He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1405 Special Training

Chapter 1405 Special Training
"Not bad."

Xiaoguang struck down a set of smooth moves, which made Xiaozhi nodded again and again.

Even Fluent doesn't look like a first-combat trainer.

"As expected of the eldest lady, it seems that teaching really has a hand.!"

Xiao Zhi quickly guessed the reason.

It was naturally Xiaoguang himself who was directing on the stage, and that lively attitude couldn't be faked.
When Plantina used this body, Xiaoguang's temperament became cold and noble again, which were two completely different feelings.

Last night, Xiaoguang was doing special training in the yard. It seems that Plantina gave the former a special training for the black gold gym.

"Right now, Curly Rabbit, use Frozen Light!!"

On the arena, the Curly-eared Rabbit seized the opportunity, and a strong icy light hit Xiao Quanshi's face directly, and the winner was decided in one fell swoop.


After landing, the curly-eared rabbit even glared at Pikachu's position on the spectator seat.

"You're doing pretty well for a rookie trainer."

Piao Tai nodded, and while taking back the small fist stone, he sent the big rock snake that appeared on the scene yesterday.

"Big Rock Snake, use Sandstorm!!"

As the big rock snake turned its body, the dim yellow sand that spread out, accompanied by a violent storm, instantly engulfed the entire arena.

This made Xiaoguang, who saw the weather move for the first time, panic.

"Right now, Big Rock Snake, use the tie!"

The sharp weakening of the field of vision caused the Curly-eared Rabbit to look around in a panic.

Whoosh! !
Immediately after that, a huge figure broke through the sandstorm. Before it could react, the whole body of the curly-eared rabbit was tightly wrapped in the middle by the rock body of the big rock snake.

Even constantly tightening, squeezing the stamina of the curly-eared rabbit.

"Curl-eared rabbit, use frozen light!!"

However, most of the head of the curly-eared rabbit was entangled, and he couldn't even open his mouth, let alone spray out freezing light.

The only thing that could move was the pair of bunny ears.

"In that case, use the stun punch!!"

Xiaoguang continued to try to command the road.

The curly-eared rabbit worked hard to control its ears and hit it with all its strength.


However, the stun fist landed on the body of the big rock snake, and it didn't have much effect at all.

In the end, it was thrown out by the big rock snake, and its raised tail was like a heavy whip, completely knocking the curly-eared rabbit to the ground.

Whoosh! !
After the smoke and dust passed, the curly-eared rabbit had already rolled his eyes and fell into the ruins, unable to fight.

"Curl Rabbit"

"Next, we should let the curly-eared rabbit master some moves that use ears. For example, Frozen Fist."

Compared to Xiaoguang's stunned spirit, Plantina taught calmly.

If the Curly-eared Rabbit can master the Frozen Fist, the situation just now would be the best time to attack.

"I see."

Hearing that, Xiaoguang also froze, withdrew the Curly-eared Rabbit, and threw the second Pokémon again.

This is the Gym Challenge. The high-intensity battle makes the trainer have no time to regret the previous defeat, because the next battle will be fought with all his strength.

"Boga Boga~!!"

The red light was solid, and it was naturally her initial partner, Pogaman, who patted his chest proudly as soon as he appeared, without any fear of the huge big rock snake in front of him.

"Big Rock Snake, use Dragon's Breath!!"

"Pogaman, use the foam light!!"

At the beginning, the two chose long-range moves at the same time.

The cyan breath collided with countless dense bubbles, and the latter was actually stronger.


With a low drink from Bogaman, the foam light broke the dragon's breath and bombarded the big rock snake.

Boom boom boom! !
The effect is outstanding!

The big rock snake's special attack is purely a joke, and its strength is very tasteless.

"That being the case, Big Rock Snake, use Dangerous Charge!!"

Scoop is too straightforward to attack the road.

The next moment, the big rock snake flashed dazzling golden light all over its body and rushed towards the target, as if no one could stop it.

This big rock snake also has the characteristics of a hard head, which allows it to perform these self-mutilating moves at will without worrying about any retaliation.

In the face of this tank-like impact, Xiaoguang clenched her pink fist and suddenly said:

"Pogaman, use White Mist!!"


Bogaman took a deep breath, and then suddenly spewed out a thick white mist, directly surrounding the rushing big rock snake.

"Oh, you even mastered Bai Wu's moves?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, this move was originally used to cover himself, similar to the mysterious guardian, giving himself a buff state that "will not be weakened by the opponent".

But more people are willing to use the white fog to directly attack the target, confuse the opponent's vision, and use this to attack.

It seems that Xiaoguang's special training for Pogaman last night was to master this new move.

"Hoo, hoo!?"

The white fog was entangled, and this time it was the turn of the big rock snake to lose sight of it. It was rioting in the same place, and the menacing sacrifice and collision had no target at all.

"Right now, use the foam light!!"

But outside the white fog, the huge body of the big rock snake is faintly visible. Even Bogaman does not need to aim, and if he attacks in that direction, he can basically hit the target.

Whoosh bang bang bang! !
Countless dense foam rays exploded on the body of the big rock snake again!
The effect is outstanding!

Although the big rock snake has a rough and huge body, there are many scholars who have proposed the durability and sturdiness of the big rock snake, perhaps not as high as a green caterpillar.

After eating a few bubbles of light in a row, the big rock snake collapsed with a bang, making it impossible to fight completely.

"Great Pogaman, only the last one left~!"


Xiaoguang and Bogaman cheered cheerfully, and they were about to open champagne to celebrate.

"Don't get too excited, even if it's a simple gym challenge, the last one is the most critical challenge."

In her mind, Plantina said calmly.

In general 3v3 gym competitions, the first two Pokémon are more inclined to test the free ones, and the last gym owner will use some means.

Although Taipai seems to be shooting at the difficulty of challenging a novice, Xiaoguang is too happy now.

"Then the last one. Please, head-covered dragon!!"

With a toss of the palm of his hand, Goutai sent a small gray-blue dinosaur Pokémon.

Similar in shape to the previous warmaul dragon, they all have thick and robust lower limbs and short arms, and a hard blue hard shell grows on the top of their heads.

The skull dragon is the initial form of the warmaul dragon, and it is also a very famous fossil Pokémon in the Shenno area.

And the black gold mine next door produces not only coal but even Pokémon fossils from time to time!

(End of this chapter)

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