He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1418 Huayuan Town

Chapter 1418 Huayuan Town

Huayuan Town, a town famous for its rich honey and ubiquitous flower sea.

Not only in the outskirts of the town, but even in the whole town, the roads and streets are filled with clusters of flowers, blooming and blooming, filled with a strong and pleasant fragrance.

"It's very similar to Luyin Town, it's a very peaceful and peaceful town."

Walking in the front, in the distance, Ash can still see a lot of wild Pokémon among the grass in the garden.

For example, the poisonous rose holding a two-color rose looks very cold and hides in the depths of the grass when it sees a few people passing by.

Above the flowers, many yellow-brown gentleman moths can be seen flying.

There are even quite a few Pokémon with translucent wings on both sides that are made up of three hexagonal honeycombs.

"Di. The three bees, with insect and flight attributes, can transform the collected nectar into sweetness, and will work diligently for the queen bee all their lives."

A reminder sound came from Xiaoguang's picture book, which sounded like a very hard-working Pokémon.

But after putting away the picture book, Xiaoguang's eyes gradually became hot.

The next gym should be the EMI gym, which is good at grass attributes.

And the three bees with insect + flying attributes are undoubtedly perfectly restrained Pokémon.

But her purpose is not the three bees but the queen bee!
Noble and gorgeous Pokémon, whether it is against a gym or a gorgeous contest, they are all good candidates.

Here's Plantina's advice for her new partner Pokémon.

"Is the evolution of the three bees? There are quite a lot of three bees here, and they should be easy to catch."

Xiao Zhi said casually, these three bees don't seem to have high combat effectiveness.

"No, only female triple bees can evolve into queen bees."

Xiaoguang shook his head and said, the three bees are an absolute matriarchal society, and the status of the male three bees is inferior to that of a wild dog.

But even Plantina doesn't know the specific sex ratio of the three bees in this world.
"Female three bees are very rare~!"

At this time, a sound came from behind the three of them.

But I saw a gentle woman with dark green hair, wearing a knitted sweater and a short skirt, in her early twenties.

Next to him was a rather cold-looking Rose Raido.

"Although there are three bees everywhere, few people have been able to capture a female three bees~"

Before Xiaoguang could say anything, Xiaogang next to him picked up a bunch of flowers from somewhere, and handed it to the green-haired woman on his knees.

"Beautiful lady, even the flowers in my hand don't have 1% of your charm, Xiaosheng has been completely uh!!!"

Before Xiaogang's words were finished, there was a sudden pain in the back court, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

However, seeing that the bad frog had already automatically exited the Poké Ball, he raised his hand to precisely hit Xiaogang's anorectal hole with a poisonous attack, which immediately made the latter's whole body numb and stiff, and fell to the spot.

This made the people around him stare blankly.

"How do you feel about this little Gang, what's so weird?"

Xiaoguang thought to himself, but it seems to be quite reliable in normal times, and he also cooks delicious food on the road.

"Hehe, let me introduce myself. My name is Xiaolei. I run a flower shop over there. You must be foreign travelers. If you don't mind, you can come to my house for a cup of tea~!"

The woman named Xiaolei invited with a smile.

Having just entered this town and didn't know much about it, Xiao Zhi and the others naturally did not refuse the invitation, so they followed Xiao Lei to a certain direction of the town.

Half an hour later, everyone had arrived at a florist's wooden house.

The scale is not too big, but the decoration is very warm, and the various flowers look very delicate and beautiful.

Xiaolei warmly invited a few people to take a seat and poured a cup of fragrant flower tea with the characteristics of Huayuan Town.


It was Xiaogang holding up the teacup, looking restless, as if there were some sharp nails on the chair under him.


Whenever he wanted to get up, although the bad frog next to him didn't stare at him, the poison sac on his face was shrinking and bulging regularly, but the stinger's palm would rise slightly.

Once Xiaogang makes a move, he will naturally score twice and the hole will expand.

"Oh~ So you want to participate in the gorgeous competition the day after tomorrow~! I have participated in several times before~!"

After hearing Xiaoguang's purpose, Xiaolei was pleasantly surprised.

However, when she traveled with Roseredo all the way, when she came to this small town, both of them were attracted by the environment here.

In the end, he stayed in this small town completely and opened a flower shop.

The gorgeous competition of the day after tomorrow has made Huayuan Town have many more tourists from other places recently.

"Do you know that our Huayuan Town was a barren area a long time ago. No plants could grow here. Even the vigorous weeds would wither."

The three of them looked at each other in disbelief.

Now in Huayuan Town, grass and flowers are blooming everywhere.

"Then the people here prayed to the gods of nature. Then overnight, the whole town was full of vitality, and even full of flowers."

Xiaolei spoke softly. She is not a local here, and she also heard from the residents here.

"It is said that what brought life to the town is a Pokémon called "Xemi", which has the magical ability to turn the barren land into a sea of ​​flowers."

Several people were amazed when they heard it, as if it was an incredible Pokémon.


Plantina, who was also eavesdropping, had a Pokémon figure of a green grass hedgehog in her mind.

I have seen it a few times, but Xie Mi is a Pokémon who loves freedom and nature, and she did not choose to accept it.

But if this land has been blessed by Shemi, it should be possible to find it nearby.
"But let's talk about the three bees. Xiaoguang, it is not easy to find the female three bees once among the countless three bees here."

Xiaolei opened the mouth and said that the female three bees are quite precious.

It's just that even in academia, there is still no way to distinguish.

You can only catch it by chance. If you are lucky, maybe your three bees will evolve into a queen bee if you keep them.

"No problem, I have a way~!"

Xiaoguang is full of confidence.

Plantina knows how to distinguish between female and male three bees, so she just needs to keep looking for new three bees to distinguish.

The day after tomorrow will be the day when the local gorgeous competition will be held, and there is still enough time.

After staying at the flower shop for a while, the three of them came to the local elf center to live.

It was still early, and after a while, Xiaoguang ran out with Bogaman, looking for a special female three bees.

(End of this chapter)

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