He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1389 Add a million points

Chapter 1389 Add a million points
"Well, I remember that Mr. Damaranch also said that this time the inspector's responsibilities, I can fully decide."

As a passerby challenge or something, it is just a suggestion.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he had an idea in his heart.

What's the point of a bland gym battle, let's be bold!
Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi backhandedly took out the picture book and called Xiaogang who was in the black gold market.

There is a mountain tunnel between the Black Gold Market and the Celebration City, which is not too far away.

"Oh, Xiaozhi, are you almost at the Black Gold Market~? I'll be waiting for you at the Black Gold Gym right now~"

Soon, a familiar voice came from the other end of the book.

The Nibi Gym where Xiaogang came from, and the Black Gold Gym are both gyms that are good at rock properties. The former is being sent by his father to have a friendly conversation.

"Xiaogang, no one is eavesdropping on you right now, right?"

"Uh, I'm the only one at the moment. Mr. Piao Tai is working at the Black Gold Charcoal Pit."

Xiaogang answered suspiciously.

Piao Tai, of course, is the owner of the Black Gold Gym and the general person in charge of the Black Gold Charcoal Pit.

"Oh, I want to ask you one thing, and you have to pass the news to Mr. Lai Tai in a vague and accidental way."

Xiaogang on the other end of the phone was confused and didn't understand what riddle Xiaozhi was talking about.

But still listen patiently.

"Actually, it's very simple. It probably means that a very powerful inspector has come, and the masters of the gymnasium must fight very seriously during this period of time, and don't let water."

Ash didn't really plan to sneak in like a passerby challenger.

Well, let me know in advance.

Gym owners are generally connected. If one person knows about it, everyone else should also know about it, right?
"Then you add some rhetoric for me, a little more accent. And pretend it's just a gossip."

Wen Yan Xiaogang also fully understood, smiled and nodded.

Xiao Zhi has always liked to fight against powerful enemies, and he went to the door to monitor without a name, which was completely the same as an ordinary challenger.

"So it's just a little bit more rhetorical, right? Then leave it to me, and I will definitely give you a surprise."

Xiaogang on the other end patted his chest and assured.

"As expected of Teacher Gang, he is still so reliable. I will arrive at the black gold market in about 3 days. By the way, there is still a new person to introduce to you~!"

After saying that, Xiao Zhi hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Next, you can bring the grass seedling turtle, Mukeer, Leoru and the others to practice.

At the other end, in the Black Gold Gym in the Black Gold City.

After a busy day, Pea Tai came back. Seeing that Xiaogang was holding the phone with a thoughtful face, he asked curiously:

"What's the matter, Xiaogang, who did you call?"

This is a man in an absentee suit, about 20 years old.

He wears square glasses, looks Sven, and wears a mine helmet that he forgot to take off.

And Xiaogang thought about it in his heart, and after sorting out Xiaozhi's needs completely, he turned his head to look at Piaotai, posing a casual casual look.

"No, just now my teacher and I had a little chat with me."

"Is it Master Shiba? I wish I could have such a powerful teacher."

Piao Tai said with a bit of envy.

He had heard Xiaogang talk about the existence of Master Shiba before.

"Well, but there is some news, I don't know if I should tell you in advance."

At this time, Xiaogang's expression suddenly sank, and the look in Piao Tai's eyes also became hesitant.

This made Pea Tai even more curious, and it seemed that it was still related to him.

"But who said that this matter has something to do with Mr. Piao Tai? My teacher told me not to tell it. After all, this matter is still a secret."

Seeing this, Xiaogang's brows slightly relaxed, and he patted Piaotai's shoulder with a serious expression.

This made Piao Tai swallow subconsciously and listened in a daze.

"The general meaning is that an alliance inspector came from the Kanto region, and was personally assigned by Mr. Damaranch. The strength is difficult to predict, and even Mr. Du is difficult to contend with this existence, and he will come to the Shenao region soon. , and will challenge the eight gymnasiums in the Shenno area in turn."

"Once the gym owner is defeated in his hands, the gym will also face the punishment of a complete ban, and even the gym owner may be disqualified."

"And the first stop this monster will challenge, it is estimated that the Black Gold Gym will arrive within five days at most."

Wen Yan's expression changed instantly.

He had indeed heard that there was going to be an inspector in the Shenno region before, so he planned to be more formal during this time.

But this description is too outrageous, right? !

Once it fails, the gym will be closed down directly, and even the owner of the gym will be removed? !
Pea Tai looked directly at the squinting man in front of him, and it was difficult to judge the truth.

"Oh, this is what I said when I was chatting with the teacher casually, don't take it seriously, I'll just say it casually, haha"

Seeing this, Xiaogang made a backhand move to retreat, which directly dispelled Taipa's concerns.

"Yes, I heard before that the gym mechanism seems to be reformed, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly."

Scoop rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

So why the first stop is their Black Gold Gym?

Isn't it bad to go to the Binkai Gym? It is said that Mr. Denji over there has been rotten for a few months.

It's just a terrifying existence that even the champion can't compete with. That is to say, even if he does his best, he is absolutely impossible to defeat.

So the eight gymnasiums, weren't they all sealed?

"No, that means the assessment has another purpose!"

Piao Tai suddenly turned his eyes away and thought quickly.

After all, he is an inspector appointed by the Pokémon Alliance, not a villain.

So the real purpose is to let the gym owner use all his strength, and even squeeze their limit. As an invincible inspector, he can naturally resist it completely.

After seeing the pavilion owner's full effort, he will naturally be able to pass the customs smoothly.

"That is to say, the assessment is not at all to defeat the winner, but the attitude of the gym owner to go all out!"

Piao Tai's heart trembled, it seems that in the past few days, several Pokémon from the bottom of the box will be pulled out to practice.

By the way, I have to quickly pass this news to several other gym owners. The gym owners in the Shenao area have a good relationship and share the same hatred. There is even one gym owner who is his father.

Why don't you borrow some powerful Pokémon from your father?
"By the way, it is said that the trainer has an electric mouse on his shoulders."

Wen Yanpao was too excited to hold Xiaogang's palm, and soon returned to the no-man's place, contacting a few of his friends for a secret conversation.

When encountering a trainer with an electric rat, remember to go all out, and even give out 12 points of strength!

Xiaogang, who was still in the same place, shook his head until the scooter left in a hurry.

Well, he has already helped with this.

However, what Xiao Zhi said on the phone before was "one million points more", shouldn't it really be "a little more"?

I'm exaggerating a bit, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

That's right, with Xiaozhi's character, it's naturally impossible to just add "one" to himself!

(End of this chapter)

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