He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1416 Expired Treasure

Chapter 1416 Expired Treasure

Boom! !

The thundering move exploded, and it bombarded the Dragon King Scorpion at zero distance.

The thunder and lightning rose into the sky, and the violent impact directly blew the Dragon King Scorpion out, allowing Pikachu to land safely on the ground again.

"Awesome power."

The silver-haired woman's eyes were a little stunned. With one blow, her Dragon King Scorpion's hard carapace was covered with black marks, almost unable to support it.
"It's over, high voltage electric shock!!"

Xiao Zhi did not hesitate at all, and continued to attack.

It can be seen that neither this woman nor this Dragon King Scorpion is a simple opponent, and there is no need to show mercy.

"Pickup pickup.!!"

Pikachu rushed through the grass immediately, and in the process, his whole body was covered with violent thunder and lightning, turning into a majestic thunder and lightning shock wave.

"Hey, as expected of Pikachu, its strength is not inferior to the double-edged headbutt of that Warmaul Dragon!"

Seeing this, Xiaogang couldn't help but admire.

Even though he has been slashed, he still possesses such terrifying power.

When Pikachu regains his prime this time, what a terrifying realm of power will be reached
"Use the cross blade!!"

Although she was also stunned by the power of this high-voltage electric shock, the silver-haired woman responded succinctly.

The Dragon King Scorpion forcibly straightened up, his arms claws in front of him in a cross slashing gesture, and a purple cross poisonous blade was drawn! !
Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the high-voltage electric shock hit the cross poisonous blade frontally, and a deafening explosion sounded.

And the Dragon King Scorpion was also hit and flew out in an instant under the impact of this lightning.

The huge figure was continuously blasted and bombarded by the current, and then fell heavily to the ground, losing the ability to fight on the spot.


After landing, Pikachu handsomely flipped a somersault to the ground, dissipated the electric shock all over his body, and looked proud.

However, there is still a faint arc on the surface of the body. This is the anti-injury effect of the high-voltage electric shock.

Victory and defeat!

"How about it, my Pikachu is invincible!"

Seeing that the high-level Dragon King Scorpion had circled his eyes and fell behind with his whole body charred, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but say proudly.

Even his eyes fell on the body of the flying dragon in front of him, eager to try.

It just happened that there was no electricity for a long time, but it was possible to use this tyrannical dragon to give Pikachu a knife.

"Yes, your Pikachu is impeccable, the most powerful electric mouse I have ever seen"

After a few rounds, she was defeated. The corners of the woman's mouth raised, completely admiring Kui Bao's eyes, without concealing the fiery in her eyes.

"Such a Pikachu should be able to sell for a high price."

The appearance of the vase is cute, but the combat power is superior. In the circle of rich people, this Pokémon is an absolute hot commodity.

In front of those ladies who are keen on the appearance of Pokémon, it may even sell for a sky-high price!
Xiaozhi: "?!"

Satoshi, who was listening to the other's compliments with relish, suddenly felt a jolt, as if something was not right.

Sell ​​at a high price?

Wait a minute, the Rockets? !
"Then let it become my collection first."

Saying that, the silver-haired woman suddenly raised her palm, and a golden ray suddenly shot out from the mechanical device on her wrist.

The speed is so fast that Pikachu has no time to react, and there is still a retaliation effect caused by the high-voltage electric shock on his body.
However, in the next moment, Ash had already flown and landed in front of Pikachu, raising his palm to block the unknown ray.

I don't know what it is, but it looks very dangerous.

Is this woman the enemy? !
The eyes of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang and Xiaoguang next to him also became alert and serious in an instant.

"How is it possible that it didn't work?"

After putting on the scouting sunglasses again, seeing that the golden rays of light emitted by him dissipated in advance before they even touched Xiao Zhi's palm, the silver-haired woman looked surprised.

Her ray is a black technology ray specially developed for poaching and trading precious Pokémon!
As long as the target is a living creature, it can be directly locked and turned into an inanimate statue.

This allows for long-term and well-preserved storage, which can be unsealed when a suitable buyer is found.

Even for humans, it's the same.

"this person"

Taking off the profiler, she noticed that at this moment, the surface of Xiao Zhi's palm was faintly covered with a layer of light blue energy ripples.

The outward ripples in circles contain peculiar power, completely bouncing off his black technology rays and dissipating them.

"Xiao Zhi, has he mastered the use of the power of the waveguide?"

Xiaogang's eyes lit up, it seems that in the city of Oludolan, Xiaozhi has mastered a lot of new things.

"Is this the power of the waveguide?"

Xiaoguang was secretly amazed. He had heard Plantina say it before, but it was actually the first time he had seen it.

Human beings show superpowers, this is a completely unreal phenomenon for Xiaoguang!

This scene also made the silver-haired woman standing on Baofeilong show a look of amazement.

This time, he looked at Xiao Zhi again, and he looked at Pikachu like he was looking at Pikachu before, and he was also appreciating the treasure.

It's just that the market is no longer popular to buy and sell humans directly, and even for superhumans, there is no market.
In terms of price, it might be more cost-effective to sell a few Shanaido monsters.

Many rich human beings have strange hobbies towards these human-shaped Pokémon.

"Old Treasure".

This is the evaluation of the silver-haired woman to Ash.


Although he didn't know what the other side was thinking, the look in the other side's eyes made Xiao Zhi very disgusted.

It seems that he no longer regards everything in front of him as a human being or a Pokémon, but a piece of goods that can be clearly marked.

"So you're a Pokémon poacher?"

Xiaozhi's tone sank, and finally asked.

"Hmph, this Pikachu will stay with you temporarily. When I find a suitable buyer, I will come back to you."

The silver-haired woman didn't answer, but just left harsh words.

Then he glanced at the two fossil Pokémon statues next to him.

Due to the cancellation of the transaction, these two are not needed for the time being, so they are left here.


The Flying Dragon under him immediately fluttered his wings, jumped into the air, and was about to leave.

"Do you think I'll let you go? Pikachu, use Thunder!!"

Xiao Zhi was about to blast this arrogant one person and one dragon down and send it to Miss Junsha.

"Flying Dragon, destroy the death light!!"

However, it takes a period of time for the thunder to accumulate power, which allows the Flying Dragon to find an opportunity, raising its head and spewing down a dangerous destructive beam.

The move did not directly attack the few people in front of him, but landed on the ground in front of them!
(End of this chapter)

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