He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1390 Simple little questions

Chapter 1390 Simple little questions

At the other end, Xiaoguang, who was acting alone, naturally didn't know what big news Xiaozhi was doing, and was very devoted to looking for the clown employee in the city.

Although this is the most extensive city in the Shenno area, it is estimated that clowns should only appear in areas with high traffic.
"After all, this is a publicity event. You can't go to some remote place to promote it, right?"

Xiaoguang reasoned reasonably.

About 10 minutes later, I found the first clown in the downtown area very smoothly.

Wearing khaki fat clothes, lace bubble shorts and big boots, her blush face not only wears a fancy forked hat, but also has a red ball stuck to the tip of her nose.

There are also many children around, and they seem to be quite popular.

"Oh little girl, looking at the way you are holding the flyer, you must be the lucky one to come to the event~!"

Noticing the flyer in Xiaoguang's hand, the clown employee immediately ran up with a few steps and said with a smile:

"As long as you pass my test, you'll get a redemption ticket~! Collect three, and you can even get a surprise prize~!"

Hearing that, Xiaoguang subconsciously opened the scene, thinking it was going to be a Pokémon battle.


Bogaman also jumped in front of Xiaoguang, eager to try.

Just in time to warm up for tomorrow's gorgeous contest!

"Wait a second, the test I said is just to answer a simple little question, no battle is required~!"

However, the Joker suddenly interrupted, which made Pogaman fall on the spot.

"Okay, let's talk about it"

Seeing this, Xiaoguang could only hold his breath and listen intently.

If it's just a simple little problem, it shouldn't be a big problem
"Then listen carefully, the question is: Which of the following Pokémon must not be hit in the key under certain circumstances?"

"A. Coal Turtle. B. Protocap Turtle. C. Water Arrow Turtle. D. Earth Turtle. E. Groudon."

The clown spoke slowly and clearly, and even said more options very thoughtfully.

Xiaoguang: "???"

But this question made Xiaoguang completely bewildered.

Are you sure it's just a simple little problem? !
Not to mention knowing the answer, the options here, she only knows the water arrow turtle and the earth turtle, and she has never even heard of the other Pokémon.

There is also Groudon with the E option. Why are everyone else a turtle, but you are special?
"The answer is D"

Xiaoguang hesitated, after all, as a native of the Shenao area, the Tutai turtle is the final evolution of the sapling turtle, which is common sense.

Just yesterday, Xiaozhi's tortoise showed the characteristics of hard-shell armor, which seemed to be the effect of being unable to be hit, so the D option Xiaoguang can still be determined.

But the "several" on the subject.
Heck, is it still a multiple choice question? !
"You still have 30 seconds to make a choice~!"

The clown's voice made Xiaoguang panic in an instant, and her palms rubbed her head indiscriminately. She didn't have the slightest knowledge reserve in her mind!
Damn, if I could travel to a few areas like Ash did, I should know the answer, right? !

However, Groudon with the E option is very special. Although you don't know what the answer is, choose "DE"?

Seeing the time countdown, Xiaoguang can only bite the bullet and say:
"Well, I choose D"

It's just that the words hadn't been spoken yet. At this time, a calm voice suddenly sounded in Xiaoguang's mind.


This is a cold female voice, and the soft voice carries a sense of intellectual elegance, which makes people subconsciously feel a sense of trust.

"what sound?!"

Xiaoguang looked around in surprise, why did a voice suddenly appear in his mind?

Looking at the reactions of the people around me, it seems that only I heard it.

"The last 5 seconds, so what's your answer~?"

The hint of the clown in front of him also brought Xiaoguang back to his senses, and now he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

"My answer is AD!"

When the voice came out, the clown in front of him was obviously stunned.

This little girl who seems to be a complete novice actually answered correctly? !

How can it be? !
He was looking for a topic for the purpose of blocking the challenger!
Pokémon in many regions, involving fossils, characteristics, and even mythical beasts have come out. There are not many words, but to answer this question correctly, you need a lot of knowledge and experience!

This is definitely not something that the cute looking little sister in front of me can answer!

"Hehe, congratulations, you answered the first question correctly~! Next, please look for the other two clowns in the city~!"

Although he was thinking quickly in his heart, the clown still smiled and handed out a redemption ticket.

Seeing Xiaoguang take it in a daze, and leaving behind with Bogaman, the clown's expression was a little concentrated.

This time, the event is not as free as advertised. Simple topics are not simple at all.

After all, giving away a lot of Pokémon watches is a marketing strategy
Not sending a watch is also a strategy!
Using three super-difficult questions to beat all the challengers will naturally make more people come forward and try not to believe in evil!


The adult who can come up with this marketing strategy is indeed a marketing genius!

"Jie Jie, but the next two questions will be ten times more difficult than mine. Prepare yourself mentally, little girl~!"

The clown let out an evil laugh like the villain.

On the other side, Xiaoguang still hugged Bogaman cutely, looking for the second clown in the city.

It's just that the cold female voice in my mind just now, where did it come from?
Did you suddenly pass by with a good heart?

Before she could think of anything, she quickly found the second clown in the downtown area.

From a distance, after seeing the [Redemption Ticket 1] in Xiaoguang's hand, the clown's expression was a little surprised.

There have been so many challengers in the past few days, and there are probably hundreds of them, but so far only 3 people have passed the first question.

Xiaoguang is the fourth, and he looks so young?
"Little girl, next is my second test~ The topic is very simple~!"

The clown changed his face very professionally and greeted him with a smile.

At first glance, there was a lot of excitement, and there were many onlookers around.

But Xiaoguang didn't believe the word "simple" at all, and looked at the clown cautiously, waiting for the question.

"Listen, there are all kinds of tree fruits in our world, and they have all kinds of effects, flavors, uses. Now here's the problem!"

"What is the taste of a tree fruit that can resist grass-type attacks to a certain extent after being carried by Pokémon?"

The clown asked in a slow and clear voice.

(End of this chapter)

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