both a teacher and a friend.

"Damn! Lord Yalang!! Why did you abandon us!!"

Lucario thumped the ground angrily. Until now, he didn't understand why Aaron, who had been so righteous and selfless, chose to abandon Orudoran.

"Although I don't know what happened, Lord Yalang is definitely not a deserter."

However, Queen Irene next to her said sternly:
"The war at that time ended in a strange way after Lord Aaron left. Even Lord Lynn didn't know what happened, but I can be sure that Lord Aaron must be the hero who saved the world behind the scenes! !"

Queen Irene said firmly, her tone unquestionable.

Like a girl who grew up listening to fairy tales, she believes in the stories.

"Why, you want to seal me here?!"

Hearing that Aaron-sama's reputation is not a shameful deserter, Lucario's expression softened.
But his expression changed quickly, his mind still couldn't understand the former, why he was sealed in the crystal of darkness.

Even in the last words to him, it is to give up the war.

"Is there a possibility. Are you afraid that you will go up and die?"

In a somewhat heavy atmosphere, Xiao Zhi's words were like a stone smashed into the calm water, and the water suddenly splashed.

The words were not rude, but Queen Irene next to her reacted instantly.

"Yes, with your character, you must live and die with Lord Yalang."

It seems that the unstoppable ancient war was finally stopped by Aaron in some way, and the price was his life.

Otherwise, Lord Yalang will definitely come back to visit her Queen Lynn.

And Lucario, who lives and dies with Aaron at all times, is absolutely impossible to abandon him. So in order to protect the latter, it makes sense to forcibly seal Lucario.

"Really. Is that the answer to everything?"

Lucario slumped on the ground, staring straight at the portrait hanging above. Aaron's hearty smiling face seemed to have seen it just yesterday.

Countless memories flashed through my mind.

In the jungle, I saw him and taught him how to use the power of the waveguide. Even if he was blindfolded by cloth, he could still easily dodge the attack between the swinging wooden beams.

Not only the wave missile, but also applies the power of the wave guide to other moves to make his attack more powerful and diversified.

Adventure around the world in the name of Bird Messenger.
"Everything is over. Lucario, you can live here in the future, Oludolan is your forever home."

Irene just rubbed Lucario's head and sighed.

It seems that Lucario has completely settled down, and it only takes time to accept all this information.

Queen Irene then turned her gaze to Xiao Zhi.

"So, Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town, did you come to our Orudoran this time to learn to master the power of the waveguide?"

She got straight to the point.

It can't be so coincidental, the champion who participated in the brave celebration happened to have the power of the waveguide.
And seeing the circles of blue ripples before, the young man didn't look surprised.

Even an ancient Lucario appeared and learned about the history of their Orudoran without any surprise.

It looks like it's eating melons instead?

"Oh, I've seen it a lot. No, indeed, I'm here for the power of the waveguide!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi naturally did not intend to hide anything, and answered directly.

Irene nodded, but her expression did not become alert.

They Orudoran have always inherited the cultivation method of the power of the wave guide, and it is not a secret book that is absolutely not passed on. Moreover, Xiao Zhi is the brave man for the next three years, and he has the qualification to learn the power of the wave guide.

But what she didn't expect was that today she finally saw a special human who could use the power of waveguide.

"Then please come with me, and I will give you everything about the power of the waveguide."

Queen Irene turned her head and took Xiao Zhi to the depths of this practice room.

Flip the switch, and the light bulb at the tip of the candle next to it lights up.

In the darkest corner of the deepest part of the practice room, there are rows and rows of ancient books.

"Is this the secret book of the power of the waveguide? Queen Irene, which one is it!?"

Xiao Zhi's eyes widened and he moved up, looking at them row by row, he couldn't fully recognize the text of the book title on the side of the book.

This is only 5% similar to their modern writing, and he can only vaguely recognize half of them.

The table is old and dusty, and apparently no one has been here for a long time to look at it.

"This is the place where Oludolan's wave guide messengers practiced. Naturally, there will only be books on how to cultivate the power of the wave guide."

Erin just explained it as a matter of course.

If it wasn't for Xiao Zhi's ability to display his waveguide, he wouldn't even be eligible to enter this training hall.

"Wait a minute, you mean here. It's all?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes almost fell out, knowing that there are three rows of books in front of him, and roughly estimated that there are at least 50 books, right? !
Each one is like a dictionary, a thick brick.

This time, Ash became just like that Lucario, fell backward and slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the huge book in front of him.

In general, shouldn't there be only one piece of parchment paper that can be read at a glance? !

"The power of the waveguide has a long history. It is a unique power that creatures have had since their birth. Naturally, there are countless written records. These are the treasures of our ancestors!"

Irene spoke in a fiery tone, carefully wiping the dust on the surface of the book.

The last waveguide messenger who came here to study should have been ten years ago, right?

She also learned the above cultivation method when she was a child, but her waveguide power was pitifully weak, and there was no meaning for cultivation at all.

But Xiao Zhi was completely dizzy, and what he was most afraid of was reading.

"Picture book, how long does it take to save all the things here to the local pdf?!"

It is impossible to read a book, so Xiao Zhi immediately chose to open it.

Copy them all down, and show them to Brother Chi when you go home, and ask the latter to sum up the "Quick Version of the Power of Waveguide".

It is best to be brief to less than 100 words, and you can read it.

Or show Xiao Mao that this guy should be interested in these text books.

After a while, the cpu of the illustrated book also began to spin rapidly.

"DiDi. There are a total of 68 ancient books, each with an average of 500 pages. According to the average human speed of turning the book and the machine scanning rate, all texts are scanned and recorded, and the "Power of Waveguide.pdf" is archived. It is estimated that it will take 20000 seconds in total."

"speak English."

"DiDi. It takes 13 days."

(End of this chapter)

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