He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1352 The Power of Cultivating Waveguides!

Chapter 1352 The Power of Cultivating Waveguides!

"Then Lucario, please protect everyone."

Queen Irene rubbed Lucario's head and said softly.

At this moment, it is not only Ash and Lucario who are going to the tree of the beginning of the world
Earlier in the finals of the Brave Celebration, the adventurer Chito, who lost to him, also initiated a team invitation.

There was no reason to refuse, so they simply joined the team.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness!"

Although Lucario belongs to Irene's ancestors according to his seniority, he still respects the latter.

Immediately, the two and one dog formally walked in the direction of the tree of the beginning of the world. Because the target was too obvious, there was no need to lead the map, and it was just in the direction of the giant tree.

Outside the castle, it is completely a barren and primitive area, with no trace of human activities.

This also leads to the ups and downs of the roads here, making it difficult for vehicles such as off-road vehicles to move forward.

"Then logistics assistance is up to you, Banks!"

Chito put on a true wireless bluetooth headset and chatted with someone thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Qi Duo also took off the long dress and dress that was troublesome before, and put on the capable outdoor adventure clothes.

There are a lot of high-tech equipment hanging in the belt pocket, obviously everything has been prepared for a long time.

"I wanted to explore it before, and it was just this opportunity that Banks was my friend, and he would provide us with assistance from a distance."

Chito explained with a smile.

"As expected of an adventurer, he looks amazing!"

Although Xiao Zhi couldn't understand it, he still praised it aloud.


Lucario didn't say anything. For him, Ash and himself, who have powerful skills, were enough.

Any high-tech is meaningless.

Whoosh!Whoosh! !

Lucario, who was agile and quick, even jumped on the surrounding hills and rocks, jumping back and forth between the tops of the rocks, and did not act side by side with Ash.

"It seems to be an amazing place"

Along the way, Ash also saw a lot of crystal-shaped spiral flowers growing on the ground.

call out.!

The closed flower bud, but when he stretched out his palm to touch it, the flower bud slowly opened, and projected a projection panel in mid-air, which was very sophisticated.

However, there are scenes where some local Pokémon occasionally pass by, and it doesn't seem to be particularly important.

"This is the flower of time, with the ability to record and play back the surrounding scene using the power of the waveguide, and even leave the scene in it permanently."

In Xiaozhi's mind, a low voice of explanation suddenly appeared.

He raised his head subconsciously, but saw that Lucario had already run to a position nearly a hundred meters in front of the two of them.

"This guy is surprisingly patient."

The corners of Ash's mouth raised slightly, this ancient Pokémon that came out of the Staff of the Brave, actually got along well.

Although it looks rather indifferent on the surface, it releases the waveguide and keeps an eye on the rear.

Several people walked all the way to noon, then stopped to hurry and rested temporarily.

According to this step, tomorrow's dusk will almost officially enter the periphery of the tree of the beginning of the world.

So Ash and Lucario walked to the side and sat face to face.

According to the agreement, Lucario is naturally going to start the practice of imparting the power of Ashwagandha.

It seems to be a very profound meaning, but it has no meaning at all for people who do not have the power of waveguides. Qi Duobing has no interest at all, and simply goes to the side to prepare food.

As an adventurer, she has strict requirements for outdoor food.

"A waveguide is a kind of psychic energy, a mental wave that exists in every living being."

Lucario's telepathy echoed in Ash's mind.

"But only creatures with the power of waveguides can actually control this power to help enhance their five senses perception, even the sixth sense."

He said it in great detail, even Xiao Zhi, who has always disliked classes, didn't think there was any place to sleep.


Of course, when Lucario said the first word, Pikachu next to him fell asleep in Ash's arms as if he had been hit by powerful hypnotism.

Lucario: "."

His expression jumped slightly, but he still explained slowly.

The use of the power of the waveguide is more auxiliary.

He is not a legendary Pokémon, but he can use telepathy that can only be used by legendary Pokémon, or Pokémon with super-high mental power like Dumb King.

Using the power of the waveguide to strengthen the spiritual connection between the creatures can not only achieve the "telepathy" of the space conversation, but also achieve the effect of "mind reading".

At this moment, the two faced each other and closed their eyes as well. Ash completely let go of his will and tried to actively connect with Lucario's waveguide.

This allowed Lucario to read what Ash was thinking for a while.

"Don't fix these assistants, teach me how to make a wave missile!"

The thoughts in Xiao Zhi's mind are very simple and rude.

Lucario: "."

His eyelids twitched slightly, but he still shouted solemnly:
"The power of the waveguide must be learned from scratch, one step at a time. Only when you can use the power of the waveguide to perfectly assist your perception, can you continue to practice the attack method. That is the realm that only the most powerful waveguide messenger can achieve!"

When it comes to teaching, Lucario seems very old-fashioned and rigorous.

Because he was just like Ash at the moment, he just learned the power of waveguide, and he longed for Aaron to quickly teach himself how to fight.
This is what Aaron said to him at that time.

"Relax your mind and feel the power in your body quietly. Imagine the waves when the stones fall into the pool, incorporate your own perception into it, and spread out around with the waves."

Lucario said softly.

Ash can only temporarily put away the idea of ​​​​the dry rubbing missile, and try to mobilize the power of the wave guide according to Lucario's words.

While contemplating, although his eyes were tightly closed, there seemed to be a bright map in front of him.

As the circles of blue ripples spread around, the surrounding environmental terrain gradually appeared in his mind, and the distance continued to expand.

However, everything in this map is blue, which is very strange.

"Is this the power of the waveguide.!?"

With a thought, it can even extend to more than ten meters, dozens of meters away.

Although it was difficult to see the small things, the general undulating structure of the surrounding mountains appeared in his mind.

Ash immediately had a great time, and because of his excitement, this "waveguide map" began to blur.

"Wait a minute, calm down!"

Ash immediately clings to his heart, and the waveguide map gradually solidifies.

This made him excited again, and the map was messed up again.

"Wait a minute, calm down!!"

The blue wave guide map began to solidify and stabilize in Xiaozhi's mind, and it continued to beat in an endless loop.
(End of this chapter)

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