Chapter 1362
Next, Ash and Lucario continued on the road, along the surrounding rock walls that meander upwards, and gradually headed towards the depths of the tree of initiation.

As for Chito's big Nura, Ash made it temporarily back outside the cave and waited, saying that he would definitely find its trainer.



Walking along the edge of the rock wall, a few ancient fossilized pterosaurs swept across the sky from time to time, flapping their gray-brown rock wings, full of wild beauty.

"Hey, but it doesn't seem to be so aggressive."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but muttered, he also has a fossil pterosaur, which is a fossil pterosaur.

The first time he saw a fossil pterosaur, it was a bloodthirsty and irrational beast, as if it would bite and swallow one of his arms in the next second.

Ancient Pokémon had primitive blood in their bones, and they instinctively carried out bloody fights. It was not until modern Pokémon that this phenomenon gradually calmed down.

Although the current field is still dominated by the weak, there are very few scenes like blood spurting.

It seems that the relationship between this giant mountain makes the fossil Pokémon here live in peace, rather than instinctively killing each other.

Half an hour later, the two came to the threshold of a cave entrance.

Although the field of vision is wide, the light has become dimmed a lot. But at least the position of [-] meters is still barely visible.

There is also a hole a few hundred meters away, which seems to be the entrance to the depths.

The only thing that separates them is a bridge formed by stacking protruding slender crystals, and there is even a distance between each crystal, which requires them to take a very risky attempt to jump forward.

Below, there is a bottomless trough.
Unconsciously, they have reached a very exaggerated height.

"Come on, Lucario!"

Xiao Zhi was very courageous, chopped the crystal in front of him, found that it was thick enough, and went straight up.

He was not attacked for half an hour, but it made him relax a lot.

But now I have to speed up. Miss Chito will not be digested until half of her body is left in half an hour.

The cross-section of the crystal stone pillar is about 2 meters wide, but you don't need to be careful like walking a tightrope.

At the end, Lucario took the lead and jumped forward to the second crystal stone bridge.

Ash and Pikachu naturally follow the same example and have gone through so many adventures, so jumping tricks like this are not a big problem.

shhhhhh.! !
However, before he could relax for a long time, several familiar red bubbles suddenly floated from the rear.

He even changed his posture on the way. This time, the bubbles turned into the red ooze of a sickle helmet, a cradle lily, and a fossilized pterosaur.

Even the movements and attacks seem to have the characteristics of these ancient Pokémon, and they become more dangerous and dangerous.

"Get behind me.!"

Lucario immediately jumped in front of Ash, raised his hand badge, and was just about to release his waveguide power to smash these "white blood cells".

Rumble.! !
However, the next moment, the crystal under his feet suddenly began to vibrate violently, and then a rock monster broke out like a big drill and appeared directly in front of Lucario.

It was the Rock God Pillar that I saw outside the entrance of the cave before!
"What, here is."

Lucario was startled, and only then did he realize that the crystal under his feet was connected to the rock that also protruded and spread below.

Klang Da! !
This time, the Rock God Pillar had planned for a long time, and the moment he appeared on the stage, the strong and hard rock arm pinched Lucario's arm.

In contrast, Lucario's arms looked a little slender.


Struggling hard, for a while under the suppression of the rock god pillar, it was actually difficult to move.

And the red bubbles that turned into fossilized Pokémon also seized the opportunity and flew towards Ash immediately.

"Pika. Chupi!!"

Pikachu subconsciously swept out a strong iron tail, and didn't realize that his attack was completely ineffective until he penetrated. .


At this moment, Ash, who was completely alone, suddenly changed his expression.

The location of the crystal stone bridge here is too narrow, and under the circumstance that several bubbles are surrounded at the same time, there is simply no place for him to use his movements and dodge flexibly.
"Then try my waveguide power!"

Ash immediately raised his palm, closed his eyes like Lucario, and communicated and released the power of the waveguide hidden in his body.


It was just that the light blue light just flickered, and when it was too late to condense the defensive barrier, Xiao Zhi was directly swallowed by a red bubble in the shape of a cradle lily.

"Hey, don't talk about martial arts, wait for my moves to be released!"

Before Ash's words were spoken, the red bubble had already stuffed his whole body inside.
It's like a human being swallowed directly by the big eating peanut, and the scene looks a bit tragic.

After a while, it was completely silent.

Although this cradle lily is a translucent red bubble body, it is completely impossible to see any human appearance inside.

huh huh!
These groups of red bubbles also lost their attack targets and immediately moved towards a suspension.


Pikachu was in a hurry, jumping back and forth between the crystals in a hurry, and even showed the speed.
It's just that these few red bubbles have already been flying high, and in the blink of an eye, they have risen to a height that is unattainable by jumping alone.

Without the preliminary preparations, Pikachu couldn't even use the thundercloud line and chased away from the air.


In the end, it could only land on a crystal rock, looking up at the gradually receding bubbles.

"Xiaozhi. Damn!!"

This scene also made Lucario completely angry.

The steel beam that spewed out of the mouth instantly condensed and bombarded the front door of the Rock God Pillar at zero distance, and when it was about to explode, it went backwards.

The effect is outstanding!

Even after landing, Lucario rushed forward, and the bombardment of his fists flew out. He was overwhelmed like raindrops, and every blow could explode with a terrifying bombardment.

Close combat! !
This terrifying fighting-type big move even kicked the huge body of the Rock God Pillar directly from the high crystal, and crashed into the abyss below.

The effect is outstanding! !
Even the legendary Pokémon with high blood-skinned skin might have to lie down for several days before recovering from this blow.

Just wait until Lucario raised his head again and looked in the direction of the red bubble.
There is nothing in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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