1417 Hunter J
Boom boom! !

The destructive death light suddenly exploded, and a thick smoke of sand and dust was suddenly provoked on the spot, obscuring the vision.

After the smoke and dust had completely dispersed and fell, the sky in front of everyone had already disappeared from the sky.

It just disappeared suddenly and strangely.

"How is that possible?! It's been less than 10 seconds, hasn't it?"

"No matter how fast the Flying Dragon is, you should still be able to see the shadow."

Xiaogang and Xiaoguang stared wide-eyed and looked around, and they staged a ghostly scene in broad daylight, which was somewhat infiltrating.

"She's still here and hasn't gone far."

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

At this moment, he has closed his eyes and raised his palms.

The power of the waveguide spread out from the palm of his hand in a circle, which allowed him to perceive the existence of everything around him.

At this moment, in the sky hundreds of meters away from everyone, it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

But if it is in the image of the waveguide, a huge aircraft carrier can be seen, slowly leaving here.

It seems that there is some transparent film on the surface, completely covering up the huge spaceship.

And after the woman drove the Flying Dragon and entered the airship, her figure was naturally completely hidden in an instant.

"Who is this guy?"

Xiao Zhi opened his eyes again, the distance was too far, it was difficult to continue chasing.

Is it a local evil force like the Ocean Team and Lava Team?
But the words of the Pikachu who were eyeing him.

Pikachu clenched his small fists, and the electric airbags flashed.

It has already decided to meet face-to-face next time, attack directly, and take down the Flying Dragon.

"Tsk tsk, with such a black-tech spaceship, our Rocket Team can only take out two at most, right?"

In the grass not far away, the Rocket trio who followed Ash and the others secretly raised their heads.

Although they didn't have Ash's waveguide power, they weren't obscured by the smoke that destroyed the Death Light.

I can clearly see the picture when the Tyrannosaurus entered the spaceship.

"Looks like an incredible local force."

"Is it even more evil than our Rockets? It's really annoying!"

"Hmph, but if the target is Pikachu, don't blame us for being rude meow!!"

Meow Cat's hands extended sharp claws, with a fierce expression.

This is their prey, and someone wants to cut off the beard.

"And it looks like there should be a lot of precious Pokémon on this guy's spaceship."

"Yes, find an opportunity to take this guy directly, and give it to Boss Sakagi as a trophy!"

Speaking of this, the three suddenly looked at each other and thought of something at the same time.

Yes, why do you have to work so hard to catch precious Pokémon?
There are always fools who do this kind of thing!

As a smart Rocket, what we have to do is to cut off fools like Hu and snatch their spoils!

"Okay! Change the combat strategy. Now our primary purpose is to investigate the intelligence of this group of people, and then steal all their treasure troves!!"

"As expected of meow! Always so trustworthy!"

"So let's pop some champagne to celebrate now?"

Kojiro has skillfully opened a bottle of champagne and said cheerfully.


The other two naturally did not refuse, took the goblet and collided lightly.

On the other side, the three of Xiaozhi were worried for a while, not knowing what to do with the two metal statues in front of them.

Looking at the posture just now, are these two statues still two specific living creatures?
Just how to get them back to their original appearance.?

Chu Chu Chu!
At this time, there was a sound of an engine on the road in the distance, but I saw a Miss Junsha driving a patrol car quickly approaching, and the tail raised dust all the way.

When she came to a few people and saw that the two statues were intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I was not taken away by that guy!"

Then, under the operation of Miss Junsha, she saw a supporting disc platform at the bottom of the statue.

There is also a scale button that can be toggled up and down, and Miss Junsha swipes down.



The head-covered dragon and the shield-armored dragon then untied the state of the metal statues, restored the appearance of ordinary Pokémon, and looked around suspiciously.

"So it's you who saved the head dragon and the shield dragon? Thank you so much!"

Miss Junsha bowed to the three of Xiaozhi.

After some exchanges, they realized that the two fossil Pokémon came from the black gold market.

It was forcibly taken away by poachers not long ago, and Miss Junsha is in charge of tracking it.

"So who is that silver-haired woman?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know the exact origin, but this woman uses "J" as her code name, accepts the commission of the unscrupulous rich, and illegally poachs precious Pokémon everywhere, and even the trainer's Pokémon will be directly robbed! "

Miss Junsha explained, her face dignified.

But the police have been following them for a long time, but they have never been able to arrest the woman, or even find any trace of the latter.

This person not only has a calm mind and judgment, but also has a high-level Pokémon to assist him, and even has a whole high-tech team behind him to assist him. He is completely lawless and powerful.

"In short, this is a very vicious criminal, cold-blooded and ruthless. Whether it is Pokemon or human life, it is nothing in her eyes. If you meet next time, you must be careful to avoid it."

After the last reminder, Miss Junsha left with the head-covered dragon and the shield-armored dragon.


Xiao Zhi secretly memorized the name.

Taking other people's Pokémon at will and selling them is sure that there are such evil characters in every region.

Next time you see it, destroy that entire spaceship!

On the other side, Hunter J, who rode the Flying Dragon, entered the spaceship.

Skillfully put away the Pokémon, took off the glasses, walked through a long and narrow metal corridor, and came directly to the main control room of the aircraft carrier in the air.

"Write it down, a very powerful Pikachu."

Sitting in the seat, J opened his mouth and said, the stern voice made the soldiers below dare not be careless, and quickly wrote it down carefully.

Hunter J's own air carrier doesn't have many collectibles. What she prefers is to accumulate intelligence.

In the underground black silk, provide a list of goods that you can provide.

Wait until a customer comes to the door to ask for it, and then go to catch the target in person.

Whether it's a wild or a trainer's Pokémon, as long as she's staring at it, it's doomed to be unable to escape.

After thinking for a while, Hunter J added another sentence.

"Add another item to the list. A human teenager who knows how to use super powers."

(End of this chapter)

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