He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1363: Telepathy

Chapter 1363: Telepathy

In the red bubbles that looked like cradle lilies that were gradually receding, Ash suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he was in a very metaphysical state. Through the translucent film, he could clearly see Pikachu and Lucario below, but the latter could not see him.

"Well, as expected of the guide Lu, the melee combat is very cool."

Seeing Lucario blasting the Rock God Pillar out, Ash couldn't help sighing.

After being completely engulfed by this red bubble, he did not completely lose consciousness.

Although he raised his palm just now, trying to create a barrier was a step slower. But he doesn't have the subtle control like Lucario.

Ash's waveguide power is released from the whole body.

This also resulted in that although the red bubble engulfed him, it did not make him completely unconscious.

But Xiao Zhi also couldn't struggle to get out, and couldn't even make a sound.

It was so stagnant in this state of being unable to go up and down that I let myself be taken away by the red bubbles.

As the bubbles continued to rise, Ash came to a closed vertical pipe, surrounded by a strange updraft.

call out.!

My own group of cradle lily bubbles, together with the countless surrounding bubbles, turned green in this pipe, and they rose rapidly, like some kind of transportation and kneeling track.

Until they came to a crystal stone room.

In the center stood a huge crystal, with something vaguely connected at the top, and the surface of the crystal flickered.

Just like the throbbing of the heart, it sends power to the connected pipeline, transporting these red, green bubbles, or strange-shaped beings.

"Is this the heart of the tree of primordial?"

Xiao Zhi exclaimed.

Not only that, when Ash came to this stone room, he also saw a cat-like Pokémon suspended in mid-air.


The pink body has a slender tail that is longer than the body, and the very flexible flying shuttle makes a crisp cry above this stone room.

"Is it a dream?!"

Xiao Zhi recognized the latter, it was the dream that Xiao Lan had been eager to find!

Although the color, body shape, and even the imposing personality are completely different, the shape of the head and the slender tail are very similar to the super dream boss.

"So the super dream boss was created by it.? By the way, the Howang just now was also transformed by it. It's an incredible creature."

Confined by the red bubbles, Ash said in amazement.

Big Blue's body is made from the crystals of the Variety Monster, but the Variety Monster is a low-profile dream, and can only be paired with ordinary Pokémon.

Teacher Zeng Gang even guessed that the dream is the top version of the ever-changing monster, which can even accommodate the shape of the omnipotent beast.

If there is any fantasy crystal, the body of the blue-blue boss is estimated to be very terrifying.

"By the way, I have to let Dream get me out!"

I heard Qiduo say before that Oludolan has a relationship between dreams and the tree of the beginning of the world. The latter should also have the ability to get rid of himself from the red bubble, right?

The power of his waveguide can pull his hips horizontally, and he doesn't dare to use force at all.

For fear of being connected to the red bubbles, my body will be blasted into mud.

"Dream, look here!!"

Following the guidance of the central heart crystal, Ash came to the sky above this stone room, trying to roar loudly to attract Dream's attention.


Dream really heard something faintly, looked around curiously, and blinked with small eyes.

However, he didn't wait for Ash to shout a second time.
call out! !

He has been transferred to another pipeline space by this heart crystal, and he is moving quickly in suspension.

Since it is the heart, it is naturally not a one-way input and it will also output.

The internal circulation formed between the veins and the arteries ensures that these red bubbles can flow to every corner of the entire tree of primordial. Lucario is right, this is really a complete life form.

By the time Xiao Zhi reacted, he had already come to the dark pipe.

And with the flow, the light is sometimes bright and sometimes dark, sometimes in a completely closed pipe, and sometimes directly to the outer area, you can see the plants and even Pokémon growing in the initial tree.

Completely with their own body, forming a unique ecosystem.

The flight path of the red bubble seems to be irregular, but it flows along a standard line.

Until 3 minutes later, Xiao Zhi was brought to the crystal atrium by the red bubbles again.

"Dream, look here!!"

This time, he exerted his strength in advance, pumped up his strength in the bubble, and performed a loud roar, trying to arouse the dream's attention.


The latter was obviously taken aback, and could hear a "humming" trembling sound, but it was obviously not a natural sound.

Is there going to be an earthquake? !

The small and exquisite dream suddenly panicked, and began to flow quickly in this atrium stone room, shuttling in front of the wall or the crystal standing on the ground, checking with a confused look.


And Ash entered the next cycle again, and was taken to a new place by the red bubble.

Trying to shout several times in a row didn't work, instead it made the dream suspicious, and the little face was a little panicked. This made Xiao Zhi dare not continue to shout indiscriminately.

If the dream directly becomes the wind king running away, this is really over.

I don't know if Lucario, Pikachu and the others can find this place, and now they can only save themselves.

"Use the power of waveguide to create telepathy!"

Xiaozhi had a clever move and had an idea.

Since this group of red bubbles cannot resist the power of the waveguide, the telepathy similar to Lucario's can naturally be smoothly introduced into the dream's heart.

It's just that he hasn't completed the second stage of cultivation, and he has to reach the third stage of telepathy.
"It doesn't matter, try it again!"

I can't move in the red bubbles, and I don't even need to cross my legs and close my eyes to meditate.

Ash relaxed his mind, and according to the method taught by Lucario, tried his best to mobilize the power of the waveguide in his body, and it spread like ripples in circles.

But Lucario didn't teach him how to use telepathy as a complete layman, and Ash's ideas were very simple and crude.

Concentrate your waveguide perception on the dream body, and then repeatedly emphasize the shouting in your heart.

How about the other party, they should be able to hear their own voices, right?


Every flicker of the central crystal is like a beating heart, taking Xiao Zhi to every corner of the World Tree.

And Xiaozhi also completely meditated and let go, constantly condensing and strengthening his waveguide perception.

When they reached the position of the crystal atrium, they were all condensed to one point, and they roared loudly in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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