He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1361 Giant Ore Lifeform

Chapter 1361 Giant Ore Lifeform


However, Lucario's expression didn't change, he just gave Ash a questioning expression.

Now on this occasion, it is obvious that something very big is happening.

Another divine pillar giant raid, and this weird red bubble. But why do your nerves seem to be like nothing? !
"Nula, Nula~!!"

I was at a loss when I saw a tall Nura suddenly running from the direction of the cave when several people came. It was Kito's big Nura.

"By the way, where's Kito?!"

It was only then that Ash remembered that they turned out to be a trio.

"Nula, Nula!!"

Big Nura said anxiously, and the venom claws quickly gestured in front of him.


Although Ash couldn't understand it, Lucario was essentially a Pokémon. After a while, he understood what happened and told Ash with telepathy.

"The woman was absorbed and carried away by the sudden red bubbles."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was startled, the air bubble just now was going to eat people!
But why not eat Pikachu and only eat humans?

"Wait a minute, Director Lu, the red bubble you blew up just now, isn't there Miss Chito in it?"

Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke in horror.

This broken arm and broken leg were completely blown up!

Lucario: "."

He ignored Xiao Zhi's tricky brain circuit. Before, he didn't feel any waveguides of human existence in the bubble, so he was relieved to destroy it.

Lucario slowly walked to the side, half squatted down, and stroked the red bubbles that had burst with his palms.

It's just strange that it was still red mud before. At this moment, it has completely transformed into a gray-brown rock, which is integrated with the surrounding environment.

Raising his hand to touch, Lucario closed his eyes and felt the waveguide in it tightly.

Generally speaking, only the existence of existence has the feedback of the waveguide.


But with the continuous release of his waveguide power, he penetrated into this seemingly ordinary rock, connecting everything behind him all the way. He even felt a wave of waveguide feedback!
Not from this muddy rock, nor from the surrounding rock wall.
This waveguide is connected, as if this entire vast and towering mountain range? !

Lucario's expression was terrified, he retracted his palm subconsciously, and sat down on the ground with lingering fears.

It was just the moment when the power of the waveguide was connected, the amount of feedback information from the waveguide from the other party was too huge, and it almost engulfed his spirit and defeated it.

What the hell is this place? !
After calming down a little, Lucario stood up again and looked at Ash.

"This tree of the beginning of the world, I am afraid it is a whole living ore life form Xiaozhi, listen to me!"

Halfway through, seeing that Xiaozhi ignored him and was about to go over to subdue the Ice God Pillar and the Steel God Pillar, Lucario hurriedly gave a low voice.

This made Xiao Zhi can only temporarily give up angrily, and turned his head again.

You can do anything after subduing, but now is a critical time for danger!

"Wait a minute, Director Lu, what did you say, this mountain is alive?!"

It took a long time for Xiao Zhi to regain his senses, and it was unbelievable.

For example, Xiaogang's super-giant steel snake, or the legendary Groudon, Kyogre. This is already the most extreme life form he knows.

But this mountain, which has almost reached the kilometer level, is alive? !

"Well, maybe we have entered its body now."

Lucario guessed boldly and carefully, and the words were amazing.

With Xiaozhi's dazed expression, he looked around and told his speculations through telepathy.

If this whole mountain of giant trees is a complete life form, then they who entered the hinterland of the cave naturally also means that they have come to the body of this life form at this moment.

At this size, they're more like tiny bugs trespassing.

"We are outsiders. For any living body, we will instinctively drive away foreign objects that have entered our body, and even destroy them!"

"No wonder, the Three Gods Pillars before, and the red bubbles"

Xiao Zhi just reacted.

In that case, the Three Gods Pillars are actually expulsors. Does that mean they are the guardian giants of the tree of the beginning of the world?
And that group of red bubbles should be the existence of white blood cells in the blood, specializing in phagocytosis and elimination of viruses and bacteria?

But why only stare at him as a human attack?

And Chito, too, completely ignoring Big Nura?
After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi finally couldn't help but ask Lucario curiously:

"By the way, guide, you already knew the internal structure of the human body in your time, and bacteria and blood? It seems that the technology is very advanced!"

Lucario: "."

His expression changed in an instant.

I thought there was something wrong with Xiao Zhizhi, is this question important now? !
As for why only attacking humans and ignoring them
Lucario swept across the surrounding oasis environment. The green lawn grows with strange flowers and plants, and there is a crystal clear lake not far away, with a very spacious space.

Most importantly, there are many wild Pokémon living here.

"Wow, Cradle Lily, Scythe Helmet, and Fossil Pterodactyl!?"

Xiaozhi looked from a distance, and on the shore in the distance swayed the special products of the Fangyuan area, the very strange cradle lily, and other ancient Pokémon.

Even in the sky, there are several vigorous fossil pterosaurs passing by.
For a time, it seemed that I had really returned to the ancient world!
"I see."

This time, Xiao Zhi also fully understood.

There are a large number of Pokémon in the body of this initial tree, and it seems that they have lived and coexisted for countless years, and naturally they will not be judged as foreign invaders.

Humans, on the other hand, are different from Pokémon.

"Xiao Zhi, there might be some danger in the next journey, why don't you go outside and wait for me. I'll go to the deepest part alone."

Lucario spoke suddenly.

Lifting their heads, they had a wide field of vision, allowing them to see the edges of the surrounding rock walls, with stone platforms that were constantly winding upwards.

All the way up, you should be able to reach the deepest part of the tree of initiation.

"Let's go together. After all, Miss Chito was also swallowed up, and I must rescue her."

Ash shook his head, and now he can only secretly pray that this daring adventurer has not been digested.

And after knowing that this mountain range is a huge ore life form, this makes him more curious about the deepest secrets.

Thinking of this, Ash gave Lucario a confident smile, and faint blue ripples spread out between the raised palms.

"Don't underestimate me, after all, I am also a waveguide messenger now!"

(End of this chapter)

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