He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1353 When will the wave rub the missile

Chapter 1353 When will the wave rub the missile

"This guy."

On the other side of Ash, Lucario's expression was somewhat ups and downs at the moment.

The waveguides of the two have been connected together, which allows Lucario to simultaneously perceive Ash's perception image.

Didn't expect him to be able to see the waveguide perception image within a radius of 10 meters within 50 minutes of his class? !

You must know that he also practiced for a week before he could successfully perform it and reach such a perception range.

At this moment, I am going to explore the tree of primordial. Lucario does not intend to teach Ash how profound the use of the power of the waveguide, but just wants to practice some superficial knowledge after the other party returns.

As a result, Xiao Zhi backhanded and completed the first stage of cultivation? !

"This guy has the potential to become the most powerful waveguide messenger"

Lucario's brows twitched slightly, but he took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

Well, at least he couldn't be seen looking surprised.

With a thought, Lucario mobilized his waveguide, a faint blue light covered the surface of his body, and even the black circle behind his head was suspended.

This made Ash, who was still playing tricks on his waveguide perception image, suddenly supported by something powerful.

It seemed that he was still practicing riding a bicycle in a panic, when suddenly someone supported the seat behind him, and all the images in his mind became stable.

call out.!

Not only that, but the area of ​​the image is constantly expanding outward.

It didn't stop until it covered a radius of 500 meters, and then gradually stopped and continued the trend of extension.

At this moment, Xiaozhi can even clearly see the Flower of Time growing on the bare hill 500 meters away. Even the spiral pattern on it can be seen clearly!
"This is the power of my waveguide, which can perceive everything within a range of 500 meters."

Lucario's telepathic voice sounded slowly.

The two's waveguides are connected to each other, which allows Lucario to not only stabilize Ash's waveguide perception image, but also share his own perception range.

Although his limit perception range should be 1000 meters, but after exceeding 500 meters, both accuracy and stability will start to vibrate and disorder, so let's not talk about it.

"Wow, that's amazing."

At this moment, Xiao Zhi only felt that the scene in his mind was extremely transparent.

This is a feeling as if you are omnipotent, immersed in it for a long time, and it is difficult to extricate yourself.
Soon, Lucario disconnected the power of the shared waveguide, and Ash also woke up from the dark blue image and opened his eyes again.

It was the first time that he personally manipulated the power of the waveguide, which made Ash even more forgettable about mastering this power.

"This is your stage two, um, stage one cultivation."

Stage 50, in fact, what Xiao Zhi has been able to do at this moment is to turn his waveguide power into a tentacle of perception, extending [-] meters around.

Lucario originally thought that it would take Ash at least a week to complete the achievement stage, but he did not expect it to be learned in seconds.

Then turn stage two into stage one.

Lucario was not completely at peace.

In their time, Aaron and Lucario were the most powerful waveguide messengers.

However, Yalang's precise control of the power of the waveguide is stronger, and he is stronger in the strength of the power of the waveguide, which belongs to the two blossoms.

"Next, you can continue to use the power of the waveguide to perceive the surrounding environment. First, expand your perception range as much as possible, at least 300 meters."

"The second point is to practice your perception accuracy, and be able to see the faintest details of the lines on objects at close range."

Lucario took out an ancient silver coin of Orudoran and bounced it into Ash's hand.

Instruct the latter to use the power of the waveguide, and count the number of pollen punctuations around the petal pattern above.

Even if humans look carefully with a magnifying glass, it takes a lot of effort.

"The strength and precision of the power of the waveguide are the two most important basic points for using the power of the waveguide."

Ash was amazed when he heard it, Lucario really has the talent to be a teacher!

It's outrageous to say that, with such a direct and simple practice method, how did the ancient sages of Orudolan sum up more than 60 dictionaries? !
"So, when can I rub the missiles?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Although the perception ability of the power of the waveguide is also very powerful, he is still more interested in rubbing energy bombs.


After Lucario was silent for a while, he slowly replied.

"When you use the power of the waveguide to guide the strength and precision well, you can enter the next stage of cultivation - applying the power of the waveguide to various practical scenarios."

For example, the telepathy he is using at the moment, or a higher-level mind-reading technique.

It is to improve the accuracy of its own waveguide power, and to use it for communication by detecting the waveguide that comes with the creature.

"Or project your own waveguide into the air to form a physical barrier for defense."

While speaking, Lucario slowly raised his palm.

With a thought, the power of the waveguide condenses in front of the palm.
The next moment, a light blue, translucent physical barrier appeared in front of him. "Wow!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes are bright, and he prefers this kind of visible and tangible to the spiritual metaphysics.

Extending his palm, before he could actually touch Lucario's palm, a thick little shield appeared.

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Xiao Zhi also raised his palm with his backhand, mobilizing the ripple energy like a stone falling into the water, trying to release it.

"Hmph, only after completing the first stage of cultivation can it be possible to substantively guide the power of the waveguide?!"

The next moment, looking at the small transparent shield faintly emerging from Ash's palm, Lucario's eyes suddenly widened.

For a while, he couldn't even speak normal human conversations, and instinctively called out a racial voice.

"How is that possible?! Lord Yalang said that it is absolutely impossible to project the entity when the waveguide messenger has not raised his perception range to the threshold of 300 meters!?"

Lucario felt like a dog in his heart.

He originally thought that it would take a week for Ash to guide the perception of the waveguide.

Then it will take another two months to improve the perception strength and accuracy.

Finally, the power of the waveguide is put into practical application, which takes almost a year of cultivation time. This is already compared to the original cultivation time of him as a genius!
In less than 10 minutes, Xiao Zhi directly projected a solid waveguide barrier.

"Master Aaron, didn't you say that I am the best genius you have ever handed in!?"

Lucario suddenly remembered what Aaron said when he rubbed his dog's head.

Is it a white lie?

Or did Lord Yalang only teach me one disciple?
(End of this chapter)

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