He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1406 Instant Kill

Chapter 1406 Instant Kill
"Pogaman, use the foam light!!"

The battle began, and in the face of this little dinosaur Pokémon, Bogaman burst into dense blue bubbles with all his strength.

In terms of attributes, it still has the upper hand.

"Headcap dragon, use the mind hammer!!"

However, the cephalophore on the other side didn't care at all, and the hind limbs slammed out, the blue hard shell on the top of the head rushed in front, and there were faint pink-purple ripples around it.

Buzz.! !
The constantly trembling thought force impact completely shattered countless bubbles of light.

Boom! !
In the end, a hammer slammed into Bogaman's chest, sending the latter directly into the air.

"Pogaman, use White Mist!!"

This blow almost knocked Bogaman unconscious, but in mid-air it still gritted its teeth to keep its mind, and suddenly spewed out a large cloud of hazy white mist.

Deng Deng Deng! !

However, this head-covered dragon's movements were quick, and it rushed out of the range of the white mist one step ahead of schedule, and it did not affect it.

The whole body has come to the lower area of ​​Bogaman.

"Use the Mind Hammer!!"

Deng! !

The next moment, the head dragon's sprinting action did not stop at all. When it sprinted directly under Bogaman, it immediately kicked the ground and changed its trajectory.

Buzz.! !
With the headbutt of the impact of the mind, he rushed straight into the air.

Boom! !
Once again, it slammed into Bogaman's chest without any hindrance, and then his head swung down, directly knocking the latter down to the ground.

Boom boom.! !
The strength of these two thought hammers was not light. After the smoke dissipated, Bogaman was half-supported on the ground with bruises all over his body.



Before Xiaoguang's worried words could be said, Bogaman resolutely stood up again, patted his chest, his expression full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

The next moment, an inexplicable water flow suddenly surged up from the petite body, which instantly covered the surface of Pogaman's body with a layer of dark blue light, and his momentum increased greatly.

"This is. Torrent feature?!"

Xiao Zhi, who was in the stands, immediately recognized this phenomenon, but he didn't expect that this was the first gym battle, and it would trigger the characteristics of this Yu Sanjia.

This Pogaman is really proud!
After listening to Plantina's explanation in his mind, Xiaoguang understood Bogaman's state at the moment, and his eyes turned firm.

"In that case, Pogaman, use the most powerful foam light!!"

She waved her finger forward and commanded.


Bogaman took a deep breath, and then a denser and huge bubble of light shot out, streaking through the air, several times more powerful.

"Head cover dragon, stop it!!"

However, the scoop on the other side didn't seem to choose to dodge?

The head-covered dragon stood on the spot, leaned down, and pushed the hard-shelled head forward.

Da da da.! !
The foam light in the state of the torrent continued to burst and explode at the position of its Tianling cover, causing the head of the dragon to retreat continuously, and its lower limbs drew a long mark on the ground. But in the end, it was forced down.

With a flick of his head, the head dragon broke through countless bubbles of light!
"How is that possible?! It's obviously such a powerful foam light, or is it a move with outstanding effects!?"

Xiaoguang looked shocked, completely unaware of what happened.

"Probably. Is it an exceptional feature?"

Plantina spoke uncertainly in her mind.

However, the unusual characteristics of the head cover dragon are generally aimed at the target because the characteristics are turned on, and the attack is directly ineffective. It should have no effect on the ability-enhancing characteristics of torrent, right?
Maybe it's the exception mechanism of this world, different from what she knows?
"Get rid of it, use a double-edged head hammer!!"

Seeing that Bogaman's previous blow had reached its final limit, Lai Tai immediately waved his fingers and shouted out the rock-type big move that this head dragon had recently mastered.

Boom boom boom.!!
In the next moment, as the head dragon sprinted, the whole body was instantly enveloped by the gray impact energy, turned into a blurred phantom, and rushed towards the target brazenly.

Although the size is much smaller than the double-edged head hammer of the previous Warmaul Dragon, it is equally terrifying in power.

Boom boom boom! !

It was simply impossible to resist, and at the moment of contact, Bogaman was smashed by the double-edged headbutt and flew out, making a huge explosion.

It flew all the way to the wall at the edge of the gym, and then slowly fell down.


The result was of course no suspense, and Pogaman couldn't fight.

As for Piao Tai's head-covered dragon, there was also a current of counter-injury on his body, and his hind legs were still digging the soil on the ground, looking like he was sprinting full of energy.

"I lost"

The two Pokémon were defeated, causing Xiaoguang's complexion to sank.

"Well done, if it's 2v2, you've already won."

Plantina was just so comforting, and then said softly:

"Then change me next."

As Xiaoguang reopened his eyes and raised his face again, his aura changed abruptly.

Pea Tai: "?!"

The appearance of the little girl on the opposite side has not changed, but why does it feel like the other person has changed?
That cool and noble temperament, and a little bit like the unique academic feeling of Dr. Pokémon.
There is even a feeling of being in a high position all year round.
This made Mrs. Tai don't know why, and instinctively lowered her head a little.

"Oh oh oh! Are you out, Miss~!"

In the audience, Xiao Zhi's eyes are shining, this is a great master!
"Is this an existence similar to Brother Chi, it's really unusual."

Xiaogang on the other side also looked solemn and did not dare to be careless.

Last night, he had heard that Xiaoguang also had a big guy on his body. He didn't expect this phenomenon to be passed on from person to person to the Shenao area.

Is there a possibility that one day in the future, a powerful "Xiaogang" will also appear on your body?

The last Pokémon sent by Plantina was a large "Pogaman" - Emperor Nabo!
This is obviously no longer a Pokémon that a novice trainer can control. The majestic emperor penguin exudes an aura that is even stronger than that of Shinji's Tutai turtle yesterday.

Piao Tai looked at Xiao Zhi sitting in the stands, and then looked at Emperor Nabo in front of him, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Never mind, head cover dragon, use the mind hammer!!"

But he still took a deep breath and took the initiative to attack.

Buzz! !

This head-covered dragon is also a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers, and immediately rushed out, with a thought force impact light on its head, and used a thought hammer.

However, the emperor Nabo didn't even use the steel wings to resist, but directly blocked the blow with his body.

The result was that the head dragon was directly bounced out.

(End of this chapter)

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